Welcome to the board Danni...I am probably one of those people Naeblis refers to as a Jehovah's Witness basher. Well, in my defense, I should know because I AM still associated with the organization.
Anyway, the best that can be said about the Jehovah's Witnesses, especially their leadership, is that they are in a LOOOOOOT of trouble right now. The United Nations is pissed at them, France and Russia and Greece are pissed at them, thousands of their own present members are pissed at them, and the United States is looking at them VERY VERY hard right now. And I can guarantee you that before too
long many of the South American and African countries are going to be looking at them very very hard very soon.
For a good look at present day JW's, you can go to the 'study articles' forum and look at their recent Watchtower studies. You can go to watchtowerobserver.org (link at bottom of page) and look at their Kingdom Ministries. This is like going to the meetings without leaving your house.
The Watchtowers are dispicable. They are nothing less than a paranoid hate rag. You'll see for yourself, and if you don't see, well--email me. I sit through this cult-originated drivel over four hours a week, so I know.
the following link sums up most of the urgent issues with the JW's, and add to that the pedophilia, alternative service, gay's women's and children's issues---and what else would you need to know?
Not everything about th e JW's is bad. They do get the Bible out worldwide. They're printing facilities are rivaled by few. They have a great system in place for building palces of worship, for a hundred or for thousands. They are known worldwide for their conventions, and for their stand on neutrality.
It's just that when they ARE wrong, people die. Especially women and young people. If this religion would lower their lethality factor, they would lose one of their staunchest opponents---me.
Now wouldn't that be nice, Watchtower?
In 1975 a crack team of publishers was sentenced to death by a judicial commiteee. They promptly escaped from the cult and now live life on the run. If you have a problem ... and if you can find them ... maybe you can contact the A--postate Team"