JoinedPosts by truthseeker100
Those of you that born in the Borg in the late 60;s and early 70's
by James Mixon inwas life that bad for you?
we are really sorry...
Ya 4thgen it was something just made up by the mentally diseased lol. -
Those of you that born in the Borg in the late 60;s and early 70's
by James Mixon inwas life that bad for you?
we are really sorry...
Thank you James. Honesty is hard to come by sometimes. I regret being brought up in this religion but I was smart enough to get out of it at an early age. It must be awfull to have the memories and regrets that you must have. But welcome anyway. -
Those of you that born in the Borg in the late 60;s and early 70's
by James Mixon inwas life that bad for you?
we are really sorry...
who are you james mixon? -
Those of you that born in the Borg in the late 60;s and early 70's
by James Mixon inwas life that bad for you?
we are really sorry...
James mixon
They left and cleaned a park nearby. It was written up in the Toronto news papers and many dubs remarked ,was that not a great witness. I kid you not! All they did was pick up a few pieces of paper and some cigarette butts because they were bored.
Those of you that born in the Borg in the late 60;s and early 70's
by James Mixon inwas life that bad for you?
we are really sorry...
Finkelstien I remember those stupid assemblies. -
Those of you that born in the Borg in the late 60;s and early 70's
by James Mixon inwas life that bad for you?
we are really sorry...
I remember going to a "special talk" in Toronto in 1974 being given by on of the GBs I can't remember which one, For one whole hour this lunatic talked about how 1975 was going to be it.
I also remember it was at maple leaf gardens which at the time had limited seating capacity and many couldn't get in, they left and cleaned a park. LOL
The speaker said don't be like those on the outside who couldn't get in.
What a guy!!!
Those of you that born in the Borg in the late 60;s and early 70's
by James Mixon inwas life that bad for you?
we are really sorry...
I saw the whole 1975 thing too, it sure as hell was not dreamed up by mad ex-JWs. I was born in since the early 60's. -
Canadians have no problems with bright colored socks according to Branch Rep (Zone) visit
by Quarterback inwe just had the visit of the br, winston payne from down under australia.
he was a good old mate, and he commended the brits accent over the australian.
no mention of the metero sexual suits, bright colored socks, spandex, no association with df relatives.
Orphan Crow
I've got a great deal of respect for the First Nations people there is good and bad among them just like every one else. The last thing they need is brainwashing from the wtbts. It really is disgusting that they are targeting them.
1 per 500 is still too much.
Canadians have no problems with bright colored socks according to Branch Rep (Zone) visit
by Quarterback inwe just had the visit of the br, winston payne from down under australia.
he was a good old mate, and he commended the brits accent over the australian.
no mention of the metero sexual suits, bright colored socks, spandex, no association with df relatives.
Rod Jung gave an update on Canada's work (12,000+ reg pioneers, 50,000+ bible studies, 180,000+ attended last year's memorial, they are focusing a lot on translating to First Nations languages)
The first nations people here have had enough, when the wbts are focusing on first nations languages it just goes to show how desperate they are. Most of the first nation people I know are focused on getting their kids educated and learning english. The last thing they need is a family destroying cult.
I personally checked out a couple of jw books from an inuit library. The books are now over due and not likely to return LOL.
Mind control.
by New day inin a recent thread someone mentioned that the wtbts uses mind control techniques.
do you think this is a conscious ploy?
if it is it would mean that the leaders of my religion (i am still an active jw) set out consciously to control people.
HBH You might have something there. My grandfather and myself are Canadian. My father married an American.