wow- scary- im so glad he made it to safety- smart and strong boy you raised there.
yesterday afternoon my older son, karl, who is studying musical production at brighton university, came round to see his family.
he had just been to see his pregnant girlfriend, who is staying with her mum and dad for a week.. karl is a wonderful boy; the type of son any parent would be proud of.
he is loving, considerate, respectful and has never once caused any trouble or been in any.
wow- scary- im so glad he made it to safety- smart and strong boy you raised there.
when a jehovah`s witness comes to your door..do you tell them to go away and close the door?..chat with them untill they run away?..toss them on the bbq and have everyone over for dinner?
my husband made the mistake of telling 2 JWs that came to our door that i was raised a JW, so they started coming back thinking that i must be some weakling they could reel back in- hardly. i was coincidentally taking out the trash on thier last visit. i informed them that i am (now an adult) no longer ignorant enough to believe JWs teachings and that they should put my name on the do not call list.
do you know of any jws that have left the wts or were dfed because of the blood issue defying the blood ban and taking blood for themselves or their children so that they wouldn't die, needlessly of course?
we hear much about dubs that were brainwashed enough to go on to the bitter end but there must be many that pulled out of the insanity.
even so some may feel plagued by guilt and anxiety for defying the ban.
Which makes me wonder if the push on the part of the GB to get dubs to agree to the HLCs having full access to their records may be do to suspicions that the practice is indeed widespread.
WHAT??? ive never heard this - but do not doubt it one bit... is there more info about this push to disclose personal records to the HLC? i am so curious now.
a few years ago i used to frequent the above-linked forum.
it was founded to discuss etiquette--namely, how to avoid offending others and how to deal with the rude behavior of others without being rude back.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that made me laugh - but its sad really- those people need some friends IRL or something....
hi everyone just a question to satisfy my curiosity , and if you are a non believer are you happier for being so
I'm too busy to think about it all really, not to mention wasting enough time on this crap with the JWs. Like Bod said, I try and be a good person and live by the Golden Rule and just go from there enjoying life's beauties, like Bod'a avatar picture.
your a sweetie- sorry had to run outta thoms so fast yesterday- i wanted to chat wit ya gurl- will be there later today tho :)
hi everyone just a question to satisfy my curiosity , and if you are a non believer are you happier for being so
non theistic ecclectic agnostic pagan buddhist free bird <--- revels in the contradiction of All That Is ;)
and isnt it all just about being a good human
first thing i'd notice is how the old ones got so much older and how the kids became adults and are taller than me.. next thing i'd notice would be how long and dull the meetings are.. *yawn*.
The first thing I'd likely notice is the children being beaten in front of the hall or in the bathrooms/back room.
first thing i'd notice is how the old ones got so much older and how the kids became adults and are taller than me.. next thing i'd notice would be how long and dull the meetings are.. *yawn*.
The first thing I'd likely notice is the children being beaten in front of the hall or in the bathrooms/back room.
thanks for mentioning this- horrible memories of being a WITNESS to this ABUSE first hand thru my entire childhood-
it was awful to hear screams during the meeting, sometimes over and over again from the same little child... how do these parents justify thier EVIL behavior - oh wait i already know thier lame answer to that-
it is the most trashy thing EVER to beat your kids -esp. in public.
ok so i am a ex-witness,(disfellowshiped) i have posted here before...but i must say why have'nt we moved on?
come on i mean if we all really thought that the jw sect was just that then why are we not trying to forget it and let life go on as it has; and try to be true to ourselves and our neighbor and read jesus words as recorded in the bible?
i have been reading my bible on lunch breaks at my work, as well as reading in the dhammapada.
lady lee says it well- thank you lady
would you tell a child born into an abusive cult to 'get over' their life- Not so compasionate mr. Dhammapada Mr. i read the bible on my lunch break- a little pious no?...i have observed a phenomenon of ppl being QUITE NONjudgmental on this board a beautiful thing! QUITE a triumph over our 'old ways of thinking' - open your eyes and see people healing and spreading the love
people have deep layers- i have been out for 15 years - would you forget your childhood- would you just block all of that out (continuing to propogate ignorance??) and forget trying to sort it out when you have a chance to do it surrounded by people who have shared the same experience (something that should not be taken lightly) if not- i am sad for your inability to be vulnerable.
best of luck with moving on
i am an "active" jw.
i serve.
give talks.
wow- what tolerance you have- i am so happy to know their are people inside the organization like this.
i wish one would find my mother ;)