Hate to sound cold, but, She dies and Jehober has 30-40 sisters to take her place! That's how some of them would see it.......rocky220
JoinedPosts by rocky220
Jehover's Witness on Discovery Health channel last night -- No Blood
by Elsewhere inlast night i was channel surfing when i came across a discovery health program that followed cases in an emergency room.
one of them was about a jw woman who had some sort of head injury.
to be honest, i did not watch the whole thing, but i did manage to record it on my dvr while i watched other things.
Can you be D/F in absentia?
by ScoobySnax ini've often wondered this.
since being inactive, i smoke and drink like a trouper, have gotten up to various sexual mis-endeavours (lol) and played up generally.
i'm not all that proud of any of this, just the way my life has gone.
D/F'd for behaviour unbecoming of a christian.....that was the word!.....can your believe it???!!! Such assholes! rocky220
1,200,000 Publishers left between 1993-2002
by Bluegrass Tom ini have been bothered for some time by the sneaking suspicion that the publisher increases published annually are never realized in a tangible way.
therefore, i sat down and studied a 10 year period of what has been published by the society to see if i could get a warm and fuzzy feeling about these increases.
after hours i have realized the following:
It's been 10,736, 7, 8, 9.................days and lovin' it!!!!!! rocky220
Why did the chickens cross the road?
by Valis incuz they were going to see their daddy that's why!
district overbeer
Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?
A: To escape from from the man with the bottle of bar-b-cue sauce and biscuits in his hands!!!!....
How did you feel when you learned it was all a lie?
by what_Truth? inbit of background.
i grew up as a jw i left the church when i was 14 because a ministerial servant who was conducting a one on one baptism study with me said that i couldn't ballance my dreams of being a professional singer with the so called "truth".
i stopped the study and told my mom i no longer wanted to be a witness.
relieved, vindicated, liberated!!!!rocky220
Watchtower and their Angels.
by Blueblades inthe governing body has had it written many times that they are protected by angels.
they have also printed stories about how some in the field service have been protected by angels.
with all that is going on in recent years, where are their angels now.. when was the last time you heard about an angel helping one of jehoveh's witnesses in the field service from the society.their official web site has a lot to say about the angels and angelic involvement in the watchtower's affairs.. lately, they have been quiet about the angels.
The Borg have chased the Angels away, which means the Deminz have truly taken over.......you can't have it both ways!....rocky220
Do any of you ex-jws find anything wrong with Born-Again Christianity?
by booker-t inmy friend from my jw's days ran up to me on the street the other day and to my suprise he is no longer with the jw's.
it has been about 16 years since i last saw him.
he was a "devout" jw's and we used to "pioneer" together.
Born again?????, gee, I was born correctly the first time!!!!rocky220
Do any of you ex-jws find anything wrong with Born-Again Christianity?
by booker-t inmy friend from my jw's days ran up to me on the street the other day and to my suprise he is no longer with the jw's.
it has been about 16 years since i last saw him.
he was a "devout" jw's and we used to "pioneer" together.
oops! sorry!
What is Sin????? hmmm, let's see, oh I know----- Sin is whatever an Elder [tm] or Watchtower Bible and Flip-Flop Society says it is this week or this day, hour or minute......it sure must be fun being a dubbie these days....rocky220
baptized at 12?
by pennycandy in.
i'm considering what to say to a friend who's thinking about letting her 12 year-old get baptized.
okay, guys, let 'em rip!
I have very few regrets in my life , but one big mistake I must admit to is being allowed to baptize at the tender age of 12!
Excuse my bluntness, but isn't it true that the average 12 yr old cant even grasp the general concept of body hygiene let alone making a mature decision to commit one's life and soul to serving God in the extreme manner the Borg dictates?????!!!!!!....Let me quit while I'm ahead...rocky220[from the can't rant and rave while at work class]