JoinedPosts by truthseeker100
WTB&TS has invested $40,000,000 in November 2007 in a Hedge fund located in the Cayman Islands, a tax haven
by sammy inwtb&ts has invested $40,000,000 in november 2007 in a hedge fund located in the cayman islands, a tax haven.
the document is from the official website : securities and exchange commission:. .
Someone a lot more eloquent than I should turn such evidence over to the likes of 60 minutes for a thorough review of their tax exempt status. -
WTB&TS has invested $40,000,000 in November 2007 in a Hedge fund located in the Cayman Islands, a tax haven
by sammy inwtb&ts has invested $40,000,000 in november 2007 in a hedge fund located in the cayman islands, a tax haven.
the document is from the official website : securities and exchange commission:. .
If there is any truth at all to this allegation, does anyone believe the governing body are the real ones in charge of this organization? Someone somewhere is a real financial genius if they can actually get the money out free and clear. It sure as hell aint those governing body idiots. While we chirp on about the meaning of an overlapping generation this kind of money just walks out the door?? Amazing! -
Hero Movies
by jws ini know this is a bit off the topic of religion, but i just got back from seeing ant man with my son.
i'm getting tired of the fact that hollywood (and in this case the action/hero genre) rarely seems to have an original thought.
has anybody noticed the same theme?.
It's too bad they don't have movies with a little more complexity than just good guy beats bad guy and then is instant hero.
I like movies like Forrest Gump, The shawshank Redemption, The outlaw Josey Wales ect.
Largest amount of refugees since WW2 in Europe
by Powermetal4ever inso i had a discussion with my mother about this, and she claims that because of this that: "we are surely living in the last days right now" while i must admit myself that the situation seem chaotic, i don't want to believe that it is the last days.
so question is, how do i face an opinion like that?
I have read in a couple of articles about this European mess that Germany is regarded as the "Isreal" of Europe among the migrants/refugees. It just seems funny to me that people who are fleeing the religious extremism of ISIS and Arab Nations with a strong history of anti Jewish sentiment would regard Germany in this way. Germany is a country with a big history of extremism when it comes to anything anti Jewish hence the very existence of Israel.
I can hardly wait for Caleb from Florida to return and give us his thoughts.
They've Exposed Their Hand
by OneFingerSalute inso the wtb&t$ have either intentionally or unwittingly exposed their hand in this mornings wt indoctrination article.. this is a direct quote from par.
"regardless of how long we have been in the truth, we must tell others about jehovah's organization.
" the question is, "what obligation does psalm 48: 12-14 place on us?".
Regardless of how long we have been in the truth, we must tell others about Jehovah's organization."
I don't think there is a mentally diseased apostate on this forum who won't do this.
Largest amount of refugees since WW2 in Europe
by Powermetal4ever inso i had a discussion with my mother about this, and she claims that because of this that: "we are surely living in the last days right now" while i must admit myself that the situation seem chaotic, i don't want to believe that it is the last days.
so question is, how do i face an opinion like that?
I am in my fifties now and things in the human,animal and plant world haven't changed much since I was a kid. In the human world things seem to get better for a while, our technology gets better our knowledge of diseases and how to alleviate them gets better but then a new disease comes along or our primordial instincts kick in conflict arises and the subsequent flood of refugees fleeing war torn areas and religious extremism begins and everyone rushes out to help them. The same story keeps recycling itself over and over and it has since biblical times.
Just as in the plant and animal world some species thrive for a while because of their environment then die out when conditions change and others adapt and continue thriving and it seems we humans have the unique ability to adapt and not change but still thrive it's really amazing when you think about it,
I Think my name for an assembly would be Burning Bridges
The Paranormal
by Peony ini'm interested to know if anyone has been to see a medium/clairvoyant since leaving jw's.
i must admit now i can make my own choices i seem to have a fascination with it although haven't acted on it as a) am i just jumping into believing another load of rubbish?
and b) what if it really is the demons pretending to be loved ones!!
My wife is always reading horrorscopes and listening to fortune tellers on tv ect. She was born and raised a Catholic and has never been a Witness so I guess all religious cults have a similar affect on their members. I treat it all as poppy cock and it frustrates her sometimes LOL. I will wholeheartedly back any soothsayer or fortune teller that can successfully give me the next winning numbers in the Lotto 649 in advance. Barring that they are funny to watch sometimes and see all the people they draw in and watch how serious they are taken. -
A Play On Film Titles......A bit of fun.
by Je.suis.oisif inthanks to the searcher and diogenesister i've come up with this topic.
far from the madding crowd.
my situation since i've become inactive.
Not really my type of movie but who knows I might watch it. Doesn't sound like fun though.
If she doesn't comply an orange jumpsuit is in her future
by DJS inscotus: kentucky clerk must issue same-sex marriage licenses.
by ariane de vogue, cnn supreme court reporter.
updated 8:02 pm et, mon august 31, 2015. let's hope this is the final screech from the haters who wrap themselves in the bible - or their egoist political philosophy i doubt it will be, but let's hope..
It's no doubt offensive to the gay couples in question but she's not a danger to gay people.
This is true but she is not doing her job. The firefighter does not get to screen the ones they rescue they just do their job. Same with the police or a court officer. Weather or not she is a danger to or is offensive to gay people is irrelevant.