JoinedPosts by truthseeker100
California Out of Water Soon
by Village Idiot inlook closely at the figures below and see how much water california has left from its major source of water the sierra mountains:.
my advice, not that any politician would take it, would be to eliminate most agriculture in the state.
almonds, rice and alfalfa, are all thirsty water guzzling crops that neither those in california nor the rest of the nation needs.
Village Idiot I have not been in the state of California in years. Back in the day it was a happening place but as I remember water was always scarce there. Tell us all about the lay of the land these days, in terms of politics, who is prospering and what ever? Living next to Lake Ontario I can't even imagine what it must be like to stockpile 40 days worth of drinking water. -
California Out of Water Soon
by Village Idiot inlook closely at the figures below and see how much water california has left from its major source of water the sierra mountains:.
my advice, not that any politician would take it, would be to eliminate most agriculture in the state.
almonds, rice and alfalfa, are all thirsty water guzzling crops that neither those in california nor the rest of the nation needs.
truthseeker100, I too am doing some voluntary reduction even though the owner, for now, pays for the water. I'm afraid of the drinking water being gone from one day to the next. When that goes it will go fast.
I've stockpiled about 40 days worth of drinking water, 20 if I cook with water. It's not really enough.
I had no idea it was bad there!
California Out of Water Soon
by Village Idiot inlook closely at the figures below and see how much water california has left from its major source of water the sierra mountains:.
my advice, not that any politician would take it, would be to eliminate most agriculture in the state.
almonds, rice and alfalfa, are all thirsty water guzzling crops that neither those in california nor the rest of the nation needs.
Village Idiot California is a desert state like Nevada. I enjoy strawberries we get get from there in winter.and that's about it. Look into farm subsidies in the state and you will see the corruption I am sure the poor poor farmers there with their illegal Mexican workers making less than the minimum wage would agree.
Teddy Hero Worship Continues -- Sept 15 Study Edition Bio on Melita Jaracz
by LostGeneration invery weird article, you can read it here if you can tolerate such nonsense:.
basically teddy was a super, duper spiritual giant who went undercover behind the iron curtain, sorta james bond like.
Oh yes, she had humble beginnings in a poor backwoods Canadian province.
Lets be clear here, Saskatchewan farmers wipe their ass with non taxable hundred dollar bills today, just like they did during the great depression. It does not surprise me that she would seek out a life living off others, that's what she was brought up to do. Humble beginnings my ass!
It must be nice to own land live off of it not pay tax on it and on top of that, get a nice little check from the government each month. Sounds like a governing body recruitment poster. LOL
"Make a list of people you want to meet in the New System!" (New September Watchtower)
by FusionTheism inwatchtower september 2015 study edition, "stand firm in the faith," paragraphs 16 and 17:.
following jesus example, we must read the bible daily, study it, and meditate on what we learn.
along with general bible study, dig into topics about which you may have questions.. you can imitate jesus by meditating on the wonderful promises jehovah has made to you.
Did jesus read the bible daily? Give me an example?? -
by steve2 inthreads on the newer jw face of public "witnessing" have shared in common the astonishment that jws safely park themselves behind their literature trolleys and exercise incredibly little contact with passersby.
whether the poster is talking about europe or the united states or australia, descriptions here are the same.. literature stands are protective sheilds behind which jws huddle, talking to each other, sipping on their espressos, whilst the disinterested world passes by.
neither the jws nor the passersby catch each others eyes.
I have no idea Village Idiot. Maybe some one else out there can tell us? -
by steve2 inthreads on the newer jw face of public "witnessing" have shared in common the astonishment that jws safely park themselves behind their literature trolleys and exercise incredibly little contact with passersby.
whether the poster is talking about europe or the united states or australia, descriptions here are the same.. literature stands are protective sheilds behind which jws huddle, talking to each other, sipping on their espressos, whilst the disinterested world passes by.
neither the jws nor the passersby catch each others eyes.
Kind of reminds me of the song "We're Jehovah's witnesses we speak out in fearlessness, ours is the god true prophesy, what he foretells comes to be" LOL -
Did judge Rutherford piss off Hitler
by greenhornet inthe jws at the time in germany where considered part of the aryan race, (since they were not jews).
then things changed for the jws after rutherford mailed a letter to hitler bragging about jehovahs kingdom on earth.. so can we add this to the bloodshed that that the watchtower corp is responsible for?.
OrphanCrow you sure do posses a wealth of information. Thanks for providing it.
Young Girl Exposes Jehovah's Witnesses at school video goes VIRAL last 2 days 273,000 views
by Watchtower-Free inoriginal thread here.
How many years will pass before the world recognizes we were right?
by John Aquila inits inevitable that at some point in time, people will look back and see that the exjw community was right about the watchtower organization and the bible..
i have some friends who are catholic, protestant, and some who dont associate with any religion but believe jesus will come in their lifetime.
we are such a small minority compared to christians that we are viewed as ignorant when it comes to religious matters.
My question is how long before a significant number of JWs realize we were right.
I like that question better. I suspect that there are already significant number of witnesses who know we are right. Fear of losing loved ones, fear of Armageddon if they choose wrong. Some who like the life style like Brother Jeramy and a few die hards make the prospect of leaving intolerable.