Hi, Ernie16; welcome to the board.
And I think it is good to test out EVERYTHING, not just voices. Keep up the good work.
hello, i am new to this board, han have read only read a few of the post's, but i believe that 'any church that confesses that jesus came in the flesh is ok to go to', i know that some think that jesus is god, but i always think of the scripture ' no man has seen god at anytime', but alot of people seen jesus, theirfore jesus cannot be god, he is the son of god.
' i don't worry, i go buy my conscience and do things in moderation.
note: god himself does not test anyman, each man is tested buy his own desire.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Hi, Ernie16; welcome to the board.
And I think it is good to test out EVERYTHING, not just voices. Keep up the good work.
jehovahs blessing makes us rich.
the blessing of jehovah-that is what makes rich, and he adds no pain with it.
materialistic pursuits govern the lives of millions today.
“The blessing of Jehovah-that is what makes rich, and he adds no pain with it.” -PROVERBS 10:22.
MATERIALISTIC pursuits govern the lives of millions today. But do material things make them happy? "I can't remember a time when people have been so gloomy about their lot," says The Australian Women's Weekly. It adds: "It's a paradox. We're told that Australia is in excellent shape economically, that life has never been better.... Still pessimism is rife across the nation. Men and women alike sense that something is missing from their lives but aren't able to define what it is." How true the Scriptures are in pointing out that neither happiness nor life results from the things we possess! -Ecclesiastes 5:10; Luke 12:15.
2 The Bible teaches that the greatest happiness comes from God's blessing. In this regard, Proverbs 10:22 states: "The blessing of Jehovah-that is what makes rich, and he adds no pain with it." Pain often results from greedy acquisition of material riches. Fittingly, the apostle Paul warned: "Those who are determined to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and many senseless and hurtful desires, which plunge men into destruction and ruin. For the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things, and by reaching out for this love some have been led astray from the faith and have stabbed themselves all over with many pains."-1 Timothy 6:9,10.
3 0n the other hand, painless blessings overtake all who "keep listening to the voice of Jehovah." (Deuteronomy 28:2) Yet, some may ask, 'If no pain is added to Jehovah's blessing, why do many of God's servants suffer?' The Bible reveals that our trials are permitted by God but actually originate with Satan, his wicked system, and our own imperfect nature. (Genesis 6:S; Deuteronomy 32:4, 5; John 15:19; James 1:14, 15) Jehovah is the source of "every good gift and every perfect present." (James 1: 17) Hence, his blessings never cause pain. Let us therefore consider some of God's perfect presents.
God's Word-A Priceless Gift
4 Regarding "the time of the end," Daniel's prophecy states: "The true knowledge will become abundant." However, this was qualified by the words: "No wicked ones at all will understand; but the ones having insight will understand." (Daniel 12:4, 1O) Imagine that! God's Word-prophecy in particular-is expressed with such divine wisdom that the wicked cannot get the real sense of it, though Jehovah's people do. "I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth," prayed God's Son, "because you have carefully hidden these things from wise and intellectual ones, and have revealed them to babes." (Luke 10:21) What a blessing it is to have the priceless gift of God's written Word, the Bible, and to be among those to whom Jehovah has granted spiritual insight!-1 Corinthians 1:21, 27,28; 2:14, 15.
5 We would have no spiritual insight at all were it not for "the wisdom from above." (James 3:17) Wisdom is the ability to use knowledge and understanding to solve problems, avoid or avert dangers, achieve goals, or provide sound counsel. How do we obtain godly wisdom? Proverbs 2:6 states: "Jehovah himself gives wisdom; out of his mouth there are knowledge and discernment." Yes, Jehovah will bless us with wisdom if we persist in praying for it, even as he gave King Solomon "a wise and understanding heart." (1 Kings 3:11,12; James 1:5-8) To gain wisdom, we must also keep listening to Jehovah by regularly studying and applying his Word.
6 Prime examples of godly wisdom are found in the Bible's laws and principles. These benefit us in every way-physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The psalmist fittingly sang: "The law of Jehovah is perfect, bringing back the soul. The reminder of Jehovah is trustworthy, making the inexperienced one wise. The orders from Jehovah are upright, causing the heart to rejoice; the commandment of Jehovah is clean, making the eyes shine. The fear of Jehovah is pure, standing forever. The judicial decisions of Jehovah are true; they have proved altogether righteous. They are more to be desired than gold, yes, than much refined gold." -Psalm 19:7-10; 119:72.
7 On the other hand, those who disregard God's righteous standards do not find the happiness and freedom they seek. Sooner or later, they discover that God is not one to be mocked, for a person will reap what he sows. (Galatians 6:7) Millions who disregard Bible principles are reaping such tragic consequences as unwanted pregnancies, loathsome diseases, or debilitating addictions. Unless they repentantly change their course in life, their path will ultimately lead them to death and perhaps destruction at God's hand.-Matthew 7-13,14.
8 However, those who love God's Word and apply it will be overtaken with rich blessings now and in the future. They rightly feel liberated by God's law, are truly happy, and keenly await the time when they will be set free from sin and its deadly effects. (Romans 8:20, 21; James 1:25) This hope is sure because it rests on God's most loving gift to mankind-the ransom sacrifice of his onlybegotten Son, Jesus Christ. (Matthew 20:28; John 3:16; Romans 6:23) Such a superlative gift confirms the depth of God's love for humankind and guarantees endless blessings for all who keep on listening to Jehovah.-Romans8:32.
