Heartbreaking to think about all the children being raised in this corrupt religion.
Mrs. Flipper
Yes it is heartbreaking and many of the children will pay for it in one form or another for the rest of their lives.
jehovahs witnesses cover up child sex abuse and oust a victim.
topics: criminal justice / religion .
Heartbreaking to think about all the children being raised in this corrupt religion.
Mrs. Flipper
Yes it is heartbreaking and many of the children will pay for it in one form or another for the rest of their lives.
the person who has made this video has done some pretty good investigation into the watchtower lawyers in ny.. this is a revealing 10 minute watch.
hmmm...i wonder what he could turn up on boston college?
All those secret societies all those lawyers with Watchtower connections, nope nothing here folks move on. LOL
Where there's smoke there's fire usually.
are you pleased with the exposure of the society in australia?
do you feel personally vindicated by it?
do you think it gives you credibility with others now that all the things you said were going on, actually are documented?
the commission has the names of 1,006 alleged abusers within australian congregations since 1950. some will have died and others will already have been prosecuted but the branch did not report any of these allegations to police.. the terms of reference for the royal commission is more about redress for the victims but that can include criminal prosecution although they are more focused on financial compensation.. however, now that they have the names of 1,006 potential criminals there is some responsibility to see that they are dealt with criminally.
it appears to be in their authority to have cases followed through by referring them for further investigation.
this is clear because the commissioner has recently reported that to date, they have done so in 493 cases identified within the scope of their commission.
i posted this as a reply to another thread, but thought it deserved it's own thread to draw attention to this important moment in the day 2 testimony.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zl4fobrocc8.
Come on GB where are you - would Jesus hide away while his poor foot soldiers got the blame for his actions? Would Jesus leave victims hanging with no support or love?
I am thinking the same thing.
If I were a member of the governing body Wild horses wouldn't be able to hold me back from testifying and coming to the aid of those under me! I am sure god's sole channel of communication (the GB) will put all of those lawyers to shame.
i posted this as a reply to another thread, but thought it deserved it's own thread to draw attention to this important moment in the day 2 testimony.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zl4fobrocc8.
Poor bastard!! I feel sorry for him. He's been thrown under the bus by his gurus!
There's a part of me that feels sorry for him too a bit. But it soon recedes when I think of the child abuse that's behind this Royal commission. I agree he is just cannon fodder.
i posted this as a reply to another thread, but thought it deserved it's own thread to draw attention to this important moment in the day 2 testimony.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zl4fobrocc8.
Just watched it again. Absolutely disgusting! Every JW should see that snippit.
If you saw someone about to fall off a cliff wouldn't you try to save them? If you saw a worldly child about to be victimized by a disfellowshipped pedofile would you try to warn them? ------------Ah Ah only if they were a friend of mine otherwise the hell with them!
i need to let you know that here in australia the royal commission is alive and well.
people are aware of it and whilst it may not be on the front page of your newspaper, it will end up there at some stage.
although the elders are trying to squirm out of any culpability they are inevitably high jacked by their own arrogant assertions when they start to feel a degree of safety and ease in the questioning.
If I were a member of the governing body I'd be there answering those questions.
No greater honour could there be! Here I am send me, send me!! is what I would say. LOL
we all know the wt basis for disfellowshipping, (1 corinthians 5:9-13) 9 12 for what do i have to do with judging those outside?
do you not judge those inside, 13 while god judges those outside?
remove the wicked [man] from among yourselves.. if removing "the man" is a protection for the congregation and no police are called, what does it say about the witnesses view of the world?
41:40 - 44:30 touches on the very point that you raise, however it is not accurate to view someone that gets disfellowshipped from the congregation and is then somehow is sent out into the world and is now a threat. The risk is just the same to the worldly kids from this person as it was before his getting disfellowshipped.
Deer in the headlights moment for sure! Worldly people don't need, protection from pedofiles, the worldly people are going to be destroyed anyway at Armageddon, every witness knows that.
I wonder what's going through their minds as they answer questions like that.
i don't know if a commercial will come up and i can't find this on youtube as it is probably copyright material or i am just not in a good search pattern today.
anyway, try to view this if you haven't seen it:.
https://rutube.ru/video/0ba7a3ee7e89dbbc730c4af32032e33b/?ref=logo .
The Body shall publicy apologize for the happenings like the Pope did, which will be broadcasted on the own TV-channel to reach the whole world with the Bodys' apologize before their brothers and sister worldwide.
You or I will never live long enough to see that. God's sole channel of communication with the low life R&F and the mentally diseased does not apologize. TSK, TSK.....