all my heart to you...and please contact silentlambs!!!
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...
to who will listen:.
until yesterday, i did not even know that this discussion group or anything like it existed.
i really did not care.
all my heart to you...and please contact silentlambs!!!
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...
does anybody honestly think that all this exposure about the wtb&ts and the un really going to matter much in the jw community?
sure, it matters to us, since we already know the truth about the wt.
but it won't even make a dent in the jw population.
After some lengthy discussion in chat with nelly and celtic and moxy and explorer and others--sorry if I don't remember all your names---
the thought comes up that people really can't be classified in little 'boxes' like 'social' or doctirnal'.
For muself I am a 'social' JW...I don't fall for the line of crap, haven't for years. But that doesn't mean i disagree with EVERYTHING they say...but speaking just for me personally all the good I got from the JW's I could have gotten from ANY organized religion...without paying the high price of low self esteem and the whole brain-dead experience. And no shunning.
I think Joel has a very good point....increasing the standards of living for JW and especially women and children may not ever reflect in numbers for the Watchtower. In fact, if the org is FORCED to become gentler and kinder, numbers may actually INCREASE.
But we have to take our victories where we can get them.
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...
while surfing the net, i came upon this annoucement.. a seminar on biblical greek to be taught by dr. firpo carr!!!.
who wants to sign up?.
< http://www.stirinc.org/seminar.htm.
ROTFLM f----g AO
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...
my wife and i met with 3 elders for a "judicial hearing".. our crime: simply put, was talking.
i showed a friend the un website where the wts was listed as an ngo which then led to a 2 hour discussion of various doubts that we both have had.
my wife also showed a friend the un thing but also discussed with her a first hand account of a pedophile cover-up that we knew about in our former congregation.
(((willie and wife)))))
I'm so sorry for what is happening to you.
The Watchtower can be ASSOCIATED with the UN but JW's can't go to the UN website? WAAAAAA....?
I wonder how the Guardian would view this...
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...
does anybody honestly think that all this exposure about the wtb&ts and the un really going to matter much in the jw community?
sure, it matters to us, since we already know the truth about the wt.
but it won't even make a dent in the jw population.
That's a good point all of you are making. At my CO's visit last year, he specifically stated that approximately 10% of publishers are not turning in their time. Now why would someone go out in service, spend all that time and money, and NOT TURN IN THEIR TIME CONSISTENTLY?
So even tho a JW may 'stand by my org' that doesn't mean they won't do 'nothing'. Field service hours are down, litter-ature placements can be down (place English magazines in a highly Hispanic-speaking area for instance).
We know of many JW's who were elders/ms's and who 'stepped aside'. This kind of suffering in the org won't be told to us voluntarily. No doubt many pioneers have cut their hours as well. We just won't know. In the end the wT may just start either padding numbers or stop releasing figures altogether.
Something that really really worries me.....recently from the platform at my KH I am hearing that teh numbers of 'the anointed' are decresing, isn't this wonderful? No scriptures are offered in proff of this MIND YOU....but what scares me is, right on this board we have members who professed a 'heavenly hope' who were teh subjects of 'witch hunts'.
Has the org gotten so desparate to plaacate their members that they are systematically targeting partakers to get rid of them, to get those numbers down? And that does not even begin to deal with what happens when someone newly partakes in a congregation. We've all heard those stories.
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...
does anybody honestly think that all this exposure about the wtb&ts and the un really going to matter much in the jw community?
sure, it matters to us, since we already know the truth about the wt.
but it won't even make a dent in the jw population.
<"They may react with a spasm of heavy-handedness; that could well be their undoing">
I wondered and worried about that too. About whether this whole UN thing will spark another round of witch-hunting akin to that which occurred in Ray Franz's day.
Sometimes people literally don't survive these things.
A kinder gentler Watchtower---my a-s!!!
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...
while surfing the net, i came upon this annoucement.. a seminar on biblical greek to be taught by dr. firpo carr!!!.
who wants to sign up?.
< http://www.stirinc.org/seminar.htm.
And a Magnum Plaustrum Parum Animal Firmat to you too Maximus!!!
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...
Ediated for speeling as usuial
are child molesters calling at your door?.
do jehovah's witnesses approve, condone, and encourage accused, confessed, and convicted child molesters to call door to door on unknowing potential victims in the witnessing work?
the answer to the above questions is yes on both accounts.
I found this too...
* http://cantorlaw.lawoffice.com/
Thanks Silentlambs!!!!
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...
does anybody honestly think that all this exposure about the wtb&ts and the un really going to matter much in the jw community?
sure, it matters to us, since we already know the truth about the wt.
but it won't even make a dent in the jw population.
* http://www.viacorp.com/flybook/fulltext.html
* http://www.africanwildlife.org/Samples/dungbeet.html
Dungbeetle is from dungbeetle...at least on a conscious level (I hope)
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...
if so why then a private forum?
i like the idea of having private things kept private.
not that things are secret just private.
Cyber-terrorist? ROTFLMAO....
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...