Grateful for the Gift of Holy Spirit
9 Another loving gift of God for which we should be grateful is his holy spirit. On the day of Pentecost 33 C.E., the apostle Peter urged the multitude present in Jerusalem: "Repent, and let each one of you be baptized in. the name of Jesus Christ for forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the free gift of the holy spirit." (Acts 2:38) Today, Jehovah gives holy spirit to his dedicated servants who pray for it and who want to do his will. (Luke 11:9-13) In ancient times, this most potent force in the universe-God's holy spirit, or active force-empowered men and women of faith, including the early Christians. (Zechari4h 4:6; Acts 4:31) It can do the same for us, even though we may face formidable obstacles or challenges as Jehovah's people.-Joel 2:28,29.
10 Consider the example of Laurel, who was stricken with polio and lived in an iron lung for 37 years.* In spite of her extremely trying
circumstances, she served God zealously until her death. Over the years, Jehovah's rich blessing overtook Laurel. For instance, she was
able to help some 17 individuals to come to an accurate knowledge of Bible truth, even though she was confined to her machine 24 hours a
day! Her situation calls to mind the apostle Paul's words: "When I am weak, then I am powerful." 2 Corinthians 12:10) Yes, any success we might have in preaching the good news stems, not from our own ability and power, but from God's help by holy spirit, which he gives to those who keep on listening to his voice.-Isaiah40:29-31.
11 If we obediently listen to God, his spirit produces in us the qualities of love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, and self-control. (Galatians 5:22, 23)This "fruitage of the spirit" is part of "the new personality" that Christians put on in place of any rapacious, beastlike traits they may formerly have displayed. (Ephesians 4:20-24; Isaiah 11:6-9) Of great importance in this fruitage is love, "a perfect bond of union. "-Colossians 3:14.
Christian Love-A Gift to Cherish
12 Christian love is another blessed gift from Jehovah-one that we rightly cherish. It is governed by principle, but it is so rich in affection that it draws believers closer together than even fleshly ties can. (John I5: 12, 13;1 Peter 1:22) For example, consider Tabitha, a fine Christian woman of the first century. "She abounded in good deeds and gifts of mercy," especially in behalf of the widows in the congregation. (Acts 9:36) These women may have had fleshly relatives, but Tabitha wanted to do what she could to help and encourage them. (I John 3:18) What a fine example Tabitha set! Brotherly love moved Prisca and Aquila to 'risk their own necks' for Paul. Love also motivated Epaphras, Luke, Onesiphorus, and others to help the apostle while he was imprisoned in Rome. (Romans 16:3, 4; 2 Timothy 1: 16; 4: 11; Philemon 23, 24) Yes,Christians of that sort today 'have love among themselves/ a blessed gift from God that identifies them as Jesus' true disciples.-John 13:34, 35.
13 Do you cherish the love manifested in the Christian congregation? Are you grateful for our spiritual brotherhood, which circles the globe? These too are blessed and enriching gifts from above. How can we show that we value them? By rendering sacred service to God, by sharing in Christian meetings, and by displaying love and the other fruits of God's spirit.-Philippians 1:9; Hebrews 10:24, 25.
"Gifts in Men"
14 Christian men who desire to serve their fellow worshipers as elders or ministerial servants have a fine goal. (I Timothy 3:1, 8) To qualify for these privileges, a brother must be a spiritual man, well-versed in the Scriptures and zealous in the field ministry. (Acts 18:24;1 Timothy 4:15; 2 Timothy 4:5) He must display humility, modesty, and patience, for divine blessings do not overtake presumptuous, proud, and ambitious people. (Proverbs 11:2; Hebrews 6:15; 3 John 9, 10) If married, he would have to be a loving family head capable of presiding well over his entire household. (I Timothy 3:4, 5, 12) Because he values spiritual riches, such a man invites Jehovah's blessing.-Matthew 6:19-21.
15 When those serving as elders in the congregation exert themselves as evangelizers, shepherds, and teachers, they give us sound reasons to appreciate such "'gifts in men." (Ephesians 4:8, 11) Those who benefit from their loving service may not always express their appreciation, but Jehovah sees all that faithful elders do. He will not forget the love they show for his name by ministering to his people.- I Timothy 5:17;
Hebrews 6:10.
16 Consider the case of one hard-working elder who visited a Christian girl about to have brain surgery. "He was so kind, so supportive, so caring," wrote a family friend. "He asked permission to pray to Jehovah with us. As he prayed, the father [not one of Jehovah's Witnesses] sobbed, and tears fell from the eyes of everyone in the hospital room. How tender that elder's prayer was, and how loving of Jehovah to send him at just such a time!" Another Witness patient said of the elders who visited her: "When they came toward my bed in the intensive care unit, I knew that no matter what happened from that point on, I could bear it. I became strong and peaceful." Could anyone buy such loving concern? Never! It is a gift from God, made available through the Christian congregation.-Isaiah 32:1, 2
The Gift of the Field Ministry
17 No greater honor could be bestowed on any human than that of serving Jehovah, the Most High. (Isaiah 43: 10; 2 Corinthians 4:7; 1 Peter 2:9) Nevertheless, the privilege of sharing in the public ministry is open to all-young and old, male and female-who have a genuine desire to serve God. Do you make use of this precious gift? Some may hold back because they feel inadequate, but remember that Jehovah gives holy spirit to those serving him, and it makes up for any lack we may have.-Jeremiah 1:6-8; 20: 11.
