I was raised in the truth. The first glimmer of happiness I ever experienced was shortly after I was df'd and it has only gotten better as time has gone on. It did hurt to have all but my older non-witless brother shun me, but as time has passed I have just put them out of my mind. I went from being suicidal and severely depressed to NO medication, no more visits to therapists & psychiatrists. I enjoy life and I have replaced my flesh & blood family with some truly wonderful friends who have given me more support and love than I ever received in the Borg or from my siblings. There is a happy life after the Borg!
JoinedPosts by FreeGirl2006
Does Knowing the Truth Make you a Happier person?
by gumby inmany of us who were once jehovah's witnesses had a measure of happiness in our lives.
for me, i had a hope in the future, i had answers as to why we are all here, i believed in a loving god who looked after me and cared about me, i had answers to all of lifes big questions.. when i found out the truth about the witnesses, i was lost in a great big world and now had no answers other than the fact that what i once believed was "the truth" in actuality wasn't the truth.i now had to start all over in my search for truth.
for me, it wasn't long before i found what i thought was the truth since i always believed in the bible.
Dating--Then & Now
by FreeGirl2006 ini was the good little christian girl.
except for one brief blip on the radar, i dated only "brothers" and only with the view to marriage.
frankly, the attitude of the single brothers made me almost despise men.
Anewme--that is so awesome that your hubby is doing the door holding after all those years! Sounds like you have got someone real special. I tend to lurk on the board, but in recent days I have been visiting more and commenting. I guess I never thought about meeting someone here as a potential date. Like I was reading the other day, when you want to meet someone you have to look around every where you go and have a positive attitude. You just never know who you are going to meet and where you are going to end up.
Dating--Then & Now
by FreeGirl2006 ini was the good little christian girl.
except for one brief blip on the radar, i dated only "brothers" and only with the view to marriage.
frankly, the attitude of the single brothers made me almost despise men.
SB, I completely agree with you. I don't know that I will ever marry again--the experience was too painful the first go round, but I would not have a problem committing to a relationship or even living with a man. I feel so much freer sexually without all the dogma and "rules". I frankly never found anything in the Bible that specifically mentioned oral sex and whose business is it anyway? It is just refreshing for me to be with a man who desires & respects me.
I hate that your sister is a gossip, but at least you are happier than she will ever be in the Borg. And you sure are getting better sex than she could ever hope for in the Borg!
I am so happy that you found someone special. I hope that one day I will have that too.
Exceptional Artists within our Midst.....
by restrangled ini have had extensive contact with a true artist who cannot expose himself.. he is one of our members and i am moved after receiving copies of his art work.
he is also a pianist, and volunteers to inspire children.. i feel compelled to talk about his abilities.
his art is exceptional and addresses so many of our feelings.
Will the talented artist please stand up? At least share some artwork! We would love to see it. Sounds like an exceptional person.
Dating--Then & Now
by FreeGirl2006 ini was the good little christian girl.
except for one brief blip on the radar, i dated only "brothers" and only with the view to marriage.
frankly, the attitude of the single brothers made me almost despise men.
I was the good little Christian girl. Except for one brief blip on the radar, I dated only "brothers" and only with the view to marriage. Frankly, the attitude of the single brothers made me almost despise men. But I kept slogging through just knowing one day I would be blessed for remaining a virgin, dating only "in the truth", etc. I turned down quite a few dates with very attractive, kind "worldly" men even though I could barely get a date in the truth because I was not a size 0, a pioneer, a dowdy dresser, a meek, quiet, personality-less "Christian". Well, I won the lottery at age 30 and married "in the truth"...to a man who disliked sex. Eight years of a bad, almost sexless marriage to a "loyal brother" almost did me in and I left. Btw--I never cheated on the man even though it was tempting.
