JoinedPosts by truthseeker100
some weirdo in a throne above a herd of sheep. -
So much "growth"! JW Land double sided coin
by thedepressedsoul ini'm finding it more and more funny how every wt article for the public or congregation, including jw broadcast talks about all this "growth" and how fast jehovha's organization is speeding up!
yet everything behind closed doors, insider information, elder letters and sales paint a very different picture.
i have news for you gb members!
I hope you are wrong in your assessment Orphan Crow but chances are you are probably right.
The only hope then is that the developing world develops fast and everyone has easy access to the information of the evil internet. Sort of mankind's revenge of the Tower of Babel scenario.
Trump is a funny guy. Attacks John McCain
by James Mixon inthe guy don't realize when he attack john mccain he alienated every men .
and women who served in the military.
and this is coming from a guy that.
Nimrath your Grandfather being a contributor to the Doolittle raid sound like he would have been a great guy to talk to about the war. Your Father's contributions as a merchant marine should not be overlooked either. The merchant navy here in Canada too kept Great Britain fed and supplied and many ships that were sent out ended up at the bottom of the North Atlantic. They were sitting ducks.
I grew up around many of that Greatest Generation and they were cut from a different cloth indeed. While some glory grabbers like John McCain are out there there most of that Greatest Generation that I knew personally had to be cajoled into telling some of their stories.
My hat is off to them and that includes the Merchant Navy as well as the aging Vietnam Vets many of whom weren't treated right.
July 19th Watchtower Summary. Insanity
by Lemonp injust got back from the wt study and it overall was just so blindingly biased and leading.. i had to read it from the platform too, i hope they couldn't see the confounded look on my face as i read this craziness out!.
first we consider the faith of abel, enoch, noah, abraham, isaac and jacob, and moses.. all of these people are held up as sterling examples of blind faith, with the article pointedly saying that their imaginations sustained their faith in gods promises for them.
no mention anywhere at all that all of these characters saw and talked to angels, spoke to god himself, saw and performed miracles, or any of the other feats experienced by these characters.
The fact that their paradise is to be achieved on the back of the slaughter of billions of helpless men, women and children seems to bother them not a jot.
I use to wonder about things like that too Blues and as a child it scared the hell out of me. I think that most JW's just don't think things through enough.
Human Potential is Awesome - We Visited Pluto Today
by cofty innasa's probe "new horizons" was launched in 2006 and since then has been speeding across 3 billion miles of space to the most distant planet in our solar system.. the first pictures arrived today with higher resolution images due tomorrow.. i fu~~ing love science.. more details from the bbc here.... .
I wish we have technology that would allows us to investigate space beyond the solar system like Oort clouds that would tells us more about origin of our Sun and Earth.
Prologos and KaiKin give us time. We will do it. To an old guy like me it just seems like yesterday before we even had knowledge of planets outside our solar system. Things like Halley's comet were looked upon as superstitious lore. May you live long and prosper.
Where are all these New Anointed Ones Coming from?
by John Aquila inback in the early 70s, right before 1975 we had about 7 or 8 thousand professed anointed.
cant remember the exact number.
but at every convention we were told that the end is close ---because---the number of anointed is getting smaller and smaller.
The natural Jews make up the "root" of the kingdom tree, just 1/10th. So if the 144K make up the root of 1/10th, then the gentiles make up the 90% of the tree and thus the total number of the elect are not just 144,000 but 1,440,000! Per the Bible, of course, many chosen didn't show up and begged off and so there were lots of empty seats that had to be fulfilled by outsiders. Etc.
Lorenzo that sounds like the overlapping generation hogwash put out by the FDS class.
So GoG of MAGoG is the Nazis, and now there are 1.4 Million elect or chosen ones and only 8 or 9 assholes in Brooklyn who are the faithful and discreet slave that make up the GB. According to you. Do you have any proof of this? Let me guess that is only for the religious because it comes from religious prophecy. I'll easily believe in prophesy when you or anyone else can prophesy what the winning numbers are going to be in the lotteries around the world in advance.
Give me my next 649 Lotto Numbers and I'll split the profit with you when we win.
Can someone explain to me ......
by notoneoftheboys ini was never told before i got baptised that i would loose my family if i got disfellowshipped.. no one told me i would get disfellowshipped if i had a blood transfusion.
no one told me that the gb was all powerful and tolerate no dissention.
that if i spoke to a d/f person i would get disfellowshipped.. no one told me in my marriage bed there were rules if broken d/f shipping resulted.. i was told my brothers would die or care for me.
Why is it then when I bring these absoloute truths forward I am told Jehovah speaks thru the GB as he did with Moses.
And lastly why was I so blind I did not see????
If you were a born in and are told to associate only with other Dubs and are kept busy as many elders are it explains a big part of it in my opinion.
I have read on here recently about the announcement of the overlapping generation nonsense in the Watchtower how many did not realize or question the import of such a huge doctrinal shift thing that it was. I realize some are trapped in some are there to satisfy their ego's and others are just dumb as sticks.
New arrangement ...fines in stead of disfellowshipment.
by fulano inthat's wat i heard the other day.
now you pay fines for your sins.. adultery is a 450 euro's ( for a firsttimer).
smoking is a 300 -500 euro's sin ( depents on what the blow was).
This is a good idea on many levels
You sound like a pope or a GB member.LOL
How I feel
by wellshii inheres a something i hope you feel,.
i hope he hears when we kneel,.
i hope this life isn't the real deal,.
Welcome -
Sick of the nanny state. Polictical correctness can kiss my donkey!
by punkofnice ini am sick of this bloody nanny state here in the uk.
political correcness has become a drag.
(am i allowed to say drag without offending someone?).
Maybe Archie Bunker had it right when he said "England is a Fag Country". LOL