18 Jehovah has entrusted the Kingdom preaching work to his humble servants, not to individuals who tend to be proud and to rely on their own abilities. (1 Corinthians 1:20, 26-29) Humble, modest people acknowledge their limitations and depend on God's help. as they engage in the field mimistry. They also appreciate the spiritual assistance he provides through "the faithful steward." -Luke 12:42-44; Proverbs 22:4.
Happy Family Life-A Fine Gift
19 Marriage and a happy family life are gifts from God. (Ruth 1:9; Ephesians 3:14,15) Children too are a precious "inheritance from Jehovah," bringing joy to parents who successfully instill godly qualities in them. (Psalm 127:3) If you are a parent, keep listening to Jehovah's voice by training your little ones according to his Word. Those who do so are sure to experience Jehovah's support and rich blessing.-Proverbs 3:5, 6; 22:6; Ephesians 6:1-4.
20 Despite the conscientious efforts of godly parents, perhaps certain ones of their children choose to turn away from true worship when they get older. (Genesis 26:34, 35) This can be emotionally devastating to parents. (Proverbs 17.21, 25) Instead of giving up all hope, however, it may be helpful for them to remember Jesus' illustration of the prodigal son. Although that son left home and pursued a wayward course, he later returned to the house of his father, who received him in a joyful and loving manner. (Luke 15:11-32) Whatever may happen, faithful Christian parents can be assured of Jehovah's understanding, his loving concern, and his unfailing support.-Psalm 145:14.
21 Let each of us, then, determine what is truly important in our life. Are we avidly pursuing material abundance, which rnay bring pain to'us and to our families? Or'are we pursuing the 'good gifts and perfect presents' that come from "the Father of the celestial lights"? (James 1: 17) Satan, "the father of the lie," wants us to toil for material wealth and to lose out on both happiness and life. (John8:44; Luke 12:15) Jehovah, though, has our very best interests at heart. (Isaiah 48:17, 18) So, then, let us keep on listening to our loving heavenly Father and always "take exquisite delight" in him. (Psalm 37:4) If we pursue such a course. Jehovah's priceless gifts and abundant blessing will make us rich -and that without a hint of pain.
*See Awake!, January 22, 1993, pages 18-21.
Do You Recall?
Where can the greatest happiness be found?
What are some of the gifts that Jehovah gives to his people?
Why is the field ministry a gift?
What can parents do to gain God's blessing as they raise their children
1, 2. Why is happiness not associated with material wealth?
3. Why do God's servants experience trials?
4. What blessing and priceless gift do Jehovah's people enjoy during this "time of the end"?
5. What is wisdom, and how can we obtain it?
6. Why is it the course of wisdom to apply God's laws and principles in our life?
7. What results from disregarding God's righteous standards?
8. Why are lovers of God's Word happy?
9, 10. How do we benefit from Jehovah's gift of holy spirit? Give an example.
11. What qualities does God's spirit produce in those who put on "the new personality"?
12. How did Tabitha and other first-century Christians demonstrate love?
13. How can we show that we deeply appreciate our Christian brotherhood?
14. What is required of a Christian if he is to serve as an elder or a ministerial servant?
15, 16. Who prove to be "gifts in men"? Give examples.
17,18 What gift of service has Jehovah made available to all his people? (b) What help has God provided so that we can accomplish
our ministry?
19. What factors lead to success in raising children?
20. What may be helpful to parents whose children turn away from true worship?
21. To whom should we listen, and why?
will such blessings overtake you?
(deuteronomy 28:36; 2 kings 17:22, 23; 2 chronicles 36:17-20) did god's people learn from such suffering that divine blessings overtake only those who keep listening to jehovah?
... set your heart upon your ways.
"All these blessings must come upon you and overtake you, because you keep listening to the voice of Jehovah your God." -DEUTERONOMY 28:2.
NEAR the end of their 40-year trek in the wilderness, the Israelites were encamped on the Plains of Moab. The Promised Land lay before them. Moses now wrote the book of Deuteronomy, which includes a series of blessings and maledictions, or curses. If the people of Israel were to "keep listening to the voice of Jehovah" by obeying him, blessings would "overtake” them. Jehovah loved them as his "special property” and wanted to show his strength in their behalf. But if they did not keep listening to him, maledictions,would just as surely overtake them.-Deuteronomy 8:10-14; 26:18; 28:2, 15.
2 The Hebrew verb rendered “keep listening" at Deuteronomy 28:2 denotes continuous action. Jehovah's people must not simply listen to
him occasionally; they must keep listening as a way of life. Only then will divine blessings overtake them. The Hebrew verb translated "overtake” has been identified as a hunting term most often meaning "to catch up with” or "to reach."
3 The Israelite leader Joshua chose to listen to Jehovah and therefore experienced blessings. Joshua said: "Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve ... As for me and my household, we shall serve Jehovah.” At that, the people replied: "it is unthinkable, on our part, to leave Jehovah so as to serve other gods." (Joshua 24:15, 16) Because of Joshua's fine attitude, he was among the few of his generation privileged to enter the Promised Land. Today, we stand on the threshold of a vastly superior Promised Land-a paradise earth in which blessings far richer than those of Joshua's day await all who have God's approval. Will such blessings overtake you? They wiII if you keep listening to Jehovah. lb help strengthen your resolve to do so, consider the national history of ancient Israel as well as instructive individual examples.-Romans 15:4.
