Should a submissive wife get behind the wheel?
I'll bet if you asked JW women that question the majority of them would answer as rebel18 and Finkelstein answered and mean it! LOL
driving does require a high degree of control after all, don't you agree?.
Should a submissive wife get behind the wheel?
I'll bet if you asked JW women that question the majority of them would answer as rebel18 and Finkelstein answered and mean it! LOL
what have i done with my life since 1975?
became a jw in the late 1960s ... looked forward to 1975 as early as 1968 ... so, out of a sense of duty and spirit inspired organizational hounding ... when 1974 arrived, i sold the house, sold the car, sold the wife and kids ... then moved to where the great are needed ... 1975 came and went ... .
so did ... 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 walk away from the organization ... 1993, 1994 then it was 80 years of a special mighty generation since 1914 ... finally, 20 years later it was 1995 when i was forcibly disassociated by wts legal department ... 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 ... yikes!
should individual businesses have the right to pick and chose who they serve?
if a muslim decides he won't bake the cake of a radical zionist that says "reclaim the temple in jerusalem" should the government be allowed to punish the muslim baker?
maybe you can help me understand the issues more clearly because were becoming hyper-sensitive and soon your going to need a handbook what's the proper thing to say.
should individual businesses have the right to pick and chose who they serve?
if a muslim decides he won't bake the cake of a radical zionist that says "reclaim the temple in jerusalem" should the government be allowed to punish the muslim baker?
maybe you can help me understand the issues more clearly because were becoming hyper-sensitive and soon your going to need a handbook what's the proper thing to say.
it was for a dear friend of the family that i have known all my, bear in mind that i was born and raised jw, so my experience with catholic ceremonies can be counted on three fingers, a wedding, a "regular" mass, and this funeral mass.once they got down to the actual speaking about the deceased, i felt emotionally involved, but prior to that, i was watching and had questions about aspects of the services (these i have seen in common for all three times i have been in an rc church):why the "sing-song" voice during the prayers?
does god hear it better if you sound all spooky tenor?i observe that every time a reading from one of the gospels takes place, it is preceded by a big musical number:"alleluiah!
alleluiah"( "and nowwwwwwwwwwwwwww, heeeeeeeeeeeeeere's jesus!".
What are JW funerals like? Not respectful?
No I don't think they are.
They are a recruitment drives.
I have been to many including some of my immediate family.
When I went to my Father in law's Catholic funeral,his was about the celebration of his life.
I am certainly not advocating for the Catholic Church.
it was for a dear friend of the family that i have known all my, bear in mind that i was born and raised jw, so my experience with catholic ceremonies can be counted on three fingers, a wedding, a "regular" mass, and this funeral mass.once they got down to the actual speaking about the deceased, i felt emotionally involved, but prior to that, i was watching and had questions about aspects of the services (these i have seen in common for all three times i have been in an rc church):why the "sing-song" voice during the prayers?
does god hear it better if you sound all spooky tenor?i observe that every time a reading from one of the gospels takes place, it is preceded by a big musical number:"alleluiah!
alleluiah"( "and nowwwwwwwwwwwwwww, heeeeeeeeeeeeeere's jesus!".
from last weeks meeting.
"we are now going to talk about experiences from trolley witnesssing" .
this is the honest to god response.
so where did god exist before he created the heavens?
"In the beginning god created the heavens and the earth." What a crock!
And there was nothing, I mean nothing, then god said let there be light. Now there was still nothing, but now you could see it! LOL
i am seriously considering disassociating myself.
i want to do this because i no longer consider myself one of jehovah's witnesses.
i no longer consider jehovah as my god and i am in a new religion now.
whatever the reasons, whatever the excuses, whatever the denials - its still a tragedy:.
100 years ago, 1.5 million christian armenians were systematically killed.
today, it's still not a 'genocide'.