So, I am now separated (will be divorced later this year) and df'd. I decided to date. I was a bit uneasy at first because of all the brainwashing about how bad the "worldly" people are and that they can only be after one thing...blah blah blah...anyone who was in the Borg for long knows the spiel. I love dating! I have met some really nice and attractive men. And they don't all want just sex. Surprise, surprise, they are even looking for love, a partner, a friend. One gentleman that I dated for several months is probably the most spiritual person I have ever known. He is familiar with the witlesses so when I told him my whole family was shunning me, he wanted me to hop on his Harley with both of us decked in leather and pull up in their driveway and announce we needed a place to live...ah to see the looks on their faces would be priceless! Worldly men are much nicer and far more generous than any of the brothers I ever went out with. Dating has been a pleasure and it is so nice once it is freed from the constraint that YOU MUST MARRY if you are dating. What a crock!
Anyone have any dating experiences they care to share? What has been the nicest and the worst thing about dating "in the truth" and "in the world"?
Would you ever date a former Witness or do you want to just not go there? Would you feel more in the comfort zone to date someone who understands your background? I don't know if I would date a former witness because I think I would be afraid he might want to go back...not that that has been an issue for me yet. Of course, the benefit of dating a former Witness is the fact they understand completely the shunning thing...normal people can't quite wrap their mind around this "loving" procedure by a borganization that claims to follow in Christ's footsteps and be the epitomy of brotherly love.
How have you met people? I have been doing the internet dating sites with success.
What was your greatest motivation......
by onlycurious in....to get out of bed to do massive hrs of service each month?.
Growing up, we were beat by the super zealous pedofile step-creep elder if we resisted Saturday morning service.
Later, as a single sister I wanted to do the "right" thing and be obedient and help people. I bought into the program. Plus, I really wanted to get married to someone "in the truth" (barfing and gagging here). What a freakin joke! Anyway, I strived to be the best Witness girl I could be because I just knew I would be blessed with a good Christian husband.
Ban on Jeans , T-Shirts & Shorts after the Convention
by dozy inapr km insert.
"even during leisure time , such as when going out to eat after the programme , we should dress as befits ministers... and should not wear such clothing as jeans , shorts or t-shirts.
what a witness this will give to the community.".
For the first time since I've been out of the org (2 1/2 years now) I got a shiver and the heebie-jeebies from reading that stuff from the Kingdom Ministry. For a horrifying half-second, I was back in those awful Kingdom Hall chairs, listening to that tripe being read to me from the platform, and I was seeing myself saying, "yes, I'll obey". *shudder*
Boy, I felt the same way, Dave.
The zombie dress code. I always took my badge off...I hate to stand out.
Sounds like they have some new stuff to start d'fing people with. Sister Freegirl, we think you are unrepentant in your sins toward the congregation. You wore jeans and a tank top in your hotel room after the convention. Barf & gag.
Can't you feel the love!!!!
by kerj2leev ingot this poem sent to me and wanted to .
since theres only one day, .
and this is my day.
I agree with found-my-way's sentiment that the self-righteous faux-piety makes me want to puke!
Don't miss any of that crap being passed around or vomited from the platform.
Great poems guys! At least they are sincere.
by KCM inhave only just started posting on here.
read everyone elses though ... :-).
as some of you may know, i've just got my divorce through.
KCM...girl you will find your life blossom if you let it. I was df'd and I am going through a divorce. The hubby is a poster child for all that is wrong with this crappy organization. He is not df'd even though he should be, but he also looks extremely unhappy! Tee hee hee...I am doing great and I have made some wonderful friends. I now have people in my life who actually stop in and check on me when I am ill, who call me, who care about me. What a refreshing change from the Borg!
Elders Visits
by Jobees inone thing that i hear regularly is that once an individual is d-effed they are visited once a year by elders to see where they stand.
in 8 years i have not had one visit, and they know where i live.
is this how the elders are supposed to be?
I think it depends on the elder body. Frankly, I am in hiding and in a gated community so I don't think they will ever find me and I am quite happy to be free of the Big Brother element.