by their own admission, in their own publications, the Watchtower ADMITS that they did nothing about Hitler UNTIL THEIR PROPERTY WAS CONFISCATED.
By their own admission:
1) The German government allowed the Watchtower to come into their country, set up a tremendous literature propagating business tax-free.
2) As long as Hitler allowed the Watchtower to collect sums of money for their literature, the Watchtower said NOTHING about the atrocities being committed in that country.
3) When Hitler moved against the Watchtower's PROPERTY the Watchtower started wailing and kissing Hitler backside.
4) Hitler gave their stuff back because of their kiss-up.
5) Hitler saw through their kiss-up, took all the property back, and started going after the JW's in revenge, and he continued to do so untill the day he died.
In my opinion, J.F.Rutherford and the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is guilty of no less than manslaughter in the deaths of all those JW's. They could have just let Hitler take the property, and wait out the end of the war quietly. Hitler might have tolerated JW's refusing to bear arms if they had been willing to at least do other stuff. But NOOOOOOO...Jw's weren't allowed to even GROW VEGETABLES or MEND CLOTHES if they thought they were going to soldiers, the Watchtower would have considered them traitors.
In 1975 a crack team of publishers was sentenced to death by a judicial commiteee. They promptly escaped from the cult and now live life on the run. If you have a problem ... and if you can find them ... maybe you can contact the A--postate Team"