Who is Jesus? Is he God?

by BelieverInJesus 396 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BelieverInJesus

    I live in Memphis. Months ago, I had some JW's come by and talk with me. I'm a believer in the holy bible. I believe in Jesus. I am somewhat new in my faith and as a Christian. But I know enough to get by, and continue to learn as much as I possibly can.

    These JW's have come by for studies about 5 times now. Their beliefs are whacky! I disagreed of their interpretations on many things. But it all boils down to one question........."Who is Jesus?"

    I have come to the conclusion that Jesus is the Son of God, and at the same time Jesus is God. By using the NIV, KJV, NAS, and NLT I am overly abundantly convinced that Jesus Christ is God. That's VERY important. Even using the NWT, which has been changed to take away the deity of christ, you can still see who Jesus is. There are many points I'd like to make. First being in Genesis 1:1-4...this explains that God created everything. Then in John 1:1-4 it explains that God is Jesus, and Jesus who is God created everything.

    Along with his attributes are identical to God, They both forgive sin, they both give life, they both control the water's with their word. Jesus say's "....I AM" when asked who he is. God is called " I AM" God is also called "The alpha and the omega." Jesus is also called that in the book of revelation. God also tells us to not worship anybody or any idol apart from him. Jesus accepts worship when he triumphantly enters Jeresulam and when he is resurrected and with the disciples. The disciples worship him. He doesn't stop him.

    God also say's all other god's are valueless in Isaiah. So wouldn't that make the watch towers NWT bible contradictory what they have written in the NWT John 1:1 saying "the word was "a" God." Wouldn't that make Jesus valueless? The NWT is pathetic! I've even learned some basic Greek and can see the flaws in the NWT. What a shame.

    The JW's have got to get it together. They are so screwed up. It's a real shame that someone has mislead them, and they are now out their proclaiming a false religion to innocent people.

    What do you all think?

  • skyking

    The real JW never really excepts Jesus as his or her savour they feel he is Gods first physical creation and Jesus rule right is untill the end of the 1000 year reign then he will give back to Jehovah the kingship. They belive at that time Jehovah will be all things, The GOD that you believe Jesus is right now.]

    Thats it in a nuts shell

  • mouthy

    BelieverinJesus> Your right on friend !!! That is what I believe also. But to the Witness Jesus is Micheal the Ark Angel - He was the first creation because if you look in their Bible at Colossians 1:14,15,16 You will find they say Jesus was created first the all OTHER things were created by Jesus But the Other is in Brackets( other) .Yes they truly twist the scriptures to their own distruction as scripture says. Also their Jesus is the Mediator for the 144,000. only, the other sheep have to go through them >144.00

    Keep reading you will learn alot from this board ...Welcome to this UNCONDITIONAL LOVE site. Some on here dont believe now but we love em anyway LOTS!!!!!

  • free2beme

    Who is Jesus? Understand who he sounds a lot like, and you find out who he is.

    Hercules - Roman - A man born of virgin birth, half God and half human. Only God when in the realm of the Gods, but possessed god like power while on earth.

    Perseus - Greek - A man born of virgin birth, half God and half human. Only God when in the realm of the Gods, but possessed god like power while on earth.

    Cuchulainn - Celtic - A man born of virgin birth, half God and half human. Only God when in the realm of the Gods, but possessed god like power while on earth. (This one even said to be reborn as the father and son)

    Jesus Christ - Christian - A man born of virgin birth, half God and half human. Only God when in the realm of the Gods, but possessed god like power while on earth.

    Who is Jesus? Myth, Legend, etc.

  • Honesty

    Scripture is very clear as to who Jesus is. He is the second person of the bessed trinity. He is God.

    The JW's are being deceived by Satan.

    John 1:1-3 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.

    All things were created through Him, and apart from Him not one thing was created that has been created.

  • Santisimo

    Jesus is not God, or a Messiah for that matter. If he were God's annointed, the world would have been a much better place because of him, this is hardly the case. Furthermore, Jesus did not do anything that was written in prophecy about the Messiah. The few texts offered by JWs as proof are actually taken out of context.

    The Christian view of Satan is also very flawed. Satan is a force created by God to ensure that we have freedom of choice in this world. Just as God created positive and negative particles, so he created positive (Angels) and negative (demons) forces to create balance in our world. Satan does not make humans kill or rape or steal. The Satan (as translated from Hebrew) or "The Evil Inclination" is merely a force that presents us the option of doing evil just as God gives us the chance to do good. Depending on OUR decision, so the results will be.

    We will never know what it was like to live in a pure and just world. It is a concept we cannot comprehend because we only understand good AND evil. We will never understand how it was possible for Adam and Eve to walk naked in this world without shame, or for their children to find marriage partners from the same family because we have knowledge of both good and evil.

  • Flash
    I have come to the conclusion that Jesus is the Son of God, and at the same time Jesus is God.

    I have to disagree. Jesus is God's first creation and His Master Worker.

    I hope you will look these up.

    Colossians 1: 13 ~19, Proverbs 8: 25~36

    John 14: 28 and 20: 17, 1Corinthians 15: 24~28

  • sspo

    Didn't all of you have enough arguments about the trinity as JW's.

    Take a break and let it rest.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Believer,

    Welcome to the forum! I enjoyed your post. I am still out to lunch on this subject, as I was raised a Witness and am not sure what to make of it all. I will say though, I am disgusted by the NWT as you are right it takes Jesus out of the picture. One thing I feel for sure is the Witnesses do not give Jesus near the Glory that he should be recieving, even if they are not a Trinity. I am now open to entertain all aspects of the Bible. However, I am very cautious, as I do not want to offend my God. Again, WELCOME!


    Lady Liberty

  • Inquisitor


    If you have already formed such a solid conviction in your mind, why do you still ask who Jesus is? What do you desire out of us? Confirmation? Criticism? If we disagreed, would there be any profit in showing you why?

    To prove that the Bible books unanimously scream "Jesus is God!!", one must convincingly explain the meaning of the scriptures such as those listed by Flash. I'm not saying the Trinity is without scriptural basis. I'm saying that the Trinity backing is not as solid as many would choose to believe.


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