JoinedPosts by mimimimi
Central Midwest apostafest....
by crazyblondeb ini really would love to meet somemore of ya'll........... anyone interested in meeting in st. louis or kc???
i live right between the two!!.
Central Midwest apostafest....
by crazyblondeb ini really would love to meet somemore of ya'll........... anyone interested in meeting in st. louis or kc???
i live right between the two!!.
I live right across the river from St. Louis. I would be interested. There are some others from around here who might be also. Maybe they just have not seen this post yet. Anywhere between here and KC would be okay with me.
Who's Going to the Memorial Tonight?
by daniel-p inok everyone, who has to go to the memorial tonight?
check in here, state the reason you have to go, and when you get back, let us know how it went and your impressions.
for me, i have to go for my family--since i'm doing the fade i figure it won't kill me to go.
Just missed my third Memorial in a row, and I am never going back!!!!!!!!!! Woo-hoo!!!!!!!!!!!
Losch reveals newer new light at Australia Zone Visit
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite inokay everybody, grab your barf bag because i just got a steaming shovel full of craptastic notes from gerrit's zone visit to the land down under !!.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ read at your own risk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~puke.
zone overseer was losch and his side kick was a big black guy, quite a scolar, cant remember his name though.
"40 years from now I am going to hold Losch accountable for all the things he said that didn't come to pass!" That dipshit will be dead and in hell 40 years from now. His accountability will be moot.
It's Friday night and what are you doing?
by wings ini'm sitting by the fire drinking a bud light in a wine glass trying to decide what movie to watch while i do the dishes.. besides checking in on jwd that is..
Hubby and I just got back from going out to dinner, which is what we do every Friday. Now I am checking out JWD, and later may make some fudge to feed my sweet tooth. Then relax with a good book.
Do You Remember The Last Time
by journey-on inlong time faders and those who have been out for a you remember your last day in field service or your last meeting?.
my last day in field service was a "million" years ago.
but, i remember it vividly.
I don't remember my last day in field circus, but I sure do remember my last meeting. I was trying to hang in there and continue to make a show even though I no longer believed. During the Sunday talk, the brother read a scripture from Psalms about listening to Jehovah, and then said to the congregation in an entreating manner, "Brothers! Please! Listen to the organization." Well that did it for me. I had been coming home from every meeting about to gag on what I had heard, but that topped it all. That scripture said nothing about an organization at all, only Jehovah. I went home and told my husband, "I'm done. I can't stand to listen to that any more." I have never looked back.
With every breath that I took, I wanted the JWs to be right...
by cognac ini wish i could not think its so wrong when everyone i know and love thinks its so right.. i'm so mad... i wish i could run to my husband and tell him how angry i am.
tell him and my family that i don't ever want to go near a kh again.
"There's no graceful way to leave Watchtower-world, especially if you're in a high profile position."
And actually, it does not matter if you are in a high profile position or not, it is not easy to do. My heart goes out to you in your situation. Mine was so much easier due to the fact that my husband was never a witness and my sons were also not witnesses. I do have extended family who are hard-core witnesses and it was frightening to me for a long time to think of facing them regarding my decision to leave. But it truly does become easier with time. I used to be frightened at the thought of elders showing up at my door, but no longer.
Recently my mother asked me when I was coming back to the truth. I told her that I did not regard the Jehovah's witness religion to be the truth and that I had no intention of ever coming back. It was a lot easier to do than I ever thought it would be and I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. As yet, there has been no fall out from it. I am not being shunned and no elders have shown up at my door. But the best part was that I was no longer afraid to say this to her. It comes with time and feeling solidy assured that Jehovah's witnesses are wrong. And if the fall out comes and has just not hit me yet, I feel it will be so freeing for me. I will no longer feel a need to hide anything I do from anyone.
The best thing to do is to keep yourself reminded of why they are wrong. Keep seeking information that helps you to see incontrovertibly that the Watchtower organization is wrong. Build up your associations and friendships here on JWD. Find new friends in your personal life who are not JW's. Get a support base. Hopefully, your husband will eventually follow along with you, but even if he does not, you need whatever it takes to have a support system and strength.
Best wishes,
If Your Aged Parent Asked U Not To Give Them Blood, Would U Agree?
by minimus inbe honest.
if your jw parent trusted you to comply with their wishes, would you honor their request?
I would respect her wishes. It would be too devastating to her if I did not.
1975 Letdown increasingly becoming topic of conversations among witnesses
by Meeting Junkie No More ini have noticed that more and more, witnesses seem to be discussing the 1975 debacle amongst themselves, and agreeing that it is amazing that witnesses as a whole are all still here and the world is still here, and their kids are now in high school, or married, or whatever.
they also seem to be discussing the importance of retirement plans, in direct contradiction to what cos and dos are spouting at the annual conventions.... the last time this happened was at a recent funeral, where another long-time witness had passed on.
the interesting thing was that a younger group were discussing this, and some of them weren't even around in '75!.
My whole family lived through it, though I was disfellowshipped in 1975. I remember my mother trying to get me to talk to the CO and I said "what for?" I wanted no part of it and I was not at all worried about 1975. I have not talked to my mother about this in years, but my younger sister who is still in the Borg, she is about 53 now, says she remembers it very well, and that, yes, the Society did try to convince the rank and file that Armageddon was coming in 1975.
I am so gratified to see how many people are leaving the Borg. I talked Saturday with someone who is a member on this board that I had just found out had gone "apostate" that I have known since I was a teenager. I know people in at least two congregations near here that have left also, and I wonder about some that I know have not gone to meetings in years, or very rarely, and suspect they also are "apostate", but just trying to keep it low-key to keep from being disfellowshipped and losing their families. Who knows what the future holds for the Society as the common J-dub talk more and more about things like this and learn more and more; hopefully, someday the downfall of the whole rotten system.
New arrangement for field service?
by Zico ini don't know if this is a worldwide thing because i didn't go the meeting where the arrangement was announced, but it's being done in my congregation anyway.
during those 6 months the member assigned to the pioneer is meant to make time to work with the pioneer as much as possible, so they can strengthen each other.
the idea is meant to be that eventually each member of the congregation will get a go.
"what about the woman on the edge of a nervous breakdown, alcoholic husband, kids are a wreck - lets tell her she's not doing enough, give her more to worry about. Aahhh. the loving provisions of the WTS."
Yup, that was me. And very looked down upon and judged in the congregation because I could never come up to their standards of meeting attendance and field service time. Feel the love.