Blessing or Malediction?
4 During most of King Solomon's reign, the Israelites received extraordinary blessings from Jehovah. They enjoyed security and good
things in abundance.(1 Kings 4:25) Solomon's wealth became legendary, though he had not asked God for material riches. Instead, while still young and inexperienced, he had prayed for an obedient heart-a request that Jehovah granted by blessing him with wisdom and
understanding. This enabled Solomon to judge the people properly, discerning between good and bad. Although God also gave him wealth
and glory, as a young man, Solomon appreciated the excelling value of spiritual riches. (I Kings 3:9-13) Whether we have much in a material
way or not, how thankful we can be if we enjoyJehovah's blessing and are spiritually rich!
5 The Israelites failed to show appreciation for Jehovah's blessing. Because they did not keep on listening to him, foretold maledictions
overtook them. This resulted in conquest by their enemies and exile for the inhabitants of Israel and Judah. (Deuteronomy 28:36; 2 Kings 17:22, 23; 2 Chronicles 36:17-20) Did God's people learn from such suffering that divine blessings overtake only those who keep listening to Jehovah? The Jewish remnant who returned to their homeland in 537 B.C.E. had the opportunity to demonstrate whether they had acquired "a heart of wisdom" and now saw the need to keep listening to God.-Psalm 90:12.
6 The repatriated Jews set up an altar and began work on the temple in Jerusalem. But when powerful opposition arose, their zeal began to flag and construction stopped. (Ezra3:1-3, 10; 4:14, 23, 24) They also started to give priority to personal comforts. Hence, God sent the prophets Haggai and Zechariah to rekindle his people's zeal for true worship. Through Haggai, Jehovah said: "Is it the time for you yourselves to dwell in your paneled houses, while this house [of worship] is waste? ... Set your heart upon your ways. You have sown much seed, but there is a bringing of little in. There is an eating, but it is not to satisfaction.... And he that is hiring himself out is hiring himself out for a bag having holes." (Haggai 1:4-6) Sacrificing spiritual interests in the pursuit of material advantages does not result in Jehovah's blessing.-Luke12:15-21.
7 Consumed by daily concerns, the Jews had forgotten that divine blessings in the form of rain and fruitful seasons would overtake them only if they endured in a course of obedience to God, even in the face of opposition. (Haggai 1:9-11) How fitting, then, the exhortation: "Set your heart upon your ways"! (Haggai 1:7) In effect, Jehovah was telling them: 'Think! See the connection between your futile labor in the fields and the desolate state of my house of worship.' The inspired words of Jehovah's prophets finally reached the hearts of their listeners, for the people resumed work on the temple, completing it in 515 B.C.E.
8 Later, in the days of the prophet Malachi, the Jews again began to vacillate spiritually, even presenting unacceptable sacrifices to God. (Malachi 1:6-8) Thus, Jehovah exhorted them to bring the tenth parts of their produce into his storehouse and to test him out to see whether he would not open to them the floodgates of the heavens and actually empty out upon them a blessing until there was no more want. (Malachi 3:10) How foolish the Jews were to toil for the very things God would give them abundantly if only they would keep listening to his voice!-2 Chronicles 3 1: 10.
9 In addition to presenting Israel's national history, the Bible chronicles the lives of many individuals who received divine blessings or maledictions, depending on whether they kept listening to Jehovah or not. Let us see what we can learn from three of them-Boaz, Nabal, and Hannah. In this regard, you may wish to read the book of Ruth as well as I Samuel 1:1-2:21 and 1 Samuel 25:2-42.
Boaz Listened to God
10 Although Boaz and Nabal were not contemporaries, they had certain things in common. For instance, both men lived in the land of Judah. They were wealthy landowners, and both had a special opportunity to display loving-kindness toward someone in need. But there the similarities end.
11 Boaz lived during the era of Israel's judges. He treated others with respect, and his harvesters had high regard for him. (Ruth 2:4) In obedience to the Law, Boaz made sure that in his field, gleanings were left for the afflicted and poor. (Leviticus 19:9, 10) What did Boaz do when he learned about Ruth aid Naomi and saw Ruth's diligence in providing for her elderly mother-in-law? He gave Ruth special consideration and commanded his men to let her glean in his field. By his words and loving deeds, Boaz revealed that he was a spiritual man who listened to Jehovah. He therefore received God's favor and blessing.-Leviticus 19:18; Ruth 2:5-16.
12 The most outstanding evidence that Boaz kept listening to Jehovah was the unselfish way in which he acted on God's law of repurchase.
Boaz did all he could to ensure that the inheritanceof his relative-Naomi's late husband, Elimelech-would remain in Elimelech's family. Through "brother-inlaw marriage,” a widow was to marry her deceased husband's next of kin so that a son born to them might carry on the inheritance. (Deuteronomy 25:5-10; Leviticus 25:47-49) Ruth presented herself for marriage in the place of Naomi, who was beyond the age of childbearing. After a closer relative of Elimelech declined to help Naomi, Boaz took Ruth as his wife. Their son Obed was viewed as Naomi's offspring and the legal heir of Elimelech. -Ruth 2:19,20; 4:1, 6,9,13-16.
