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JoinedPosts by mimimimi
A NEW Flock book has been released, with notes by a Presiding Overseer
by Elsewhere infor several years there has been available a pay attention to yourselves and to the flock book in pdf and html format.
this book has proven to be extremely valuable in exposing the morally questionable activities of the watchtower society.
now we have a new version that is even more valuable because it contains the hand-written notes of a presiding overseer, some notes as recent as late 2005. these notes are frequently dictated to elders by a circuit overseer or district overseer in order to avoid liability (the wts can deny every giving such instructions).
Do witnesses visit loved ones grave sites?
by NotaNess incurious about that one.
were visiting my wifes family in new orleans this week, and she brought up going see her relatives graves.
if they do how does the experience differ from a non-witness.
My mother, who is the quintessential J-dub, always frowned on visiting gravesites. After all, "they are not conscious and not there".
Here's at least one witness view of Sept KM
by TheListener ini found this on beliefnet (public post that you don't have to be a member to view):.
i just read the article and unless we're reading two different articles, what i understood isn't exactly what you understood.
let me expand on that:.
Life and death message for X-JW's
by Junction-Guy inthis is extremely important.
if you have not done so already, make sure that you contact all of your doctors and all of the hospitals you have used in the past and let them know that you will now take blood if needed.. .
this is a very true story.
I had a heart cath on July 27. One stent placed for a 90% blockage and two 50% blockages are being treated medically. Afterwards, I developed a large hematoma that broke loose and I was bleeding internally. My blood pressure plummetted. I was told this is an extremely rare thing to happen. Fortunately, I was already in ICU after the heart cath with a nitroglycerine drip because of chest pain and they were able to help me. One of the nurses put a red band with some numbers around my wrist and said that was in case I needed a blood transfusion. Fortunately, I had already had this hospital change my records several months ago to state that I was a "Christian", not a J-dub. When the lady in registration at that time questioned me about changing it and actually said "what about blood transfusions", I told her I no longer believed that way. Obviously, this hospital did get my information changed and I am so glad they did. I did not have to have a blood transfusion, but there would have been no hesitation in giving me one if it had been necessary. I also at that time changed my secondary contact information from the witness relatives it had been previously to my non-witness sons.
But I do have other hospitals I have gone to in the past that I need to change that information for, particularly now that I am on aspirin and Plavix. If I had an emergency, I would not want to be taken to one of those hospitals and they have on record that I am a J-dub and think I would refuse blood. I'm glad this came up because it makes me realize I have more work to do to get this information changed.
my mothers conversation with elders
by DaCheech inmy mom learned the truth 40+ years ago from my uncles and some people in europe.
she has been going regularly since 1978 or so.. lately she's been going to some meetings only due to health.. yesterday at noon she got a visit from the p.o.
and he made a "pastoral visit".
"Most JW's do not have a deep understanding of their own doctrines and be able to explain them to someone else."
Actually, there were many things I could explain and did understand their reasoning, though I now do not agree with them. It was the only thing I had every known, after all. But there were things that went right over my head that I think they deliberately intend to go people's heads, such as that Jesus is not the Mediator for everyone, but only for the 144,000. There were also changes that I found out about in the last year being on JWD and reading Crisis of Conscience and In Search of Christian Freedom that went over my head before because there would just be a small blurb somewhere about them, obviously not expounded on so as to not raise questions or doubts in people.
That elder must have been lazy and did not understand their new twist to the generation and did not want to look it up.
My Brother Died in a Car Wreck Last Night
by WLG ini just found out about an hour ago.
he wasn't even old enough to drink yet.. to make it even sh*ttier, he had called me a few weeks ago and asked if he could come out here with me but i couldn't do it at the time.
so of course the first thing that comes to mind is if i had done something different it wouldn't have happened.. he was going through the sh*t as i call it, when witnesses go off the deep end and get into everything in the world to stop hurting and they don't even know what is wrong.
