I am still presently 'active' because of family and have recently been hounded by the elder due to low hours in the ministry. I have decided though that I now feel that I can lie on my service report because FDS has set the perfect example for me to follow. Yesterday in the watchtower study they were misleading in refering to Millions now living MAY never die, and also used two scriptures to support the need to witness day and night but the scriptures were completly unrealated and taken out of context. So even though I feel that I shouldn't have to fudge the numbers on my report I am just following the leader, if they are pleasing in God's eyes then my little lie is no biggie.
JoinedPosts by dearone
You Lie I Lie
by dearone ini am still presently 'active' because of family and have recently been hounded by the elder due to low hours in the ministry.
i have decided though that i now feel that i can lie on my service report because fds has set the perfect example for me to follow.
yesterday in the watchtower study they were misleading in refering to millions now living may never die, and also used two scriptures to support the need to witness day and night but the scriptures were completly unrealated and taken out of context.
How Wonderful
by dearone inan elder in my hall gave an experience of why it is so vital that we do not speak to disfellowshipped ones.
a sister who was disfellowshiped was of course not able to speak with her daughter or see her grandchildren.
it was difficult for the family to 'adhere to bible principles' but in time the mother/grandmother missed her family so much she returned to the truth.
An elder in my hall gave an experience of why it is so vital that we do not speak to disfellowshipped ones. A sister who was disfellowshiped was of course not able to speak with her daughter or see her grandchildren. It was difficult for the family to 'adhere to bible principles' but in time the mother/grandmother missed her family so much she returned to the truth.
I sat there listening to this and wondering does no one else hear what is being said and how ridiculous it is. Of course she wanted her family. It was obvious from this illustration but yet heads are nodding in agreement because this is such a 'loving' thing that helps ones to come to there senses.
I'm in that boat right now I continue to go because of family, but I hate it. Sometimes I get emotionally sick just thinking of attending and have to reason with myself so that I can make it through yet another meeting. How sad.
C.O. Talked about the fact that we may die in this system
by life is to short inbeing that my husband is still going to most of the meetings, i tied into the meeting sunday to see what the co had to say on his last day at the hall.
one thing i found interesting is that we may die in this system.
he said when he first learned the "truth" he just knew for sure that the system would end before he was baptized and he was so stressed out from it.
I think this must be in the outline. My CO said somthing very similar last month. He brought out the fact that his mother thought she would live to see the end but has now departed and that he may also like his mother not see the fulfillment of the promise in his lifetime. But this is something that we are hearing more and more. During a public talk the speaker also spoke along these lines. I think a lot of people are really starting to think or it could be conditioning and trying to smooth the waters as we get deeper into this system of things.
How easy is it to pretend to be a spirtual JW?
by highdose infor arguements sake, lets say you walk into a hall where you are not known and introduce yourself as one of them, how easy would it be to pass yourself off as a fully paid up devout dub?.
i reckon i could do it even now, pull out a doudy dress, look misarble, say all the right things and thanks to jwn i'm in the know about all the most recent developments.
It's very easy. I've been in congregations where the most spritual people were leading double lives then eventually d'shipped. But before the truth about their real lives came out the were on the platform every week, had their hands up for all the answers, never missed field service. They were elders, MS, pioneers you name it the creme de la creme and no one suspected a thing.
I met the perfect man.....
by dearone inbut he was worldly.
i am 38 and single because i was waiting on jehovah to provide a husband for me.
a few years ago i met the man of my dreams.
But he was worldly. I am 38 and single because I was waiting on Jehovah to provide a husband for me. A few years ago I met the man of my dreams. He was everything a girl could ask for and more and guess what he liked me to. But my conscience wouldn't allow me to get involved with this beautiful man and I've regret it everyday since. Why was I so stupid. I prayed, begged, petitioned God for a husband. I was so desperate to find someone with whom I could share my life but satan kept sending these worldy men. Is satan stronger than God. Why did he always seem to answer my prayers. Why did I let my future slip away why oh why oh why?
OMG! My jw husband is going to celebrate Thanksgiving with me!
by doublelife inmy husband just called me.
he said that he's is leaving field service and is on his way home.
i told him to bring something to eat but not anything too heavy.
That's probably because in the book study on Tuesday we learnt that if your conscience will permit you to attend a holiday function with your unbelieving mate thats between you and Jehovah. Of course we wouldn't engage in pagan rituals, but the food is not contaminated and it is o.k. to eat. We may even give a fine witness while doing so.