13 Rich blessings overtook Boaz because of his unselfish compliance with God's law. Through their son Obed, he and Ruth were blessed with the privilege of becoming ancestors of Jesus Christ. (Ruth 2:12; 4:13, 21, 22; Matthew 1:1, 5, 6) From the unselfish deeds of Boaz, we
learn that blessings overtake those who show love for others and act in harmony with God's requirements.
Nabal Did Not Listen
14 In contrast with Boaz, Nabal failed to listen to Jehovah. He violated God's law: "You must love your fellow as yourself.” (Leviticus 19:18) Nabal was not a spiritual man; he was "harsh and bad” in his practices." Even his own men viewed him as "a good-for-nothing fellow." Fittingly, his name, Nabal, means "senseless," or "stupid." (1 Samuel 25:3,17,25) So how would Nabal respond when he had an opportunity to show kindness to someone in need-David, the anointed of Jehovah?-1 Samuel 16:13.
15 When encamped in the vicinity of Nabal's flocks, David and his men, without asking for any payment, furnished protection from marauding bands. "A wall was what they proved to be around us both by night and by day," said one of Nabal's shepherds. When David's messengers asked for some food, however, Nabal "screamed rebukes at them” and sent them away empty-handed. (1 Samuel 25-2-16) Nabal's wife, Abigail, promptly took provisions to David. Hot with anger, David had been about to exterminate Nabal and his men. Abigail's initiative thus saved the lives of many and prevented David from becoming bloodguilty. But Nabal's greed and harshness had gone too far. About ten days later, "Jehovah struck Nabal, so that he died."-1 Samuel 25:18-3§.
16 What a contrast there was between Boaz and Nabal. While we should reject the harsh and selfish ways of Nabal, let us imitate the kindness and unselfishness of Boaz. (Hebrews13:16) We can do, so by applying the apostle Paul's counsel: "As long as we have time favorable for it, let us work what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to us in the faith." (Galatians 6: 10) Today, Jesus' "other sheep,” Christians with an earthly hope, have the privilege of doing good to Jehovah's anointed, the remnant of the 144,000, who will be granted immortality in heaven. (John10:16; 1 Corinthians 15:50-53; Revelation 14:1, 4) Jesus views such loving deeds as though they are done to him personally, and doing these good things results in Jehovah's rich blessing.-Matthew 25:34-40; 1 John 3:18.
Hannah"s Trials and Blessings
17 Jehovah's blessing also overtook the godly woman Hannah. She lived in the mountainous region of Ephraim with her Levite husband,Elkanah. As allowed and regulated by the Law, he had another, wife-Peninnah. Hannah remained barren, a reproach for an Israelite woman, while Peninnah had several children. (I Samuel 1:1-3; 1 Chronicles 6:16,
33, 34) Instead of comforting Hannah, however, Peninnah acted in an unloving way that vexed Hannah to the point of tears and loss of
appetite. Worse still, this happened "year by year,” every time the family went to Jehovah's house in Shiloh. (1 Samuel 1:4-8) How heartless of Peninnah, and what a trial for Hannah! Yet, Hannah never blamed Jehovah; nor did she stay home when her husband went to Shiloh. Eventually, therefore, a rich blessing was sure to overtake her.
18 Hannah set a fine example for Jehovah's people today, especially for those who may have been hurt by the unkind remarks of others. In
such situations, isolating oneself is not the answer. (Proverbs 18:1) Hannah did not allow her trials to diminish her desire to be where God's Word was taught and his people assembled for worship. She therefore remained spiritually strong. The depth of her spirituality is revealed in her beautiful prayer recorded at I Samuel 2:1-10.*
19 As Jehovah's present-day servants, we do not worship at a tabernacle. Nevertheless, we can demonstrate our appreciation for spiritual things, even as Hannah did. For instance, we can show our deep appreciation for spiritual riches by our regular presence at Christian meetings, assemblies, and conventions. Let us use these occasions to encourage one another in the true worship ofJehovah, who has granted us "the privilege of fearlessly rendering sacred service to him with loyalty and righteousness."-Luke 1: 74, 75; Hebrews 10:24, 2S.
20 Jehovah took note of Hannah's godly devotion and rewarded her abundantly. On one of the family's annual trips to Shiloh, a tearful
Hannah earnestly prayed to God and vowed: "0 Jehovah of armies, if you will without fail look upon the affliction of your slave girl and actually remember me, and you will not forget your slave girl and actually give to your slave girl a male offspring, I will give him to Jehovah all the days of his life." (1 Samuel 1:9-11) God heard Hannah's entreaty and blessed her with a son, whom she named Samuel. When he was weaned, she took him to Shiloh so that he could serve at the tabernacle.-1 Samuel 1:
21 Hannah displayed love for God and fulfilled her vow to him in connection with Samuel. And think of the rich blessing she and Elkanah enjoyed because their dear son served at Jehovah's tabernacle! Many Christian parents have similar joys and blessings because their sons and daughters serve as full-time pioneer ministers, Bethel family members, or in other ways that honor Jehovah.
Keep Listening to Jehovah!
22 Of what can we be sure if we keep listening to Jehovah? We will be spiritually rich if we demonstrate whole-souled love for God Jehovah's voice and fulfill our dedication to him. Even when pursuing such a course means that we must endure severe trials, Jehovah's blessing will inevitably overtake us-often in greater ways than we can imagine.-Psalm 37:4, Hebrews 6:10.
