Being that my husband is still going to most of the meetings, I tied into the meeting Sunday to see what the CO had to say on his last day at the hall. One thing I found interesting is that we may die in this system. He said when he first learned the "truth" he just knew for sure that the system would end before he was baptized and he was so stressed out from it. "He went through the questions in April and was not to be dunked until June and every morning he would wake up and run to the window to make sure that the system had not ended." I found his use of the word dunked offensive for some reason also. Really flip. But he said the word "dunked."
He then said "how many here have felt that way." We might have grown up in the "truth" and 'have been told we would not graduate high school and for sure you would not get married, and definitely we would not have children in this system. Then we did get married and have children but we felt our children Definitely would not go to school and would Definitely not graduate high school and very Definitely not get married and have children. Now not only our children but our grandchildren are getting married and having children.'
The CO said does this mean that Jehovah's Witnesses were wrong? NO!!! Jehovah is not slow with what he promised (Habakkuk 2:3).
The CO then said that we all need to live each day like the system is going to end tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So what about all the window washers who have no savings, no health insurance, who have horrible health because of eating so bad because of not having enough money to buy good food. What is Jehovah going to do for all the 60's and 70's year old people who gave their youth for the cause?
And like the CO said to all the young on Sunday give your lives to Jehovah now!!!! Are they not looking at their parents, grandparents and others who gave everything and have nothing? And yet many in the hall are pioneering and still quitting school not even graduating high school so that they can pioneer and they definitely will not go to college.
How crazy and sad is all of this is this?