Just a thought...
by dearone inmy convention was last weekend it was the same old but one thing that caught my attention was a comment made by a brother in his talk.
he said "we are so close to the end, just a couple hours left ....... according to the july 2009 watchtower.
" it wasn't what he said but how, there was a pause and it almost sounded like he was mocking fds.
My convention was last weekend it was the same old but one thing that caught my attention was a comment made by a brother in his talk. He said "We are so close to the end, just a couple hours left ....... according to the July 2009 Watchtower." It wasn't what he said but how, there was a pause and it almost sounded like he was mocking FDS. My girls noticed it too and actually laughed out loud. I was wondering if we had an apostate giving the talk. And it's so interesting that it's not according to the scriptures or God's word. I remember many many years ago that there were only minutes left, looks like we've been given some extra time to change.
Have you been propsitioned by a married brother or sister
by dearone ini have experienced this one more that one occasion.
when i was 16 a good friend of my dad's use to make me sit on his lap being young and naive i thought nothing of it.
one day he came straight out and ask me to have sex with him.
I have experienced this one more that one occasion. When I was 16 a good friend of my dad's use to make me sit on his lap being young and naive I thought nothing of it. One day he came straight out and ask me to have sex with him. Of course I was shocked. He was in his 50's and I loved him like a second father. My brother witnessed this and it was taken to the elders in his congregation. At the JC nothing became of this because they said my brother was too young to be a witness 11 and it was my word against his, of course he boldface lied.
Another married brother who was in my congregation around the same time was obsessed with me. Again he was my dads friend and he would always come over whether or not my parents were home. On one occasion I was in bed sleeping and he walked into my room and woke me up. I've known this brother for over 20 years and to this day he still tells me that he's in love with me and that he would leave his wife in a heartbeat. Mind you he's serving as a MS in his present congregation. He calls me all the time and believe me I have repeatedly asked him to leave me alone. I guess I'm too soft. This brother even knows personal stuff that goes on in my house. It still baffles my mind. I think he is stocking me. My kids are convinced he has some sort of spy ware watching me.
So how about you anyone have any similar experience.
Where is the Love
by dearone inhi i'm dearone i have been reading here for quite some time.
presently am an active witness in good standing with two teenage daughters.
what originally brought me her was disillusion with the lack of love i experienced in the congregations i have attended.
Thank you all for your hearty welcome. I look forward to being a part of this board and getting to know you all better.
Where is the Love
by dearone inhi i'm dearone i have been reading here for quite some time.
presently am an active witness in good standing with two teenage daughters.
what originally brought me her was disillusion with the lack of love i experienced in the congregations i have attended.
Hi I'm Dearone I have been reading here for quite some time. Presently am an active Witness in good standing with two teenage daughters. What originally brought me her was disillusion with the lack of love I experienced in the congregations I have attended. I was treated soooo badly by different sisters on many occasions that I really started to question whether or not this was the truth. The identifying mark is love, yet there is very little. It got to the point that I even wondered if something was wrong with me. But when I started to express my feelings to my friends in different congregations they all had similar expriences as myself, some even worse.
I have found people of different religions such as Penticostal to be extremely loving and kind. I know it's not an act because I work with them for many years eight hours a day so the true person would have to come out. But I just attend meetings a few hours a week and boy did I see some of the nastiest people in the Hall.
Right now I consider myself independant. What I mean by that is I will continue to serve my heavenly father but I will not abide by rules and regulations that are not scriptual. I used to be the one who did whatever FDS said go left, I went left, go right I would turn right do the hokey pokey, whatever was asked of me. But I am not that person anymore. I do believe that there is a lot of good and some real sincere and genuine loving friends but that is not the rule.
I don't believe the blood issue is correct. When I was a baby I had a transfusion that saved my life. I just can't see how Jehovah would rather I be dead. It makes no sense. Also my daughter snuk? and went to a birthday party of one of her schoolmate and when I found out I wasn't upset that she went to that party, just that she lied to me. So I let her know that all I want is honesty and that if she wants to experince life don't hide it from me. I understand where she is coming from. My kids are also free to associated with good worldly kids.
I don't know what the future holds for me I did have one foot out the door but I just take life one day at a time. I love God and Jesus plays an integral part in my life. There is not enough enphasis of Christ.