I take it you haven't read through all 12 pages on this thread. We've allready determined from scripture that Jesus is the Son of God....That's clear.
You should read through these past 12 pages to also determine that Jesus is not only the Son of God, and also Jesus is the same time.
It was against the law back then for a person to claim he is God. So, Jesus was, unable to be "sinless" by breaking the law. He let others say he was God. Like you said. Let's see what other's said about him.
John, himself said Jesus was God. Look at John 1:1, not the NWSCT (new world so-called-translation) but acredited translations like the KJV, NIV, NAS, NLT. John, clearly says Jesus is God. Thomas, after Jesus had resurrected, said he was "my God and Savior!"
What about the preists? When Jesus was forgiving people sins, the preists said "blasphemy, only God can forgive sins!" We'll the preists were right, only God (Jesus) can forgive sins.
Jesus says "destory this temple and I will raise it in three days" (speaking of his body) Don't you believe God raised Jesus from the dead? Jesus said "I" will raise it...
Jesus's name is Emmanuel....which means "God with us."
Jesus knew people's thoughts too! Jesus rebuked demons, even Michael the ArcAngel dared not rebuke demons (in Jude) when disputing with the devil of where to put Moses body.
When the disciples kept asking to see God, Jesus said, "you've seen him, in me"
God is the Alpha and the Omega, Jesus calls himself that in Rev. 22.
I know it's confusing, but look at it this way; we are created in the image of God, not as God. We don't have the understanding and never will have the comprehensation of how God was formed. Forever he will be mysterious to us, because we are just humans. No scientist can prove or even begin to explain where a soul comes from. We all know a soul exists. And such is the design of God. Just trust and obey, for theirs no other way.