Yes, same girl, quite beautiful girl in her early teens, first fondled by an elder, then her stepfather tried to rape her one night, but she was able to make enough noise to get her mother out of bed and deter him. She ended up going to live with a previous stepfather and her brothers and her mother was the one counseled by the elders, not the stepfather who tried to rape her. She told me this herself. There are others I heard about secondhand.
JoinedPosts by mimimimi
Did You Personally Know Any JWs That Were Sexually Molested By Other JWs?
by minimus ini knew of a handful (which is too many) that were molested by a jehovah's witness.
it was not typical in my experience.
what about you???.
Man Vs. Woman---The Organization's View
by minimus inwomen in the "truth" are considered lower than men or even male children!
for years, females couldn't give talks in the ministry school.
now, interperters who are female must wear a head covering as if they were teaching, mot merely repeating for fear they might offend the angels!.
I have not read all the posts in this thread because I don't have time right now, but I just saw that you are a male. No wonder you think the Watchtower organization treats women just fine. You are not a woman and do not know what it is like to be on the receiving end of their misogyny. You are a blind fool.
In our town, the trick or treaters are only allowed to go to your house if you have your porch light on. If you don't have it on, that means you do not want trick or treaters. Lots of people do not have their lights on.
Most people around here take their children only to homes of families or friends for trick or treat, or they go to nursing homes or places like that. There is a lot of worry about what your children may get from people they don't know; i.e. razor blades or needles put in candy, etc.
So here it is not a big deal if you do not want trick or treaters.
missing stuff on the board...snakes fade is busted
by SnakesInTheTower ini will never miss reniaa's character.
reniaa is gone?
awwww, i liked her/him/it ... (just kidding...**i just threw up in my mouth a little**).
Can't wait to hear the whole scoop!
When Was The Last Time You Read From The Bible?
by minimus ini can't remember.
i don't think about it .
what a difference a few years make!.
It has been a while since I read from the Bible. I decided at one point that I wanted to read it with my Watchtower blinders off and I came to the conclusion that much of it does not really make sense. Also I am totally turned off by the male chauvinist sexist agenda in it.
Jesus' Role as Mediator
by sd-7 ini just had a thought--never a good sign, right, ladies?--about jesus' role as mediator, as defined by the watchtower society.
i personally experienced a particularly interesting moment with my mother back when i first started to lose faith in the borg.
(i'm actually going to use that term, borg, now because "organization" makes me cringe every time i hear it, even when it's used at work.
I told my mother about this as well, hoping it would open her eyes. She got all excited and said "it makes sense since the 144000 are the only ones in the new covenant". There's nothing like being blinded by a mind control cult.
I had a make-over!!!
by Lady Lee init was time for a new look.
so i have been playing around with some ideas.
when i was in winnipeg i had a hairdresser that was great.
Love it! Looks great on you!
Do you mean as in coitus de flagrante delicto? Now that would be worth commenting on.
Does marriage work
by wouldacouldashoulda inhi posters.
in the uk 50% of marriages fail.
maybe around half of those who stay married are not really that happy.. .
My husband and I are coming up on 30 years next February. We have had times we went through hell in this marriage, but after sobriety, 12 step programs, and counseling, we stayed together and today I cannot imagine being in a better marriage. He is my best friend and it is such a comfort to have him in my life. I know he feels the same way.
Anyone near South Hadley, MA? Need info on the area.
by SnakesInTheTower inno, i don't live there.
my fiancee's 23 year old daughter just started university at mt.
holyoke on a near full-ride scholarship.
Universities usually have a student worker program. Theirs may be all filled up by this time, but it would be worth checking in to. If she does not know where to go to find out, she could ask a counselor.