23 Many blessings will be bestowed upon God's people in the future. For obediently listening to Jehovah, "a great crowd" will be preserved through "the great tribulation" and will experience the joys of life in God's new world. (Revelation 7:9-14; 2 Peter 3:13) There Jehovah will fully satisfy the righteous desires of all his people. (Psalm 145:16) As the next article will show, however, even now those who keep on listening to Jehovah's voice are blessed with 'good gifts and perfect presents from above.'-James 1:17
* Hannah's expressions bear some similarity to those of the virgin girl Mary, spoken shortly after she learned that she was to become the mother of the Messiah. -Luke 1:46-55.
Do You Recall?
What can Israel's history teach us about divine blessings? How did Boaz and Nabal differ?
How can we imitate Hannah?
Why should we keep on listening to jehovah’s voice?
1. What was to determine whether the Israelites received blessings or maledictions?
2. What is the meaning behind the Hebrew verbs rendered "keep listening” and “overtake” at Deuteronomy 28:2?
3. How can we be like Joshua, and why is this vitally important?
4. In response to Solomon's prayer, what did God grant him, and how should we feel about such blessings?
5. What happened when the
people of Israel and Judah failed to keep listening to Jehovah?
6. (a) Why did -Jehovah send Haggai and Zechariah to prophesy to his people? (b) What principle was illustrated by God's message
through Haggai?
7. Why did Jehovah say to the Jews: "Set your heart upon your ways”?
8. What exhortation did Jehovah give the Jews in Malachi's day, and why?
9. We will examine the lives of what three individuals of Bible record?
10. What did Boaz and Nabal have in common?
11. How did Boaz show that he kept listening to Jehovah?
12, 13. (a) How did Boaz show deep regard for Jehovah's law of repurchase? (b) What divine blessings overtook Boaz chase.
14. What Idnd of man was Nabal?
15. How did Nabal treat David, and how did Abigail difier from her husband in this regard?
16. How can we imitate Boaz and repudiate the ways of Nabal?
17. What trials confronted Hannah, and what attitude did she display?
18. What example was set by Hannah?
19. How can we demonstrate our appreciation for spiritual things?
20, 21. How was Hannah rewarded for her godly devotion?
22, 23. (a) Of what can we be certain if we keep on listening to Jehovah's voice? (b) What will be considered in the next article?
do not give up in doing what is fine.
well, do not give up!
so yeah.
it's been a long time since my last post.
those of you that don't go into the chat probably think i have disappeared from this site.
I feel for you, I really do. From what you are saying, you're doing all the right things--that means, all the things to free you from the braindeadness of the WT. After that, your life is yours.
Be well
if anyone care to post some of their own pets, here is one of my cats, mona.
thanks seven for the recent pics!.
siegfried and roy show review.
this review is dedicated to jonjon.
the subject of my last conversation with him, (aside from his health) was about this show; the next i knew of him was when i read on the board kevins post informing us jonjon had passed away in the night.
Siegfried and Roy Show Review
This review is dedicated to JonJon. The subject of my last conversation with him, (aside from his health) was about this show; the next I knew of him was when I read on the board Kevin’s post informing us JonJon had passed away in the night. It was a little bittersweet to see it after this. Perhaps he has seen it himself from wherever he is right now.
After I had made all the necessary arrangements to see this show, I started doing research into the show, the background, and the Illusionists (they preferred to be called ‘Storytellers’)themselves. I read their book “Siegfried and Roy, Masters of the Impossible—the Truth Behind the Magic”; went to their beautiful website www.sarmoti.com ; and scoured the internet looking for reviews.
And still, after having seen the show, I was amazed. Nothing could have have prepared me for it. Nothing can come close to the experience. I agree with the lovely couple that sat next to me; it isn’t just about illusion and technology; it’s about spirituality. It truly IS a spiritual experience.
My show was the late show. First thing; I noticed, as I stood and waited for the theater to empty after the first show, the smiles on the faces of every man woman and child who exited the theater. Quite a accomplishment for Siegfried and Roy in and of itself in these troubled times.
The dancers were beautiful, both the men and the women. Could I take one of THEM home with me—Please? It’s quite an accomplishment in my mind to take a show that has no nudity, no foul language, or other dubious features---and make it work year after year. It is clear what the public REALLY is interested in, and the packed theater day in and day out attests to this in no uncertain terms. The music wasn’t the same as that on their website, which I preferred, but it was interesting, and imparted an interesting ‘feel’ to the overall expereience. I could get used to it. It is available on a cd, but since my copy was given to me, I couldn’t say where to get it now. The use of lighting and machinery and the sets and costumes was a superb combination; it wasn’t just a ‘magic’ act and it wasn’t technological overkill either.
My original seat was in section ‘c’, table 13 (there is a seating map that can be accessed through their website) but due to some rearranging of seating I wound up in section A; I was close enough to untie the dancers’ shoelaces if I’d wanted or grab a tiger’s tail; and yet I sill could not see how the illusions were done.
From their website, I had guessed my favorite illusions would be the ones involving levitation, and I was correct. They have a peaceful feel and a very emotional tone to them (even with this different music). The illusion with Roy levitating in the revolving ‘ring’ was my favorite of the whole show, and I could have watched just that one event for a good two hours by itself. It was beautifully choreographed. I was close enough that I could FEEL the heat from the flames (or at least I thought I could) and feel and hear the ‘whoosh’ of air as the ring turned (or again I thought I could) yet I couldn’t see how it was accomplished. To be able to successfully pull off an illusion like that before an audience sitting 20/50/100 feet away is one thing…but I was RIGHT THERE!!! It was truly amazing, and a very humbling experience. Pehaps next time if I drank something stronger than coffeee, I could figure out more…
The more I think about it, the more I must conclude that my favorite parts of the whole show were those instances in which Siegfried did something to Roy.
