JoinedPosts by truthseeker100
Does Anyone Still Believe in God?
by LaurenM indo any of you ex-jw's still believe in god?
even with the new rebranding/softening of this religion, i still don't see how people can believe in him.
the god of the old testimate is an angry murderer who approved rapes and slavery and killed thousands of men, women and children.
when one ponders the grandeur of the universe, things like dark matter, string theory and still undiscovered scientific realities of things right here on earth. I remain an agnostic. If there is a god he/she/it certainly isn't represented by the man made religion.Link +1 / -0 -
Pope praises the Wild Beast (UN)
by Quarterback inthe pope stated at his un address that, "if it wasn't for the un's work on the world's conflicts, the world would be alot worse".
i just wonder how that statement will be taken in jw land.
The governing body have some catching up to do to be revered like this! This guy is a Democrat! I guess all cults and politicians are the same. LOL
Offended by JW letter targeting obituaries
by betterdaze inlocal father offended by jehovah's witness letter, claims its writer is targeting obituariesjacksonville, fla. a local father who wishes to remain anonymous sent action news jax a copy of a letter sent to his family's church.. the letter read in part: "sorry about your loss.
i read about it from the obituary.
jehovahs witness literature was attached to the letter.. in a time when a family is grieving they need to be surrounded by family and friends.
That crazy old loon counting time no doubt as she sends out similar letters to other area grieving families. Why can't they stick her on a trolly somewhere? What a chance at witnessing the Witnesses gave up by not responding to the press!Link +1 / -0 -
help me to readjust my thinking about my hypocritical ex....
by losingit ini am really struggling with this particular situation in my life, and i really need your help to readjust my thinking.
i am recently divorced from my ex-jw husband.
we were both disfellowshipped at around the same time about 2-3years ago.
I agree with what SecretSlaveClass said! From the title of this thread "Help me readjust my thinking", don't you think that your thinking has been readjusted enough already by the WBTS?
As for the silence when confronted with questions, that's a male thing. Having a testosterone laden brain myself I do the same thing when confronted by my wife. The response is there in his head he just can't verbalize it at the time. Sort of the fight or flight instinct kicking in.
Good luck
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Christian Life and Ministry
by Gorbatchov inof course we were all surprised by the new wts move with the christian life and ministry meeting.. today i googled the term christian life and ministry and got a direct link to evangelical churches.. so, does this mean anything?.
never a jw:The problem with mainstream religion is that it's no longer fashionable. So they have nowhere to go.
I think that is a very astute observation. I browse all sorts of different media and I see all the time articles bemoaning the public's loss of spiritual values, especially from US media sources.
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My True Identity
by The Governor ini write under the screen name the governor.
why i chose this screen name was i felt strongly at the time (and still do) that the charterer itself from the walking dead tv series that is called the governor had a lot of qualities shared with the governing body.
both had narcissism blowing out of their ears, both oppressed individuals for their gain whether it was for power and profits and both the governing body and the governor were able to reel people into their trap by charming outsiders in and giving them big promises that could never be fulfilled.
Your not far from me I pass through there all the time. Back from Alberta as a result of the drop in Oil prices? There seems to be a lot of Albertans who are Ontario bound these days. -
A Funny Thing Happened Yesterday
by truthseeker100 inyesterday right out of the blue i received an email from my cousin a now former jw who i hadn't heard from in over 25 years.
he got my email address of another non related jw website that i posted on.
he is not disfellowshiped because he said he dug up all sorts of dirt on the body of elders before he divorced his wife and remarried so in my opinion this guy is not classified as a fader but wants nothing to do with the truth.
Yesterday right out of the blue I received an email from my cousin a now former JW who I hadn't heard from in over 25 years. He got my email address of another non related JW website that I posted on.
He is not disfellowshiped because he said he dug up all sorts of dirt on the body of elders before he divorced his wife and remarried so in my opinion this guy is not classified as a fader but wants nothing to do with the truth. Only him and myself escaped the Borg in my family. He is the consummate joker and is the type of a guy who walks in a revolving door behind you and comes out in front of you.
We talked last night on the phone for hours and it was a pleasure to relive old memories and because of the type of guy he is, he has kept tabs on the happenings in area congregations. What a disgrace all the things that have taken place! When I inquired about several of the younger ones who were in when I was, his response just kept coming back as he's difellowshipped or she is disfellowshipped or he hardly ever shows up maybe for the memorial only and so on. Like many on here keep saying that only the stupid or non mentally diseased stay faithful to the cult is soooo true. Any of the born in's with a lick of common sense have gotten out and only the non mentally diseased have stayed behind as either firm believers or just to have their ego's stroked by imagined positions of power and authority. This post is not meant to disparage those who are trapped in by family circumstances we both expressed how hard that must be for those ones to sit and endure all that drivel routinely!
