Doug: I thought they saw this government composed of 144,001 spirit-anointed persons and that the total entity was in some way the FDS, with the GB being its voice.
I don't think they saw the FDS as all the anointed both those resurrected to heaven and the remnant on earth but only the anointed while on earth.
*** w0711/1p.30par.12SearchingInto“theDeepThingsofGod”***
We accept the teaching that all of the anointed ones living on earth at any given time constitute “the faithful and discreet slave” that Jesus said would provide timely “food” for his domestics. (Matthew 24:45)
*** w059/15p.22par.9GoOnWalkingasJesusChristWalked***
9 The “master” is Jesus Christ. The “slave” is the group of anointed Christians on earth. This slave class is entrusted with caring for Jesus’ earthly interests and with providing timely spiritual food. A small group of qualified overseers from among the composite “faithful and discreet slave” form the Governing Body, serving as the representative of the slave class
*** w043/1p.10par.9A“Slave”WhoIsBothFaithfulandDiscreet***
Hence, the expression “faithful and discreet slave” refers to all members of that anointed spiritual nation as a group on earth at any particular time from 33 C.E. until now