@Quarterback: I agree with you on it being one of the better zone talks. The other ones were always rants, this old guy was pretty funny with his rambling stories and yes the talk was actually more upbuilding than most.
John MacEwan of the branch committee was the chairman. Warren Shewfelt (I think also of the branch commitee) did the Watchtower summary, Rod Jung gave an update on Canada's work (12,000+ reg pioneers, 50,000+ bible studies, 180,000+ attended last year's memorial, they are focusing a lot on translating to First Nations languages). Rod Jung is now on the branch committee and seems like he is the branch coordinator now, since Ken Little is 80 and had to step down.
Winston Payne was the speaker from Australia Bethel. His theme was "Find Happiness in the Peace of God" and was basically just "remember Jehovah knows your limitations so don't feel bad about shortcomings". He had funny, long, dry rambling stories and kept saying there's a point to the story. Payne looked pretty old, I thought late 70's, but he was still kind of on the ball because he had to admit a number of times there was a point to his long stories so he realized he was rambling, but his points were short compared to how long he had to what he talked about (he'd talk for like a solid 10 minutes and his point would be a sentence or two long).