JoinedPosts by truthseeker100
The 50 Ways to Be Disfellowshipped
by Wild_Thing ini was wondering ... what are all of the "official" reasons provided by elders for disfellowshipping someone?
i know the most common reasons are adultery and fornication, but what about the others?
a couple of years ago i traveled back to my hometown` and one of my old jw acquaintances told me that her grown son had been disfellowshipped for refusing to stop associating with another disfellowshipped person.
I think mine probably said apostasy. I kept asking questions they couldn't answer and I did not show up for my last JC. Thats about all I can say without identifying mysef. I still have familly in even though they are Jw's I still love them and they couldn't handle me being an official appostate. When my mother dies I will give a full acounting of who I am. I was a young man at the time my focus should have been on girls. That came later I had a few things to put in order. I did put them in order and my new familly and I have had a great life. -
The Lords Evening Meal: Partaking and Awakening
by Generation Me inso i chose to attend the memorial last night.
it was a hall i don't usually go to but chose to go there because i felt like it would be the closest.
mind you i am not a jw and was never raised a jw and don't have any family who are jw.
Gen me. If you can save someone, even one person from a life time of toil and delusion in the wtbts I'm with you 100 per cent. Just make sure that you don't get caught up in any of their delusions. You don't appear to be that type but you never know. Semper Fi. -
In a nutshell, what is the wackiest jw thing?
by stuckinarut2 inwhat is the wackiest...strangest....most unusual jw teaching or practice?
I think not sure where to go takes the cake on this topic.
I thFrom 1920 WT publication "Talking with the Dead":
p. 116 Materializations
"These materializations occur by a power which the demons posess of being able to draw out of the mediums body connected streams of the cells of which her body is composed, and then changing the form of these living cells into any desired appearance. They thus transform the medium into a hideous octopus-like creature, and this is the reason seances occur in a dimly lit room, with the medium in a cabinet, so that the circle of investigators cannot witness the horrible scene as it really is."ink not sure where to go gets the best prize for the wakiest.
The Lords Evening Meal: Partaking and Awakening
by Generation Me inso i chose to attend the memorial last night.
it was a hall i don't usually go to but chose to go there because i felt like it would be the closest.
mind you i am not a jw and was never raised a jw and don't have any family who are jw.
Generation me, they don't want your help I think it is laudible that you tried to talk to this new study. The WBTS has ways of dealing with people like you. I commend your effort. They have been doing this for a long time. Do you think your the first one who has tried?
Best of luck and drop in whenever you want and inform us of your succeses and failures.
The Lords Evening Meal: Partaking and Awakening
by Generation Me inso i chose to attend the memorial last night.
it was a hall i don't usually go to but chose to go there because i felt like it would be the closest.
mind you i am not a jw and was never raised a jw and don't have any family who are jw.
It's true they can't silence you after the meetings but they sure as hell can during the meetings. They will give you a little time for the brain washing to take effect. Then the will make you their biggest poriah and the only ones who will hang with you ,for a while ,will be the JW's Weirdo's and believe me thats a truly weird lot. They might even lable you as spiritualy weak and undesirable for associaction.
I guess its hard for me to believe a sane person would want that.
The Lords Evening Meal: Partaking and Awakening
by Generation Me inso i chose to attend the memorial last night.
it was a hall i don't usually go to but chose to go there because i felt like it would be the closest.
mind you i am not a jw and was never raised a jw and don't have any family who are jw.
Generation, I believe it's possible that what you say happened. I just can't understand your motivation? I mean you have no familly in the cult and have not been ostracized by them. What are you trying to accomplish? I ask these questions respectfully. -
The Bible Gods Word or Mans
by azor ini remember studying this book years ago and how it impacted my belief system.
i no longer believe the bible is god's word.
however i do have a couple of lingering questions on this subject.
Tenacious the observable universe is a very violent and disordelly place. Just because there is some sembalence of order we observe in our neck of the woods does not indicate inteligent design. Would an inteligent designer create an ebola virus or engineer the spanish influenza outbreak of 1919? Why design the earth's orbit with a slight wobble(precession) that causes ice ages? Why design a meteor impact that wiped out the dinasours?
Not everyones kidneys or brain function works properly for example.
How come some people die so young others seem to go on and on. The list just goes on and on.
How do you feel about religion as a whole?
by FatherFirst init just seems to me religion in general primarily makes truly bad people worse, not genuinly good people better; and in many cases has even made good people do bad things in the name of their religion.
just curious, a personal poll if you will.
what are you guys' current views on religion as a whole?
How do I feel about religion? I think it served some purpose in our evolutionary history. I have spent a lot of time recently with the Inuit in Canada's far North. The Inuit are a very superstitious and religious people. For the Inuit being superstitious and religious is a matter of survival. It's crazy some of the things they believe! -
In a nutshell, what is the wackiest jw thing?
by stuckinarut2 inwhat is the wackiest...strangest....most unusual jw teaching or practice?
The craziest thing would have to be their discouragement of higher education of their children. I think this will be their ultimate downfall it will just take a while. Sigh! and so many are going to suffer. -
Calling all lovers of Jehovahs and His Christ
by vinman ini must say that i have always loved jehovah and his son jesus christ.
i have a 12 inch diameter telescope.
i would go outside and listen to the psalms that praised to my god.
I see beauty in all things, from the sub atomic world of virtual particles to the beauty of colliding universes. It's all just a matter of perspective. Love of Jehovah or faith in him does not need to be part it. Don't look for purpose in all that you see and discover just discover it!
I'll give an example, for years doctors treated stomach ulcers with tranquilizers and other things thinking it was a nervous condition. It turns out that many of them are caused by a bacteria called helicobacter pylori discovered in deep sea volcanic vents. What kind of god would create such a bacteria? I am sure many people that get treatment today for ulcers are appreciative of that discovery by a few biochemists and biologists.