JoinedPosts by truthseeker100
Decided to sign up...
by campaign of hate inso i decided to sign up after many years of lurking.
started researching after finding out about ray franz, which inevitably brought me to this site.. i'm still well and truly inn, but don't want to give any information out, i'm sure you guys know the reasons.. since "jay double you .
org" came online, there has been a definite sense of hysteria with everyone who is "inn", and i get a feeling it's going to get a whole lot crazier as the years press on.. one point i would like to raise is that i feel, without a doubt, that 2034 is going to be the new finish line.
That's hilarious Billie. LOL. -
what type of faith do you REALLY want?
by atheist_R_stupid ini find that when talking people who say they "used to be a jehovah's witness" they say words that show they have in fact, never been one.
it's like a man that worked for the post office for 30 years in a main major urban hub like chicago or new york... and you ask him, "in your last position, what was your rdo?
" and the man says "whats an rdo?".
Grreat teacher Sometimes you might "pull a nooner" (leave at lunch), "get some gook" (skim some copper wire off of the job to resell), or even "drag up" (quit), and "go get your money" (collect your wages up until the last moment you've worked).
The good old days years and years ago. LOL
Like AR Stupid I have a second trade AR Stupid is an electrician and a RPN. These days I just keep as busy as I want to. Most of my work now is in the office
what type of faith do you REALLY want?
by atheist_R_stupid ini find that when talking people who say they "used to be a jehovah's witness" they say words that show they have in fact, never been one.
it's like a man that worked for the post office for 30 years in a main major urban hub like chicago or new york... and you ask him, "in your last position, what was your rdo?
" and the man says "whats an rdo?".
ELECTRICIANS, dont say "journeyman industrial electrician" when refering to one another, casually. JARGON... a man posting a job?
Other electricians I know I cal l them Steve or Fred or Mike or whatever their name is. I only said "Journeyman Industrial Electrician" to differentiate me from someone one who pulls wire and wires houses. All the years that I have been involved in trades I have never heard a pair of wire cutters or side cutters referred to as a dike. I had to look that up on google. LOL
what type of faith do you REALLY want?
by atheist_R_stupid ini find that when talking people who say they "used to be a jehovah's witness" they say words that show they have in fact, never been one.
it's like a man that worked for the post office for 30 years in a main major urban hub like chicago or new york... and you ask him, "in your last position, what was your rdo?
" and the man says "whats an rdo?".
I miss read the post thing. You definitely say journeyman industrial electrician in Ontario and most of Canada what do you think people advertising for one want?
what type of faith do you REALLY want?
by atheist_R_stupid ini find that when talking people who say they "used to be a jehovah's witness" they say words that show they have in fact, never been one.
it's like a man that worked for the post office for 30 years in a main major urban hub like chicago or new york... and you ask him, "in your last position, what was your rdo?
" and the man says "whats an rdo?".
I grew up a witness. I never served in Bethel though, I didn't know what an RDO was! I am also a journeymen industrial electrician I have no idea what a dyke is. Sounds like that's probably a UK thing. -
What do YOU desperately need, but you've been putting it off?
by TerryWalstrom ini don't know why, but i put off getting a haircut way longer than i should.. i might go as long as 5 or 6 months between haircuts.. i desperately need a haircut.. what do you desperately need, but you've been putting it off?.
(disclaimer: minimus is going to be jealous.
this sort of question is his tradmark :).
What do I desperately need and have been putting off ? I couldn't think of a single thing! Maybe a really close shave. -
by truthseeker100 ini have a good life and i am now worth around 3 million us.
my two children have their university degrees and a promising future.
what should i do with my money?
Brokeback watchtower don`t worry the wbts will get nothing from me. Cofty I am crass sometimes that's what makes me so successful I guess. -
Now it’s Definite about the FDS and GB being one and the same and When does Jesus return?
by 7Starz init was explained that the faithful slave is the governing body, while the domestics are all those who are fed spiritually, whether of the anointed or of the other sheep..
the july 15, 2013 study edition of the watchtower stated on page 22, paragraph 10: in keeping with jesus pattern of feeding many through the hands of a few, that slave is made up of a small group of anointed brothers who are directly involved in preparing and dispensing spiritual food during christs presence.
throughout the last days, the anointed brothers who make up the faithful and discreet slave have served together at headquarters.
This stuff just gets crazier and crazier -
But, no one has ever ACTUALLY "Witnessed Jehovah"!
by kairos inthis just came to me, must have been mentioned before, right?.
the name of the group is a lie!!.
we all announced and taught that we were "jehovah's witnesses".. i'm struggling to find more words right now..
Are you ok Kairos(question mark) You seem confused go and talk to someone. -
A Psychoanalytic History of the Jews
by opusdei1972 in"a physchoanalytic history of the jews", by avner falk, is an interesting book in which we can read how the jewish scribes colored their stories so as to show, for instance, yahweh's supremacy.
this is in fact currently done by the modern jehovists like jehovah's witnesses who color the adventures of the bible students between 1914-1919 in order to show that jehovah's son has appointed the boozy judge rutherford and his friends as the modern channel of yah.
I would like to read this post but I cannot Damn Pop up ads covering half of the content.!!!!