I haven't read the text in soo long I can't remember. That's one reason I don't, even though it is a scripture that is being considered, it's not necessarly a scriptural discussion.
JoinedPosts by nonamegiven
Puke Alert! Today's Daily Text.....
by AK - Jeff inmonday, december 18. .
moseswasbyfarthemeekestofallthemenwhowereuponthesurfaceoftheground.num.12:3.. among the many bible examples that highlight how humble people are favored with a glimpse of gods glory is moses, who enjoyed an intimate relationship with god.
this humble man, who spent 40 years as a lowly shepherd, likely much of it on the arabian peninsula, was highly favored by the creator in many ways.
Having a hard time with this, what to do, what to do
by nonamegiven infor those who don't know my story (look up past posts, i posted it) here's the cliff's notes.. i was df'd about 10 weeks ago for things other than apostacy.
i plan in being reinstated to keep communication with my family (wife and i were raised in the........tr......tru.........truth) so i am still going to the meetings.. well, for any that don't know my wife had a baby thursday woo-hoo!
anyway, the cong we are in is actually fairly loving and it's quite a shock to me since it's very different from what i have experienced for the last 30+ years.
I've been giving this a lot of thought. I will not call the PO and ask that these folks not bring meals over. Like I said, my wife is still very devout and needs that association and I don't think it's right for me to deny her of that when afterall, this situation is after all because of my actions.
But I WILL NOT be humilated in my own home and as someone said, in front of my own kids. I will not be overly friendly to them but I will act as I would if anyone one of you came to my house offering to help my family. If they can't take me being polite, then it is up to them to deal with it. In the end, I hope they will realize it is them that is acting in an unatural and un Christ-like way, not me.
Having a hard time with this, what to do, what to do
by nonamegiven infor those who don't know my story (look up past posts, i posted it) here's the cliff's notes.. i was df'd about 10 weeks ago for things other than apostacy.
i plan in being reinstated to keep communication with my family (wife and i were raised in the........tr......tru.........truth) so i am still going to the meetings.. well, for any that don't know my wife had a baby thursday woo-hoo!
anyway, the cong we are in is actually fairly loving and it's quite a shock to me since it's very different from what i have experienced for the last 30+ years.
To answer some questions, I thought I was prepared for a year of this crap. Now I'm not sure if I can do a year. I do know that if it were to go longer than a year I will not make it and I'll be full apostate for sure. I was thinking about begging reinstatment in a few weeks just to see what happens.
Avid, thanks for that info. I knew there was very little if any evidence in the bible about DF'ing and now that I have it I can add it to my database of info I'll use later.
Another reason I'm not sure if I can do this is that I fear my wife will find out about my findings and will label me apostate and maybe even turn me in to the borganization.
Man, I don't know, my head is just spinning right now.
Having a hard time with this, what to do, what to do
by nonamegiven infor those who don't know my story (look up past posts, i posted it) here's the cliff's notes.. i was df'd about 10 weeks ago for things other than apostacy.
i plan in being reinstated to keep communication with my family (wife and i were raised in the........tr......tru.........truth) so i am still going to the meetings.. well, for any that don't know my wife had a baby thursday woo-hoo!
anyway, the cong we are in is actually fairly loving and it's quite a shock to me since it's very different from what i have experienced for the last 30+ years.
For those who don't know my story (look up past posts, I posted it) here's the cliff's notes.
I was DF'd about 10 weeks ago for things other than apostacy. I plan in being reinstated to keep communication with my family (wife and I were raised in the........tr......tru.........truth) so I am still going to the meetings.
Well, for any that don't know my wife had a baby Thursday WOO-HOO! Anyway, the cong we are in is actually fairly loving and it's quite a shock to me since it's very different from what I have experienced for the last 30+ years. So here's the deal. Now that the baby is here for folks (I don't use the term friends in reference to them, even to my wife, subtle tactics for sure haha) at the hall want to stop by to see the little man. A lady (again, no sister of mine) stopped by, said hi to my wife, 3 kids and my freakin dog but didn't even acknowledge my existance. That was hard to be shunned in my own home. Now that really pissed me off. After this week the folks at the hall will be bringing meals over for the family for the next 2 weeks. I hate being treated as sub-human at the hall and I don't know how I will handle being treated like this at my own house. I want to call the PO and tell him I'd rather not have these meals provided for us but I know my wife wants/needs the fellowship of these people.
