Con where exactly is your brain located??? If you need someone to tell you who you should go out with you should still be in diapers. It's pretty obvious you are more interested in someones looks than anything else so what does it what we think......grow up.
JoinedPosts by zilla
"Worldy" girfriend or JW girlfriend... Help me choose...
by Confucious inhey guys,.
enjoying being single.. right now i have a "worldy" girlfriend (note the quotes " ").. but there's this incredibly beautiful jw girl that has shown interest in me.. (i'm not df or da, just not going to meetings.
Can a prospective divorced member marry another JW
by zilla ini have recently chosen to have a bible study with the jws because i have recently met several jws who have inspired me by their goodness towards others.
i have been married twice, divorced once and now recently separated.
none of my marriages ended due to adultery on either side.
Thanks everyone for your concern at this stage of the game I am only finding out more. I'm quite aware that this persons kindness may have nothing to do with him being a Jehova Witness he may just be a great person brought up well with great values....apparently alot better than any of My Mothers long time friends who my Mother was so good to. And in defence of this particular JW he had nothing to gain by helping my for free board etc...he had his own place to maintain while he was with my brother and had to drive an extra 3/4 of an hour each day to he supplied all the food. It cost him extra money to do what he was doing.......and if any of you have ever looked after a person with a disability you will know how challenging it is and how much love and patience is required. I will take a good look at the sites you have provided...and I thank you all for your support and help...i'm not about to rush into anything I'm just curious.
Can a prospective divorced member marry another JW
by zilla ini have recently chosen to have a bible study with the jws because i have recently met several jws who have inspired me by their goodness towards others.
i have been married twice, divorced once and now recently separated.
none of my marriages ended due to adultery on either side.
Thank you all for welcoming me into this forum and giving me your help and support it has been appreciated. The reason I am finding out more about JWs is because recently I have met a few by chance and one of which was there for my Mother right to the end who was dying of cancer. My mother was an athiest and met this JW at the door and they formed a friendship but from the day my Mother said she wasn't interested in their religion..religion was never mentioned again and this person continued to be there for my Mother visiting daily. But the kindness didn't stop there it continued.....that same person made the most incredible offer to me. When my Mother died my brother who has an intellectual disability had no where to go because he didn't want to leave his hometown and had lived at home all his life (I lived hours away) 6months he had a place to go to but in the meantime we were in a dilemma. Well this wonderful JW offered to move into the house and look after my brother for the doing so put his own life on hold and he was doing it for NO PAYMENT just from the goodness of his heart. And in the meantime while I was there I formed a close friendship and religion was never discussed unless I brought the subject up. So when I returned home I decided I wanted to know more about JWs and this was totally my decision based on the kndness and generosity of another human being who was practically a stranger to our family when he came into our lives and touched us all by what he did and how he behaved. He had something that stood out and his actions spoke much louder than was his behaviour and goodness and the example he set that led me to want to know more about his faith. I have had 5 bible studies and never been to the Kingdom Hall and have never been pressured to go...and as far as baptism goes it is not recommended on their part for at least 2 years...and only if they believe and you believe you are ready for it...because they want you joining up for the right reasons. I'm not easily swayed I make my own decisions. And I'm not doing this because I'm lonely I'm not a needy person and have always functioned better on my own. Believe me this is quite a turn around for me wanting to know more about JW beliefs etc I have always been an athiest myself and probably would have scoffed at others who were too religious.
can a jehovahs witness marry a divorced non-witness?
by luffy inplz plz plz will somebody give me a clear cut answer, i know the problems involved but is it possible "legally" or as far as witnesses allow?
Something just occurred to me while reading these posts. What you are saying is a non JW needs to be scriptually divorced (either parties having committed adultery) If this wasn't the cause of the marriage break up for either party you are doomed but not necessarily....if either of the partners fornicate with anyone in the meantime while separated before they are actually divorced...then they have grounds for a scriptual divorce. Is that right?? What are the chances of it not happening???
Can a prospective divorced member marry another JW
by zilla ini have recently chosen to have a bible study with the jws because i have recently met several jws who have inspired me by their goodness towards others.
i have been married twice, divorced once and now recently separated.
none of my marriages ended due to adultery on either side.
Than you for your advice at this stage I am just getting to know more about what JWs believe. And yes the most sensible thing would be ask the person who is doing the study with me. I guess I just felt a bit embarrassed to's not like I'm planning on getting married a third time. But it would mean I would be living a celebate life with maybe no chance of ever marrying again if I was always to be viewed as a married woman. Even though before I committed myself to baptism etc I was unaware of these principles....and they had happened in the past unknowingly. I would have thought from the day I became a member everything in my past would be wiped and I would be starting afresh.
Can a prospective divorced member marry another JW
by zilla ini have recently chosen to have a bible study with the jws because i have recently met several jws who have inspired me by their goodness towards others.
i have been married twice, divorced once and now recently separated.
none of my marriages ended due to adultery on either side.
I have recently chosen to have a bible study with the JWs because I have recently met several JWs who have inspired me by their goodness towards others. I have been married twice, divorced once and now recently separated. None of my marriages ended due to adultery on either side. What I would like to know is that if I become a JW in the future what is my position then..... am I able to marry another JW or will I always be classed as a married woman even when legally divorced?? Before bible study I was unaware of the JW grounds for divorce.