I posted on here lately about a fellow young brother who I had a few beers with and we concocted a phony letter to a young sister in a different congregation about our obsession with the fascinating world of taxidermy, for a joke. Well it turns out that brother is a divorced former brother now and my cousin is going to arrange a fun get together ( we only live a couple of hours apart) where I am sure after a few libations and other things we will brain storm and who knows what fun we will come up with. LOL We are going to make sure to video record the outcome for a future "Wayne's World" type video release on you tube it should be real hoot!
We concluded by saying that as born ins with all the KGB type behaviour control and rampant paranoia foisted on us by the leadership and leadership wannabees we especially felt sorry for the older captive ones and the sisters. It must be an especially difficult task for these ones as they are just window dressing and to be regarded by the Witnesses as serfs. We also concluded that all you can do to get even for what they did to us, is live a good life and laugh, because it beats crying.
I have no reason not to believe that this little anecdotal picture of how the Borg has been thinning the herd lately locally is representative of what's been going on World wide. When I here reports of adult colouring books published by the Borg it just makes me cringe to think where they are headed intellectually. It doesn't look good folks for them so my advice is when you try to second guess what they as an organization are doing these days don't over think things too much sometimes things are just as stupid as they appear or as Forest Gump would say "Stupid is as Stupid Does!"
I only started this thread because I couldn't decide what thread to post my thoughts on for your review.
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"Our Christian Life and Ministry Meeting" Lead to Class Distinctions Between Rich and Poor Congregations?
by Wasanelder Once inthe instructions for the new meeting entitled "our christian life and ministry meeting" indicate an interactive portion that takes little preparation and a great deal of media involved components, demonstrations and instruction.
i am sure not all congregations are setup for all the video feeds, especially in developing nations.
will this divide cause jealousy and strife within congregations and branches as the lag continues?.
Officials in Remote Northern Canada Thank Jehovah’s Witnesses for Special Bible Education Campaign
by OrphanCrow inthis article was published by the wts on their website.. i find this jw practice of targeting vulnerable populations to be so disturbing.
the last thing that canadian aboriginal communities need is yet another institution that victimizes their members..
officials in remote northern canada thank jehovahs witnesses for special bible education campaign.
The Witnesses were organized into groups and assigned to visit towns and villages that extended from Aklavik, Northwest Territories, in the west to Kangiqsualujjuaq, Quebec, in the east, a region spanning over 3,300 kilometers ( 2,000 miles). Those participating in this outreach campaign cared for their own travel expenses including, in some cases, airline tickets that cost several thousands of dollars per person.
Prior to the campaign, the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses approved translation of the video Why Study the Bible? into Inuktitut. This Inuit language is spoken by about 35,000 people in Canada and is recognized as an official language in Nunavut and the Northwest Territories.Still burning up as a result of this article!!
I hope that the Witnesses on this expedition aren't all brain washed zombie drones. If any of them still have an active brain cell among them maybe spending a little time in Canada's far North will have a greater impact on the Witnesses than on their potential Inuit converts.
They should try wrapping their closed minds around the Inuit language for example not an easy task by any means. The Inuit have several words to describe snow conditions for example. It would be a very fitting gesture indeed to require young Bethelite missionaries or any religious fanatic missionaries to learn the culture and language of the Inuit as taught by the Inuit themselves in some recognized Institution of higher education. I am sure there are many people in First Nations communities that would love a crack at it.
This will provide much needed employment for the members of the Inuit communities who are academically inclined and give some Southerners an understanding and appreciation of Arctic culture and there is always the chance that it might awaken some of the religious zombies.
With whats at stake monetarily in Arctic resources the Inuit can easily afford this.
Officials in Remote Northern Canada Thank Jehovah’s Witnesses for Special Bible Education Campaign
by OrphanCrow inthis article was published by the wts on their website.. i find this jw practice of targeting vulnerable populations to be so disturbing.
the last thing that canadian aboriginal communities need is yet another institution that victimizes their members..
officials in remote northern canada thank jehovahs witnesses for special bible education campaign.
SecretSlaveClass:Stay out of their culture and lives and you won't get hurt - period.
I agree 100% with that. Staying out of their lives though I don't know? The Inuit are collectively a very social and engaging culture that generally speaking love outside contact and human interactions it helps break up the sometimes bleak monotony of Arctic life. The last thing they need is Jehovah's loving provision of Christianity. They already have enough superstition and crazy belief's to go around.
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