What's the opposite of mentally diseased ? Mentally healthy?
It's so nice to know that all the loyal followers of the governing body are the opposite of mentally diseased and are therefore mentally healthy. It must be the fear of their loving creator that makes them this way.
We all know that some were fornicators, idolaters, thieves, murderers, child molesters and the like before they came into the truth and some still are from time to time when they slip backwards. Now though they are all mentally healthy and I am one of the diseased ones who never was a thief or murderer or the like.
Sigh! I guess it must be the diseased state of my mind that doesn't allow me to comprehend why? It's too bad the mentally healthy are forbidden by the governing body to associate or even pray for me. If I had not chosen science to trust instead of gods representatives here on earth maybe I could pray too, to somebody for help in restoration of my diseased faculties.
Sigh! I'll just take my place with the other mentally diseased members of humanity who are about to be annihilated by your loving god. After all what has science ever contributed to humanity? If I wasn't mentally diseased I would be unhappy but sadly I'm not!
Sigh! Ignorance is bliss if I could only get me some?