I am so sorry. Don't beat yourself up over this. It is not your fault. I agree with what Mouthy said. I think there is a place beyond and he is there now, in no pain. If you can, take comfort in that thought.
How Did you Feel Being Raised as a Jehovah's Witness?
by flipper inquite a thought, huh?
i was raised from birth as my family was in it 7 years before i was born ( 1952).
i remember wanting to go out for school sports in high school as my p.e.
"Without a word, she left.... a few weeks later, I get a letter saying I was DF'd. That week, we all had a huge keg party and burned the letter in celebration... I was finally free, since no one can now bother me."
You really struck a chord with me there. Sounds like some of my reactions to the sh...., uh, garbage dished out by my Holy J-dub mother and the elders.
How Did you Feel Being Raised as a Jehovah's Witness?
by flipper inquite a thought, huh?
i was raised from birth as my family was in it 7 years before i was born ( 1952).
i remember wanting to go out for school sports in high school as my p.e.
Yes, quite wistful, just like you. And sad over the missed opportunities. I always felt so different from everyone else at school. I wanted to go to college really, really bad, and of course could not. One of the guidance counselors talked to me about college and I had to tell her that my religion frowned on higher education. I was inducted into the National Honor Society, but my mother had to look long and hard to make sure there was nothing wrong with a J-Dub being in the National Honor Society before she would permit it. I remember being scared to death that she would not let me.
In high school, I took mostly classes that would help me get an office job, though I really wanted to take the college prep classes instead. But I knew where my future lie and there was no fighting it. My senior year, I was in Office Occupations, so I actually worked in an office half a day, which I really enjoyed. There was a dinner my work had that I was invited to and I really wanted to go. But ...........it was on a meeting night and my righteous mother would not allow me to miss the meeting for the dinner. I hated that. My boss got corsages for all the Office Occupations girls working for her to wear to the dinner and she got me one, too, even though she knew I could not go.
I was put in a college prep English class my senior year, which I was very proud of. Not many kids were accepted into that class and it was really an honor. I was getting all kinds of literature mailed to me from different colleges. I would keep all of it and just pore over it. Later on when I lived on my own and had left the "troof", I did go to night school at the local community college, but I was never able to finish. I worked full-time and then became an unwed mother and just felt I had too many responsibilities to continue. In later years, after I was married, I did attend a class here and there to further what I wanted to do career-wise, but never actually got a degree. I always felt like I really missed out. I have thought that once I retire, I may go back to school then.
I was born in 1952 also. My father was not a witness, but my mother definitely wore the pants in the family and made the decisions, and always based those decisions on her religion, which she shoved down our throats. Family Bible studies were like a punishment, and of course, we had to read the daily "hex" every day as a family. She never knew I referred to it as that or I would have been in lots of trouble. I still laugh about the daily "hex".
But life does go on. I wish things had been different back then, but overall my life has been good. At least my kids have had the opportunities that I did not.
Well, I'va made it through Friday.....
by still_in74 inso i have the friday of the district assembly behind me.
i have learned;.
i need to cancel my cable so i can study more and read the bible more and have less temptation to buy "new toys"i need to sell my house and buy an ol' fixer upper so my wife can stop working and pioneeri need to sell all my "toys" and my cari need to trust the fds implicitly because jehovah does.i need to pray more, study more, preach more, go to more meetings, etc.
"I've seen some of the fixer uppers that a couple of JWs have. They never fixed them up! Can't cuz wife didn't work and pioneered full time" Well, that's the whole point, didn't you know? You are not supposed to fix them up because that would take time away from Jehovah.
There are so many things wrong with this picture that I don't even know where to start. So I am not going to. I am just going to say that you need to run in the opposite direction as fast as you can, and while you are running, stop off somewhere for counseling to find out why you would be attracted to someone who would treat you so badly. And don't get involved with anyone else until you have learned the answer to that question and can make a better decision on the man in your life. You deserve much better than this.
This guy would be a poor choice even if he was not a JW. He is sick on so many levels.