Anyway; two illusions in particlar to mention: one where Siegfried and Roy start with a small box, unfold it to a larger box; place girl inside, then fold box ridiculously small again; then unfold box and out pops girl. The other where there is a cage suspended from the ceiling with a dancer in it (who looked like Lynette Chappell but I wasn’t sure); covers cage and she is replaced by a big cat. The best part is…these acts are performed on the front part of the stage, which means the audience completely surrounds the illusion. We STILL couldn’t see how it was done. What an accomplishment!!!
As Siegfried and Roy like to say, magic can be found ‘all around YOU”. I find this to be especially true in the show. Some of what these men experienced in their childhoods (according to their book) I also experienced in mine. I found myself wondering; What is the difference between those of us that survived these events and those children that did not? Is there a God somewhere who says “No more, you have suffered enough” and he takes them away to be with him, to suffer pain no more? Or conversely, is there a God somewhere who says “No more; you will hurt for a little while”, and he takes them and dwells with them and grants them the ability to take the pain they have suffered and turn it to something beautiful and wonderous to behold? Magical, either way.
More magic to be found is this; that ability of the duo to bring 1500 people from many nations and languages, religions and politics together in one place at one time, to share a single experience, in harmony; and to do this many times a week, for months and years. Quite simply, a miracle.
More magic easy to see but harder to duplicate is that quality which exists when mind of man meets heart of animal. To see (mostly) Roy’s body movements blend seamlessly with those of his animals provokes a feeling difficult to capture in words. It really must be felt. And I suspect it must be learned, rather than taught. If Gildah the elephant really resolved to stampede into the pit, what might be the only thing to stop her? No doubt the spiritual union between the men and the animals. You can see this on the stage and feel it in the air during the performances.
And lastly, there is magic to be found in the relationship between these two men. Whatever its origins and nature may be, the fact is that WHATEVER they have together has endured through many decades and through good times and bad, and it is still evident from their verbal exchanges and their patterns of relating onstage. This, too, is nothing less than magical in these days of disposable relationships (use once, throw away, start with another and the cycle continues).
I would see the show no less than twice; once up close to get the urge out of your system of seeing HOW the illusions of performed (which you won’t figure out) and another time in a different part of the theater where the show can be seen with a more panoramic view. Then one can get the emotional/spiritual perspective that I think the show deserves.
If you sit in ‘the pit’ as I did this time, you may get lucky and have a dancer fall in your lap, a tiger jump on your table (preferably with Siegfried or Roy attached); Siegfried may pick on you; and in the end you may get to shake a castmember’s hand. (None of these things happened to me.) In my opinion, a very equitable tradeoff.
I did not have the occasion to speak with either performer that evening. If I had, I would have liked to have said to them; “The world is a much much better place with you in it; please take care of yourselves---and each other.”
do not give up in doing what is fine.
well, do not give up!
Radar...you crack me up!!!!
joshua asks the lord to stop the sun .
on the day the lord gave the amorites over to israel, joshua said to the lord in the presence of israel: "o sun, stand still over gibeon, o moon, over the valley of aijalon.
" so the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the nation avenged itself on its enemies, as it is written in the book of jashar.
Okay...here is my take on it...if this was already covered SOMEWHERE in this going-to-be-as-massive-as-the-UN-thread-soon thread, I apologize for missing it.
I can find nowhere in the Bible where it can shown that the Israelites were of the opinion that the sun revolved around the earth. It would be nice if that were so as it would explain a lot of things better; unfortunately the scripture where 'the earth hangs upon nothing' (I can't remember exactly what it is--Job something maybe?) indicates an amazingly enlightened understanding of the situation--for its time.
Anyway, some of the Bible at least appears to be written from the viewpoint of a human being observing from the planet surface. Now why is it that we usually don't see the moon during the day? It is often there, is it not? Because the sunlight obscures it.
So, if light was need for something, it would be simple enough for the being who created the planet to place some kind of light source close enough to shine light upon the battlefield during the night, and whatever source it is was bright enough to obscure the sun just as the sun can obscure the moon. In fact, the bible has a couple of cases where light(doubtless of some origin other than solar) from a supernatural source shone so brightly it affected the vision of onlookers.
Just my 1/2 cents worth.
he answering.
)(literal translation: is come for the son of the man to save the having been lost).
(literal rendering: is come for the son of man to save that which was lost.).
This in response to a post on the main board...
* http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=14682&site=3
Society’s Bible’s…
(Matthew 18:11)
NWT ——Omitted
Diaglott: He answering ,said, "Elijah indeed comes and will restore all things.(Footnote: Vatican Manuscript—11. He answering.)(Literal translation: Is come for the son of the man to save the having been lost)
Kingdom Interlinear: Omitted. (Footnote: This verse is omitted in the
Westcott and Hort Greek Text.)
American Standard version: Omitted. (Footnote: many authorities, some
ancient, insert verse 11 For the Son of man came to save that which is
lost See Luke 19:10)
King James Version: For the Son of man came to save that which is lost.
