I live in Memphis. Months ago, I had some JW's come by and talk with me. I'm a believer in the holy bible. I believe in Jesus. I am somewhat new in my faith and as a Christian. But I know enough to get by, and continue to learn as much as I possibly can.
These JW's have come by for studies about 5 times now. Their beliefs are whacky! I disagreed of their interpretations on many things. But it all boils down to one question........."Who is Jesus?"
I have come to the conclusion that Jesus is the Son of God, and at the same time Jesus is God. By using the NIV, KJV, NAS, and NLT I am overly abundantly convinced that Jesus Christ is God. That's VERY important. Even using the NWT, which has been changed to take away the deity of christ, you can still see who Jesus is. There are many points I'd like to make. First being in Genesis 1:1-4...this explains that God created everything. Then in John 1:1-4 it explains that God is Jesus, and Jesus who is God created everything.
Along with his attributes are identical to God, They both forgive sin, they both give life, they both control the water's with their word. Jesus say's "....I AM" when asked who he is. God is called " I AM" God is also called "The alpha and the omega." Jesus is also called that in the book of revelation. God also tells us to not worship anybody or any idol apart from him. Jesus accepts worship when he triumphantly enters Jeresulam and when he is resurrected and with the disciples. The disciples worship him. He doesn't stop him.
God also say's all other god's are valueless in Isaiah. So wouldn't that make the watch towers NWT bible contradictory what they have written in the NWT John 1:1 saying "the word was "a" God." Wouldn't that make Jesus valueless? The NWT is pathetic! I've even learned some basic Greek and can see the flaws in the NWT. What a shame.
The JW's have got to get it together. They are so screwed up. It's a real shame that someone has mislead them, and they are now out their proclaiming a false religion to innocent people.
What do you all think?