I met this amazing girl about 6years ago at my local congregation.
I was 100% in back then.
About 3years ago I woke up spiritually and kept it undercover till a few months ago.
This girl is still very in (But she doesnt really do the things a Reaaal jw should do. And I like that...) but mentally shes still in.
I want to mary this girl but I want to hear from those with experience how it is to be married to some one who is still mentally in.
She knows I am mentally out, and only wants me to support her at the meetings and act for her parents sake ( they are hard core). She also has allot of questions and dont understand allot of things, but still believes either way. (Shes 20 )
I feel that since she does things with me she isnt allowed to, I can just as well support her going to the study and one or two door knockings a month for the rest of my life.
How has life been for all of you who married a believer when you were mentality out? (Or woke up while you were married)