Spock and Worf the klingon........I'm freaky that way....rocky220
JoinedPosts by rocky220
Who is your favourite Star Trek character?
by slimboyfat inmine is garak because he has a healthy cynicism about everything, yet is good deep down.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/garak .
JWs Encouraged to Excel In Secular Education
by Carmel incan you imagine a jw conference with speakers and subjects like this one?
That would not happen because j-dubs have to just dumb enough to believe false doctrine and profesy without question and to bring in more [pidgeons] uhum, j-dubs to bring in the $$$$$$$......rocky220
Baptisms (WT legal contract) null and void
by Sacchiel inis there any truth that people under the age of eighteen cannot be held under a legal contract (which is what the wt views baptism as, a legally binding document to the society)?
the result would be that individual cannot be disfellowshiped since that person was underage and above all, never even signed a document.
is this applicable in the us at least?.
to kudra: no, I got df'd at 20. but i never signed anything and was not active [fade-out] for three years!!!
Baptisms (WT legal contract) null and void
by Sacchiel inis there any truth that people under the age of eighteen cannot be held under a legal contract (which is what the wt views baptism as, a legally binding document to the society)?
the result would be that individual cannot be disfellowshiped since that person was underage and above all, never even signed a document.
is this applicable in the us at least?.
That's fasinating considering the Borg sent my mom a letter after my df' and i was only 12 years old!!!! What joke this org. is. rocky220
Is 2006 the new *1975* for the Society?
by truthseeker inthink about it - never in the history of the society have there been so many changes, annoucements and campaigns than in 2006. only in 1975, could the mass hysteria of the imminent end of the world be said to equal or surpass this year's activity.. what has been the case this year?.
1) mass lay-off of hundreds of bethelites.
2) awake!
In a few words.....more fear mongering by another doomsday cult.........in a nutshell.
rocky220 [from the been there, done that class]
by vitty ini know we've heard a lot of horror stories about jcs and getting disfellowshipped.........................but what is your experiences of continuing going to the meetings to be reinstated.............what did it really feel like?.
did you mind being ignored or did you understand it and take it on the chin?.................................what were your familys treatment of you during the period of having to sit on the back row????.
when i saw ppl comming in late and leaving early .....................i just knew it was wrong, wrong , wrong to treat ppl that way.. in fact i got told off for smiling at a sister who i knew genuinly wanted to come back,( the pos wife told me ) i did it out of human feelings and was then blasted.. after she got reinstated, i was the first person she came upto and introduced herself.
After not going to a KH in 3years....nobody noticed, questioned it....or gave a damn. After one home visit by elders, no JC meeting.......at the request of my mother. I moved out on my own. Again at the request of my mother, elders stalked my apt, knocked on my door, and they got put in their place [I guess they didn't like that], I was Df"d, it didn't bother me in the least cause The Spell was broken 3 yrs prior [1975] when Armageddon didn't come........it's 2006 and blessings didn't stop coming to me because I no longer believed in the WTBS.....The Bible says," love God in spirit and in truth".......so you see it's ok to cut out the middleman.....rocky220
What is the JW View of Clowning :o)??
by Seeker4 in(i threw this into the "jw view of cloning" thread yesterday, and thought maybe a few would like to have some fun with it so i gave it its own thread.
there was this comment in a letter to the body of elders about clowning in march 2003:
"as to the matter of clowning, we can see from phil.
Sometimes you just got to take the stick out of you arse to enjoy life.....anal retention is detrimental to your health!!!!!!..........rocky220
Went to a Public Talk and WT Study, after about 5 yrs away.
by frankiespeakin init was boring,,snooze city, there were room for a bout 200 and they didn't have more than 40 in attendance very few youths mostly older ones(30 and beyound).
i didn't have a clue what the speaker was saying thank god i came a 1/2 late, those poor poor people that have to sit thru such mind numbing drival about how we are to treat people in the congregation and not to be jealous bla bla bla.
the wt the reader was drone the conductor brain dead and every body answered the wt by practically reading their answer word for word from the wt,, it was pitiful,,pitiful.
I can't imagine what it would be like if I went to a meeting.........if I could even stomach it without walking out in the middle of the meeting!!! Trust me I would too!!! But conversations with my JW mom of 50+ years let's me know that it's all recyled old light/new light doctrine making it sound like it's new information, at least that's how she paints it......poor baby......she admits things are not going well with the organization, but just doesn't have the courage to say... enough! rocky220
This is ridiculous -- Malawi Baptism.
by Dune inthis was sent to me with the subject "malawi baptism -- isnt this faith strengthening?
edited to remove trojan horse pop-ups ~ scully
I guess there was no way to get a portable swimming pool......way to go "Borgie". Baptizing in a waste receptical. Sad just sad and these poor people dont know any better which makes them perfect dubbies.
Can You be announced DF w/Out a JC Meeting?
by mama1119 inmy parents just got a phone call from a longtime inactive witness who heard from his very active witness wife that they were announced df'd.
we don't know if its it true or not becuase none of us go to meetings anymore and have no inside sources at the hall to tell us (as we are apostates, who would tlak to us????
) the elders have tried a couple times to talk to them but my dad avoids them.
Once you let elders know you are not allowing them anymore access to your life or in no uncertain terms you let them know your problem is no longer their concern.....you become dangerous to the congregation so although you have made decision to not be a JW anymore.....they will announce you as DF'D. As in my case, I was told that nobody even knew who they were talking about on the podium......I was already out 3years if the jerks would have cared to even notice!!!!! A total joke.