You do need to get some counseling, maybe some rehab. You need some direction to help you start figuring out what you really want to do. I don't know exactly what your financial situation is, but you should be able to find some inexpensive counseling help. Many places have a fee schedule based on your income. Also, if you feel that substance abuse is a problem, 12-step programs are free (Alcoholics Anonymous/Narcotics Anonymous), though generally everyone puts a dollar in the pot at each meeting to pay for rent, literature, coffee, and candy. You don't put anything in first meeting, though. If you find that is the way to go, you can get a sponsor who will help you work through things.
Also, you need new interests and new friends. See what is available in your community. I don't know what you are interested in, but many times there are free programs at the library (at least in our community) or you could even volunteer at a hospital, soup kitchen, or something like that. Also the library would be a good place for you to seek information about whatever issues you feel applies to you.
Coming on this discussion board is good, too. Many people here will take an interest in you and befriend if you continue to post. I hope you can get your head together and decide what to do and where to go from here. I guarantee you, the party scene is a deadend (been there, done that).