My heart goes out to you. With time and new experiences, things will become more clear to you. I too felt a lot of guilt when I left the JW's - it had been so deeply ingrained that you had to be doing more, more, more and watching everything you did, not stumbling anyone. You learn after a while that sometimes less is more. Enjoy your life. Remember that Jesus said we are to love God with our whole heart, mind etc. and we are to do unto others as we would have them do unto us. Those two commandments cover everything in our lives. They do not come with a set of rules and dos and don'ts. We can figure out what is beneficial to ourselves and others and if we are doing those things, we will have a good life and find satisfaction in it. Not that you will not have problems in life, but you can find ways to deal with those problems without the Watchtower's twisted input and have peace in your life.
Educate yourself, too, regarding the Watchtower Society and the mind control techniques they use and the corruption that exists in that organization. Look for guidance in other spiritual publications. At 12 step meetings they always tell you "Take what you need and leave the rest." Apply that in what you read. Fill your mind with positive things. Continue praying for others. That shows you have a good heart. God recognizes that in you and he will guide you along your way.