When I visited bethel a good few years back..we were getting the tour when 2 young bethelites came round the corner having a dummy fight...(I hope....get the potassium nitrate...: )))and ran into us...they were pretty embarrassed...and I always remember one old old sister on a motorised wheelchair not observing the speed limit nearly running down anyone in her way...can't remember if this was brooklyn or patterson...but she was scary...carmageddon woman...names I remember were bill bellows and sunny chicky...anybody know them?
Posts by ninja
Nathan Knorr Holding "Brother Knorr": Memory Lane
by compound complex inwalking down memory lane: 124 columbia heights,.
many thoughts and experiences related to life at bethel come flooding in, especially here at jwd, where your questions and answers jog my memory.
some of the following i've already mentioned elsewhere, some comments are new.
When Jesus inspected his temple in 1918/1919
by ninja inwhat are some beliefs witnesses had that would disqualify them from being the faithful and discreet slave?....i will start with a couple..they believed god live on alcyone and promoted spiritism by encouraging the friends to read "angels and women"...there must be loads more
What are some beliefs witnesses had that would disqualify them from being the faithful and discreet slave?....I will start with a couple..They believed God live on Alcyone and promoted spiritism by encouraging the friends to read "Angels and women"...there must be loads more
When Jesus inspected his temple in 1918/1919
by ninja inwhat are some beliefs witnesses had that would disqualify them from being the faithful and discreet slave?....i will start with a couple..they believed god lived on alcyone and promoted spiritism by encouraging the friends to read "angels and women"...there must be loads more
What are some beliefs witnesses had that would disqualify them from being the faithful and discreet slave?....I will start with a couple..They believed God lived on Alcyone and promoted spiritism by encouraging the friends to read "Angels and women"...there must be loads more
Great crowd in the first century ?
by ninja inare there any watchtower references to there being any members of the great crowd in the first century?...or were they all of the "144000" until 1935?
If you have the watchtower library....look at the 1951 sept 1st watchtower...the article is "hated for this name".....*** w51 9/1 p. 518 Hated for His Name *** Diocletian assumed the crown A.D. 284. At first he seemed friendly to the Christians, but in the year 303 he gave in to persuasion and opened the tenth persecution, probably the most ferocious of all. Suffocation by smoke, forcible drinking of melted lead, mass drownings and burnings, breaking on the rack of men and women alike ran the empire with blood. In a single month 17,000 were slain. In the province of Egypt alone, 144,000 such professed Christians died by violence in the course of this persecution, in addition to another 700,000 who died as a result of fatigues encountered in banishment or under enforced public works. According to this the 144000 were filled up well before 1935!!!
Great crowd in the first century ?
by ninja inare there any watchtower references to there being any members of the great crowd in the first century?...or were they all of the "144000" until 1935?
Are there any watchtower references to there being any members of the great crowd in the first century?...or were they all of the "144000" until 1935? ...
Im curious.. how many menbers here
by mr_phishy inbeing new here i am curious how many menbers are on this site?
is it a few hundred or we looking at thousands.
im amazed i put up a post 30min ago and already 13 replies!
Alright phishy mate...yibbidy yibbida....welcome to the board....I am an ex JW who has just awakened from years of "sleep"... don't touch the witnesses with a spiritual barge pole...hope you get round the witness obstacle with your good woman....ninja......p.s can anyone tell me how to write in columns instead of one loooong continuous answer....cheers
Charles T. Russell and the Pyramid Measurements
by VM44 inthere is more the the story of russell and the pyramids than has been told.. russell came up with his chronology before he became interested in the great pyramid, and attempted to use the pyramid measurements to collaborate his chronology!.
he obtained the necessary internal "measurements" he required from a diagram of the pyramid included in the book by charles piazzi smyth!.
needless to say, the numbers obtained from such "measurements" were not accurate enough to be used in any prophetic calculations, so the source of these numbers was "obscured".. an attempt to indirectly "validate" the use of these numbers in russell's book, thy kingdom come was made by publishing within the book a kind letter written by charles smyth himself for the prepublication copy that was sent to him.. this was all an attempt to obscure the shaky foundation of the whole matter.. it was deliberately done, and shows that intellectual honesty was not a primary concern of charles t. russell.. now if he didn't actually write the pyramid chapter in his book, that might make matters different, although as the listed author he still had the responsibility of maintaining the accuracy and integrity of the contents of the book.. here is an interesting article about how the pyramid's measurements actually were changed when the 1910 edition of the thy kingdom come was published.. http://www.neirr.org/pyramidscheme.htm.
I just find it so facinating, all the stuff I've learned about the Witnesses since I left!....................................................me too.....since I have ditched the cult I am bored....scientology here I come.....muhahaha
Anointed partakers
by ninja incould anyone point me in the direction of any websites where we can see the memorial partaker stats for the last 100 years or so?....would be much appreciated folks....thanks in advance....ninja
could anyone point me in the direction of any websites where we can see the memorial partaker stats for the last 100 years or so?....would be much appreciated folks....thanks in advance....Ninja
by ninja inhello peoples ninja from glasgow in scotland here another person who just realised they were part of a brainwashed cult : ) after twenty odd years, but now has broken free....pity about those around me still in their trenches free at last....free at last he he hear from you all soon da ninja
Wow !!! thanks for the welcome peoples.....Lady Libby and frannie .....in answer to your Q's...the reason I left was the UN debacle.....I knew something had happened and didnt believe the sanitised version(s)of events the WT were submitting...so even though I knew I should avoid independent thinking : )...he he... I found out that it took more than a signature to become an NGO...it also required references and a record of accounts etc etc....I tried to tell my (good)? friends at the hall about this stuff thinking they would accept that there was more to it than we had been told...but their reaction was the opposite.....they told me to watch what I was doing on the internet as I could easily get misled...in fact it was by finding out more on the internet I realised that I had been misled....for a big part of my life..by the botchtower society...d'oh......I have since found out about the lies,deceit,false prophecies and spiritism also flip flops and bloodguilt....but apart from all that they are pretty harmless....he he...I havent been booted out yet but I guess it is just a matter of time.......ah well move over guys and make room for another apostate.... anyways thanks again for the welcome..... ninja
by ninja inhello peoples ninja from glasgow in scotland here another person who just realised they were part of a brainwashed cult : ) after twenty odd years, but now has broken free....pity about those around me still in their trenches free at last....free at last he he hear from you all soon da ninja
Hello peoples Ninja from Glasgow in Scotland here Another person who just realised they were part of a brainwashed cult : ) after twenty odd years, but now has broken free....pity about those around me still in their trenches free at last....free at last he he hear from you all soon da ninja