I PROMISE I will have that cd in the mail to you Monday.
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...
can anyone give me some wt quotes of what jws should and should not do with governments.. ie.
salute flag and supoort us constitution etc?.
I PROMISE I will have that cd in the mail to you Monday.
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...
sorry if this is a dumb question but i'd like to know.
are they like on the same level of say a priest, or more like a deacon.
jon's father is an elder and he's the biggest wack job i've ever seen so i can't see how they could have much authority in any church that was worth being a member of.. just wondering,.
Organized to Accomplish our Ministry beginning page 10:
Overseers to Shepherd the Flock
During his earthly ministry Jesus proved himself to be a Fine Shepherd.(John 10:11)
Peter wrote: “Therefore,…shepherd the flock og God in your care, not under compulsion, but willingly; neither for love of dishonest gain, but eagerly; neither as lording it over those who are God’s inheritance, but becoming examples to the flock.”—1 Peter 5:1-3
1 Tim 3:1-7; and Titus 1:5-9 state some more qualifications.
They would not be without sin. But they would be known in the congregation and in the community as being upright and God-fearing, men who had demonstrated over a period of time that they conduct their life entirely on the basis of God’s principles. Their blamelessness would give them feeeness of speech before others in the congregation.
Generally, men appointd as overseers are recommended for appointment by the local body of elders. This is done during regular visits of the circuit overseer. However, the Governing Body may appoint men who qualify to serve as overseers in any locality at any time. The Governing Body is not bound by the recommendations of any local group. Such recommendations serve merely as a guide and may ever be rejected for reasons well known to the Governing Body. Also, at times, the Governing Body may authorize certain representatives to make appointments of overseers.
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...
* http://watchtower.observer.org/ click on secret books, then pay attention to yourelves and all the flock all over the net.
Alternatively referred to as the "Fleece the Flock" book or the "Pay Attention or Else" book.
The Bible, wherein is found the foundation for a 'heavenly calling' existed long long before the Watchtower. (its claims notwithstanding)
A heavenly calling is a heavenly calling. Use it or lose it...and I mean the whole 'it'. Leaving the Watchtower gives those who have it, or think they do, a real life chance --some for the first time-- to do something with it.
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...
some have wondered about where i come from on the topic of faith.
and, as we all ponder our past jw religion, and the events of the day, i need to take some time to address matters of my faith, as i look for some answers.. when adam was created, god did not wait for adam to play a guessing game and start praying.
rather, god reached out to adam.
Funny thing: in the last couple of weeks I've been thinking about all those wasted 27 years of my life in and around this cult org called the Watchtower; prepearing to be depressed and inconsolable...
And then Along Comes Amazing---
with this comment: <"...Yes, it is all part of our individual road to discovery. maybe there is more to the notion that what counts is not so much the end result, but the journey along the way.">
So when it is put into words like this...those years weren't wasted...just a part of the journey. And I suppose it's up to me not to waste the next 27 years..
Thanks amazing!!!
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...
i cannot find the article about the accusation against wts means disfellowshipped!
thank you very much!
Where did you look dear? It's in the ORGANIZATION Book for crying out loud.
of course they call it 'uncleanness'
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...
from what i understand the wtbts is not affiliated with the un but the dpi (department of public information).
if i am right... you all are the morons.
if i am wrong the i am the moron.
pray more, go out in service and attend more meetings. It will make everything all better
why is nobody on this board listening to me...
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...
from what i understand the wtbts is not affiliated with the un but the dpi (department of public information).
if i am right... you all are the morons.
if i am wrong the i am the moron.
GOD I love this board.
Naeblis...I up my offer to 700.00 and you won't even have to ******, but only *********, and only ******times per week.
Oh...I'm not getting off topic or anything am I.. Soooooo sorry..
And finally...pray more, go out in service and attend more meetings. It will make everything all better.
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...
from what i understand the wtbts is not affiliated with the un but the dpi (department of public information).
if i am right... you all are the morons.
if i am wrong the i am the moron.
Victoria is dancing with Deeemunzzzzzzz
Was it as good for her as for you Naeb? *S*
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...
flash - major breaking!!!!!!!.
i just talked to paul hoeffel 1:35pm - he phoned me.. okay people.
i can now confirm that the watchtower has provided a letter in writing to dpi indicating that the wts has "disassociated" themselves from dpi - ie the wts has made it offical that they have quit.. i can also confirm that the wts has been updating dpi regularily as they are suppose to over the last 10 years.. i can also can say that something is in the works that i can disclose by hopeflly tomorrow.
<"But I don't see what the present anger is all about? OK, you were angry they were associated with the DPI/NGO, I can see that, and I have written and asked about that myself. But now they have disassociated themselves, is that wrong too? Is it wrong to be a member and not any more to be a member?
In my eyes, all what this shows is that it is not the top-downwards organization which you want it to be, but it is a bottom-upwards organization, a grassroots organization, because it is so very sensitive to what the membership and surroundings think, that it changes according to pressure. Is that wrong too? Is it wrong to change and not to change also?">
It is WRONG to knowingly send men women and children to their deaths with the strok of a pen or the push of a button. And then turn around and make a tremendous amount of money off of their dead bodies. Does 26 faces of children on the front of an AWAKE ring a bell?
I can already see OldHippe doesn't give a rat's ass about that...
How about this? These are MEN here...maybe you'll care now? 300 men sitting in jail cells because the Watchtower LIES to the UN and won't let them serve alternative service there. They threatened them with shunning if they did to my knowlege.
The Watchtower withdrew from the UN becasue of pressure YES...because they were caught LYING and NOBODY lies to the UnIted friggin' Nations.(re:alternative service, blood, voting, rape resistance).
1) Pray more
2) Go out in service more
3) Go to meetings more.
It will fix everything.
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...
from what i understand the wtbts is not affiliated with the un but the dpi (department of public information).
if i am right... you all are the morons.
if i am wrong the i am the moron.
<"Are "you all" morons OR am I the moron?">
You are the moron.
1) first of all, you have not told the whole story. You didn't mention the 'promote the causes and interests of the UN' when the WT has been saying for 80 years that its purpose has been to kill people.
Or are we dealing with that short-term memory that cult members are so famous for? you need to do the 80% research you haven't finished yet.
2) If it's no big deal, why did the WT withdraw from the UN when it's association became public? After 10 years?
3) If it's no big deal, why didn't they tell their people? For 10 years?
And finally...pray more, go out in service and attend more meetings. It will make everything all better.
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...
ediated for speeling as usial