JoinedPosts by truthseeker100
607 BC Discussion - JW Podcast
by God_Delusion inhi guys & gals,.
we finally get to tackle the 607 bc debate in our last show of the season.. please leave any comments here and let us know if you agree or disagree with any of the points we brought up about 607 bc..
Like I said SimonSays prove it scientifically and we will talk. I promise. -
607 BC Discussion - JW Podcast
by God_Delusion inhi guys & gals,.
we finally get to tackle the 607 bc debate in our last show of the season.. please leave any comments here and let us know if you agree or disagree with any of the points we brought up about 607 bc..
Simon says you would then have to tell me what significance that has. It's still a giant leap to the 1914 overlapping generation crap. But I am all ears prove it! -
Assembly today, Survival Tips and Recommendations Please!
by Blackfalcon98 inso there's an indoctrination session tomorrow......any tips for getting through with my sanity intact?
I want to do the one where when Satan is mentioned I mumble gibberish and snap my head back.
LOL That would be funny every time you did that I could stand at attention and then me and rebell18 could cure you with silent prayer for a while untill the demons come out of you and enter me or rebel. LOL
607 BC Discussion - JW Podcast
by God_Delusion inhi guys & gals,.
we finally get to tackle the 607 bc debate in our last show of the season.. please leave any comments here and let us know if you agree or disagree with any of the points we brought up about 607 bc..
Village Idiot, I've been out since the mid eighties. Just seems so crazy reading all of this from my perspective. -
607 BC Discussion - JW Podcast
by God_Delusion inhi guys & gals,.
we finally get to tackle the 607 bc debate in our last show of the season.. please leave any comments here and let us know if you agree or disagree with any of the points we brought up about 607 bc..
Village Idiot
Then, sometime after that failed to come about, they said that the end would occur within the lives of those who witnessed the events of 1914.
Throughout the 1970s to early 1990s the age of reason of those who witnessed the events of 1914 was considered to be young adults. But later they shrunk the age down to children but indicated that infants were included. When that failed they changed that to infants born in 1914.
I remember that so well except for the early nineties stuff.
Assembly today, Survival Tips and Recommendations Please!
by Blackfalcon98 inso there's an indoctrination session tomorrow......any tips for getting through with my sanity intact?
MIllie 210
We could put on quite a performance. I'll guarantee that at the beginning of the key note address we would be comfortably seated in among the brothers and sisters and by the end of it we would be in a section of our own. Sort of Monty Python style. LOL BTW I wouldn't do something like this out of meanness I'd do it just because the JW's need a laugh now and then. I'd show them there are people out there weirder than them
Assembly today, Survival Tips and Recommendations Please!
by Blackfalcon98 inso there's an indoctrination session tomorrow......any tips for getting through with my sanity intact?
Millie 210 said
I wanna go to an assembly with rebel8!
Me too Millie but I couldn't sit through a whole day of that crap. Maybe just the keynote address if they still do that. She is in Northern NY I think and I am in Ontario it could happen. We would need somebody to video record it for laughs. LOL -
Getting married when you are spiritually out
by 1tMakesNoSence ini met this amazing girl about 6years ago at my local congregation.
i was 100% in back then.
about 3years ago i woke up spiritually and kept it undercover till a few months ago.. this girl is still very in (but she doesnt really do the things a reaaal jw should do.
When I was a young man the witnesses tried to snare me with some nice sister. I was smart enough to stay THE HELL AWAY from them. I will be celebrating 26 years of marriage this year married to a worldly girl.
This girl is only a 5 now on Richter scale as a witness, just wait till she has a kid then things will change. Do what you want because you will anyway. Marriage can be tough at times but having this religion in your life is something you don't need. There are plenty of fish in the sea.
Young Girl Exposes Jehovah's Witnesses at school video goes VIRAL last 2 days 273,000 views
by Watchtower-Free inoriginal thread here.
2 days and 273,000 views, what a witness! This little girl has undone whatever literature placements or recruiting work done in field circus this month. Good for her. -
Armageddon in 1975 'probability' or 'possibility'? Irrefutable Proof the Watchtower Said 1975 Was "Game Over!"
by PhilsWager2 init's hard to know where to put this link to a polish book some of you older members probably read, while our newer members are seeking answers to questions the watchtower vehemently deny's!
do i put this under "jw scandals" or "jw beliefs"?
for decades without the internet many of us did not have access to all the publications written by early watchtower writers because access was hard, only men like raymond franz jr(god rest his brave soul) had the golden key for entering the library of all publications jws made.. can some of the older members remember people who sold their homes and others who bought things in the summer or fall of 1974 knowing they won't be paying for their purchases because jehovah will destroy all the creditors records when he kills them!
remind you that the WTS also taught back then that it would take some more years after 1975 for the GT to strike for the reasons I have stated above.
Fisherman, if WTS taught that and that's a big if. It was not widely believed by the R&F at the time. I remember a sister at the time(1974) who was leaving for California saying that she would meet us on the other side after next year. She said that to a group of dubs in the kingdom hall with several elders listening in and I don't remember anyone correcting her at the time.
What a crazy time and a crazy cult to grow up in!