My Diaglott is 1942; My ASV is 1929; my KJV has no date but I believe it is from the 1930’s. The Kingdom Interlinear is 1969. Just interesting comparing the Society’s own differing versions.
Jay P. Green Interlinear: For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost. (Literal rendering: is come for the Son of Man to save that which was lost.)
Luke 4:8
NWT: In reply Jesus said to him: "It is written, ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred
Diaglott; "And Jesus answering said to him, "It is written, ‘Thou shaltworship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.’"(Literal translation: And answering to him said the Jesus, "It is written "Thou shalt worship a Lord the God of Thee, and to him alone thou shalt render service.’"
Kingdom Interlinear: In reply Jesus said to him: "It is written, ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’"(Literal transation: And having answered the Jesus said to him It has been written Lord of God of you shall worship and to him alone you shall render sacred service.)
KJV: "And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me Satan, for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord they God, and him only shalt thou serve.
ASV: And Jesus answered and said unto him, It is written, Thou shalt
worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
Jay P Green : And answering to him, Jesus said ‘Get behind Me Satan! For it has been written: You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve."(Literal translation: And answering to him said Jesus: Get behind Me Satan! It has been written For, You shall worship (the)Lord the God of you, and Him only you shall serve.
I will finish after I get more coffee.
John 8:9
(I assume you are referring to chapter 8: 1-9…?)
Omitted. (footnote: Manuscripts xBSys omit verse 53 to chapter 8, verse 11, which read (with some variations in the various Greek texts and versions) as follows:)
7:53..So they each went to his home.
8:1; But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. 2 At daybreak, however, he again presented himself at the temple and all the people began coming to him, and he sat down and bean to teach them. 3 Now the scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman caught at adultery, and, after standing her in their midst, 4 they said to him, “Teacher, this woman has been caught in the act of committing adultery. 5 In the Law Moses prescribed for us to stone such sort of women. What really, do you say?” 6 Of course, they were saying this to put him to the test, in order to have something with which to accuse him. But Jesus bent down and began to write with his finger in the ground. 7 When they persisted in asking him, he straightened up and said to them: “Let the one of you that is sinless be the first to throw to throw a stone at her.” 8 And bending over again he kept on writing in the ground. 9 But those who heard this began going out, one by one, starting with the older men, and he was left alone, and the woman that was in their midst. 10 Straightening up, jesus said to her: “Woman, where are they? Did no one condemn you?” 11 She said: “No one, sir.” Jesus said: “Neither do I condemn you. Go your way; from now on practice sin no more.”
53 (And every one went to his own house;
Chapter 8:1; but Jesus went to the MOUNT of OLIVES. 2 And in the Morning he came again to the TEMPLE and ALL the PEOPLE came to him, and having sat down, he taught them. 3 And the SCRIBES and the PHARISEES bring to him a Woman having been taken in Adultery; and placing her in the Midst; 4 they say to him, “Teacher, This WOMAN was taken in the very act, committing adultery. 5 Now, in the LAW, Moses comanded us to stone SUCH LIKE women; therefor, what dost thou say?” 6 But this they said, trying him, that they might have something of which to accuse him. But Jesus stooping down, wrote on the GROUND with his FINGER. 7 And when they continued asking him, rising up, he said to them, “He who is “WITHOUT SIN of you, let him first cast the stone at her.” 8 And again, stooping down, he wrote on the GROUND. 9 And THEY, HAVING HEARD, and being convinced by their CONSCIENCES, went out, one by one, beginning from the ELDERS, even to the LAST; and JESUS was left alone, and the woman standing in the Midst. 10 And Jesus raising up and seeing no one but the WOMAN, said to her, “WOMAN, where are those, thine accusers> Did no one condemn Thee?” 11 And she said, “No one, sir.” And JESUS said to her, “Neither do I condemn Thee; Go and sin no more.” (Literal translation of verse 9: They and having heard, and by the conscience being convinced, went out one by one, beginning from the elders even to the last ones; and left alone the Jesus, and the woman in middle standing.
Kingdom Interlinear: Omitted, with the same footnotes and pretty much the same wording as NWT except for: verse 9: But those who heard this began going out, one by one, starting with the older men, and he was left alone, and the woman that was in their midst. (literal rendering; The (ones) but having heard were going out, one down one having started from the older ones, and he was left down alone, also the woman in the midst being.
KJV: Included, pretty much same wording EXCEPT
Verse 6: This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down,and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.
verse 9: And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.
ASV: Completley omitted; (footnote; Most of the ancient authorities omit John 7:53 –8:11. Those which contain it vary much from each other)
Jay P Green: Included, with no footnote at all, with wording similar to the others, but of interest...
Verse 6: But they said this, tempting Him, that they may have reason to accuse Him. But bending down, Jesus wrote with the finger in the earth,not appearing to hear. (literal rendering: you, then, what say you? This But they said Tempting him, that they may have to accuse Him. But Jesus down stooping with the finger, wrote in the earth, not appearing [to hear]
Verse 9: But hearing, and being convictd by the conscience, they went out one by one, beginning from the older ones, until the last. And jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the middle.(literal rendering; And having heard, and by the conscience being convicted, went out, one by one, beginning from the older ones, until the last. And was left alone—Jesus, and the woman in the midst standing.
More infor on this particulat set of scriptures:
* http://www.christiancourier.com/feature/january99.htm