I have been on this site for a while looking around at all your comments and most of you have pretty good arguments and I am not trying to argue for either side i am just wondering and maybe this has already been discussed but what is the purpose of the jehovah's witnesses most of you believe that the jw organization is a cult and that they are controlling the minds of their people, but why are they trying to control the minds of the people? is it to get their money? Is their reports of the jws having like billions of dollars stashed away? Are they trying to have just power of people? or do they just all believe that what their teaching is really true and actually are trying to get people to paradise? I dont know if you guys understand what I am saying are not but I hope you do email me if you want me to explain more of what i am trying to ask
JoinedPosts by theyoungone
What is the purpse of the Jehovahs witnesses
by theyoungone ini have been on this site for a while looking around at all your comments and most of you have pretty good arguments and i am not trying to argue for either side i am just wondering and maybe this has already been discussed but what is the purpose of the jehovah's witnesses most of you believe that the jw organization is a cult and that they are controlling the minds of their people, but why are they trying to control the minds of the people?
is it to get their money?
is their reports of the jws having like billions of dollars stashed away?
by theyoungone in6 months ago i was d'fd and i am right now confused as to what i want to do cuse i can put my letter in for reinstatement now but i just dont know if that would be the best desicion for me.
one side of me says go back to the jw org and do all that i can in the org so that i can make it to the paradise.
but then one side says just do what u want to do til u die.
hey thanks guys for all your advice. I just wanted to let u guys know that i am 19 and the org is not my whole life I have plenty of nonwitness friends and witness friends who still talk to me cuz they arent really witnesses but they go to please their parents. My main thing is not that i really care to go back but how do i know that i am truly pleasing god if i am not doing all that i can do. Is it just good enough to just be a good person? I am good person with high morals but i just wuld like to make my own decisions on certain things. is god going to look bad against me if i am not doing all that i can? what mean by that is that is he going to look down on me for not teaching others about him or going to some sort of religious lectures?
by theyoungone in6 months ago i was d'fd and i am right now confused as to what i want to do cuse i can put my letter in for reinstatement now but i just dont know if that would be the best desicion for me.
one side of me says go back to the jw org and do all that i can in the org so that i can make it to the paradise.
but then one side says just do what u want to do til u die.
please post something ppl i see that it has been viewed several times but no posts have been added
by theyoungone in6 months ago i was d'fd and i am right now confused as to what i want to do cuse i can put my letter in for reinstatement now but i just dont know if that would be the best desicion for me.
one side of me says go back to the jw org and do all that i can in the org so that i can make it to the paradise.
but then one side says just do what u want to do til u die.
6 months ago i was d'fd and I am right now confused as to what i want to do cuse i can put my letter in for reinstatement now but i just dont know if that would be the best desicion for me. One side of me says go back to the jw org and do all that i can in the org so that i can make it to the paradise. but then one side says just do what u want to do til u die. Then the otha side of me says what if the new system is coming soon like the org keeps saying. Then the otha side of me is saying just dont care about the flaws that the organazation might seem to have i will have a purposeful and rewarding life if i go back. Then the otha side of me says look at everybody else how is it that they r still in the org when the sinned multiple times and got caught but still got reproffd when i only sinned a few times and I went forward to the bro's and got d'fd. Then the otha side of me is saying I need to go back to please my mom and dad. Then i start to think maybe i should just come back and continue to do what i want and just live a double life like i was doing b4 cuz i relly do believe taht if had neva came forward i wuld have neva got caught.then i could jus have everything back to the way it was. so that i can speak with my family and witness friends and not be shunned like i am some kind of freak. Then i start to think well if i go back and do all that i can, will i even make it to the paradise? I have discouraged so many ppl from being jw's. those ppl will always think of me and my experiences taht i told them wheneva a jw tries to speak to them. will tat make be blood guilty? I start thinking " well if i stay out what will i do with my life? should i try to go to otha religions even tho its been jammed down my head that jw's were the only true religion and all the otha's have changed their bible to fit their beliefs and that all the otha religions are filled with hypocrisy. What do i do? I dont know. I dont really believe that the jw's r part of the un. How can u guys prove that to me? I would need some kind of written proof from the un or an official un website. And ive been told several times that their is alot of things that have been puled out of the bible. Alot of ppl told me that there was chapters on jesus childhood. What is this that they are talking about? I dont know what to do I just NEED HELP and ADVICE please contact me
But what if they're right............still the Truth?
by ScoobySnax inthis will probably apply to few here, but to me it'll always be that way.
it's the what if syndrome maybe, but it's always there.
i still think that as a core belief system the jw's have it right, even if their delivery isn't always right.
I have been reading all of your comments and really but when you really look at jehovah's witnesses they live a good life and though not everyone is happy i would say at least 75% or more are happy but most people in the world are not happy. Y? Because they have no hope in life. Are you guys acctually happy living your lives with no hope really knowing that your going to die in like 50 years or so. Jehovah's witnesses at least have a hope that they will live forever in paradise and they truly do believe in that and that hope brings meaning to their lives. I dont think you guys should down people who for the most part, are living respectful and meaningful lives. And for all of you ex witnesses you have to admit that most of your morals that you have today are because of what you learned at the kingdom hall. And far as what if it true? that is a good question. I can guarantee that even though u might not think so, if armagedon came 2morrow you would be balling your eyes out wishing that you had just followed what the bible said. And as far as I see Jehovah's witnesses are following the bible pretty well. What other religions do you see trying as hard as them? They are preaching all over the world. But in the end all I am saying is why should I discourage you from going back you obviously need to because your killing yourself by not going back. Your fighting a fight that you can not win because as much as yall all dont like it, the truth will always be with all of you guys in the back of your mind at least. Obviously you must have had good times in the organazation or you would not be having the thougths you are having? And obviously your life right now is not very happy? So what you need to do is do whatever makes you more happy serving god or being gay and just stick with whichever one makes u feel better? is knowing that yur going to die at the latest like 70 or so make you happy? if you have a belief in god which it sounds like you do u need to at least start following his book the bible by changing your lifestyle. What i hate is that everyone who leaves the truth always wants to go run out and do anything and everything they want to do but does all of that really make you happy? I know from watching a lot different ones leave the truth they do not seem to be so happy. Today i came on this site just kind of curious to see if you guys had any reasonable arguments. but it just seems like most of you are miserable because you were df out the hall and know you feel miserable and you want everyone else to stay out like you. the saying is true misery love company. but y continue to be miserable I was df out of the congregation but I am 100% confident now that I am doing the right thing by working my way back after reading all of these sad comments.