I can keep myself busy with work in the garage or basement till they leave but why the he!! should I have to hide from these people in my own house!?!? Should I just grow up, and deal with this situation for now for the sake of my wife or buck the system?
On a side note, I am beginning to wonder if I can keep this charade up and keep walking the walk of shame for soo many more months tilll I get reinstated. It's getting harder and harder every meeting. Is this what true worship is all about?
Oops.... I Did It Again!
by evetteto inwell i'm really feeling down about jumping all over my husband with all this new info i find here.
i'm really upset with myself because i dont want to use this info in a negative way ( as to say aha!...told you so ), but as a means to enlighten him, because of my love for him i had the hoove in mouth disease.
I don't know exactly what your situation is but it sounds similar to mine. I was raised in the.....truth (hard to type that) and married a woman raised the same. Now I'm DF'd and learning tons of real truth. I have a strong urge to let the flood gates open and tell her everything, like I"m sure you do. But let me say this, patience my friend, patience. If you open up on him he will label you apostate quicker than you can say United Nations Scandal. Then he will do what comes naturally, he will defend his faith with fervor like never before. This will make his faith stronger by reinforcing the things he believes as well as proving that the scociety was right, that he will be persecuted for his faith. Worst of all, he will distance himself from you, at least in terms of religion, and if you EVER want to make head-way, this is not good.
I thought I was alone
by elinor ini just could not believe it when i stumbled across this forum recently.
i was actually doing research for my dad who wanted to see the world's viewpoint of the failed 1975 prophecy.
he came into the truth less than three years ago and though my mom has been a witness since she was a teenager she never spoke of that particular time period to him.
I'm new here as well. I've had doubts my whole like but was a good little lemming and put those away. Well, they surfaced and after I was DF'd (2 months ago or so) I decided to start looking into things. You will surely be shocked when you learn much of the history. Research the UN issue, you will be pissed, then read Rutherford's interview related to Beth Sarim and you will laugh.
It's a boy!!
by nonamegiven inmy wife gave birth to a baby boy this afternoon!
he doesn't have a name yet so any suggestions?
for all those that care (seems only women do) he is 10 points even and over 22" long.
Thanks all for the well wishes and name ideas. We had it narrowed down to 2 but couldn't decide. I gave her final say but she didn't want it. So, I wrote both names on paper, put them in a bag and had my oldest boy (4 1/2) pull a name out.
His name is Lucas Cooper **********. Ya know, I'm not sure why I'm trying to stay incognito here, if there are any P.I. dubs here they'd figure me out.
Does anyone remember this member?
by nonamegiven inhmmm.
anyone remember him?
well, take a sec to read this post.
Jourles, he's doing well. He has a 2 1/2 year old little lady and is living in LA now. When I found out he had been on this board I searched for his posts just dying to see what he had to say when he was going through what I'm going through now.
Anyway, I saw your name in some of the same posts. Hey BTW, if there are any SE Michigan apostafests pm me please, I don't want to miss it.
Does anyone remember this member?
by nonamegiven inhmmm.
anyone remember him?
well, take a sec to read this post.
HMMM. Anyone remember him? Well, take a sec to read this post
In that post he talks about his devout brother that would shun him if he were to speak of the real truth he learned. Well, I am that brother. See, when timmm was going through this time of conflict I was doubting things but being a good dub and puting doubts away.
I called him to tell him of my DF'ing and he was shocked. He told me he thought I would never leave and couldn't believe I had been DF'd. As I told him of my year of doubts he said it mirrored his story (except for the corn cob and thumb-tack incident) and I could tell he was relieved.
Anyway, that's it, just wanted to tell anyone who remembers him that is little bro is here now.
It's a boy!!
by nonamegiven inmy wife gave birth to a baby boy this afternoon!
he doesn't have a name yet so any suggestions?
for all those that care (seems only women do) he is 10 points even and over 22" long.
Hello all. My wife gave birth to a baby boy this afternoon! He doesn't have a name yet so any suggestions?
For all those that care (seems only women do) he is 10 points even and over 22" long. And my wife is only 5'3"!!
Anyway, all is well and everyone is happy. See ya soon!