Although I never heard of this guy before it sure seems tragic when you look him up.
I find it hard to believe in today's internet connected world stuff like this still happens. I guess they don't have the internet in Australia then ??
how can i describe alex rance?
if i was from the uk or europe, imagine your best football goal keeper.
if from the usa, imagine your best defence player in the nfl.
Although I never heard of this guy before it sure seems tragic when you look him up.
I find it hard to believe in today's internet connected world stuff like this still happens. I guess they don't have the internet in Australia then ??
another nauseating detail i remember from saturdays program.
there is a video (one of so many) shaming young people for being afraid to admit they are jw's.
one australian girl talks about how one of her teachers was saying jw's let their children die over the blood issue (fact) and she goes on to say how that is not true.
young people for being afraid to admit they are jw's. One Australian girl talks about how one of her teachers was saying jw's let their children die over the blood issue (fact) and she goes on to say how that is not true.
I was not afraid to admit I was a JW as a child. I was ashamed of it though. Sounds like the younger jws are a lot smarter than their parents.
As for not letting the children die for refusing blood transfusions. In a lot of cases they technically don't. The state intervenes takes custody and administers blood anyway.
Freemindfade was the demo live or just televised version of what has already been posted?
Lambs bottom we were not in it for the thrill of the hunt we were in it for the thrill of eating. I miss those days there is nothing to compare the taste of partridge or grouse or pheasant or what ever their called where you live.
As for the thrill seekers like those idiots I see on shows like "Duck Dynasty" I think they are really stupid for shooting ducks. I wouldn't waste ammunition shooting ducks but that's just me. They taste terrible, maybe if I was starving and they were the only thing left to eat then maybe.
Where I grew up in rural Canada having a gun was just a natural part of growing up. We even took shotguns and rifles to school. Locked them in our lockers and no one ever shot anybody that I can recall. If I tried that today, in many areas I would be arrested. In many rural environs still today in Canada, guns are not treated much different than pitch forks or knives. if you have ever been to Northern Canada guns are used just as much for your protection as a tool for gathering food.
The Catholic church and the pope will kick some demon butt if need be!
richard dawkins has said frequently if we don't agree with religious or spiritual people we need to "insult them!
" tell their their out of their "fucking gourds!
" and make sure you really show them how stupid they are for believing in something they can't prove!".
Agnostics claim that there isn't any proof one way or the other that god exists. That's true. There isn't. However, based on common sense and on the balance of probability, there's more proof against god existing than there is for him.
Be careful with the common sense thing. There are many on this site who were talked into believing in God and Satan and the bible, based on common sense, who today don't believe a word of it.
I believe that a preponderance of the evidence tends to make me lean towards atheism as well and I respect your belief in atheism but I keep my mind open until it's proven one way or the other.
I don't believe that if it was ever proven there was some kind of a god it would be nothing like what we could ever imagine or have imagined, but it is only a belief.
richard dawkins has said frequently if we don't agree with religious or spiritual people we need to "insult them!
" tell their their out of their "fucking gourds!
" and make sure you really show them how stupid they are for believing in something they can't prove!".
richard dawkins has said frequently if we don't agree with religious or spiritual people we need to "insult them!
" tell their their out of their "fucking gourds!
" and make sure you really show them how stupid they are for believing in something they can't prove!".
As they like to say, the burden of proof lies with the person making the most outrageous statement.
The burden of proof lies with anyone saying this is true or that is true and here's why.
richard dawkins has said frequently if we don't agree with religious or spiritual people we need to "insult them!
" tell their their out of their "fucking gourds!
" and make sure you really show them how stupid they are for believing in something they can't prove!".