The tone of many comments show you all up for what you really are.
Posts by IMHO
Cats and Dogs should not be spayed or neutered!
by IMHO ina controversial subject that hasn't been talked about here for 10 years (or so it seems on my quick search).. .
i think it's wrong to spay or neuter.
i bet most of you will disagree.. my vet just called me an irresponsible owner for refusing to have my cat spayed..
Cats and Dogs should not be spayed or neutered!
by IMHO ina controversial subject that hasn't been talked about here for 10 years (or so it seems on my quick search).. .
i think it's wrong to spay or neuter.
i bet most of you will disagree.. my vet just called me an irresponsible owner for refusing to have my cat spayed..
Ok, I'll make another comment.
People don't keep cats. Cats stay because it's advantageous for them to do so.
They will soon leave if they feel like it and other than making it a prisoner in your home you'd have no say in the matter.
Why do people get so emotional about cats being killed. They are animals. Those same people would quite happily kill a mouse and not be bothered if "their" cat kills one.
I love all animals, you can't have one rule for "pets" and another for all the others. Or should we go round fixing all the rabbits, or take them into our homes lest they be eaten by another animal, or God forbid a human.
Cats and Dogs should not be spayed or neutered!
by IMHO ina controversial subject that hasn't been talked about here for 10 years (or so it seems on my quick search).. .
i think it's wrong to spay or neuter.
i bet most of you will disagree.. my vet just called me an irresponsible owner for refusing to have my cat spayed..
I've given it a few days and yes Glander it is the response I expected. There is no point in defending my views to those that oppose it as anyone who has been a JW will understand.
Suffice to say they got by fine before man decided to start operating on them.
Cats and Dogs should not be spayed or neutered!
by IMHO ina controversial subject that hasn't been talked about here for 10 years (or so it seems on my quick search).. .
i think it's wrong to spay or neuter.
i bet most of you will disagree.. my vet just called me an irresponsible owner for refusing to have my cat spayed..
A controversial subject that hasn't been talked about here for 10 years (or so it seems on my quick search).
I think it's wrong to spay or neuter. I bet most of you will disagree.
My vet just called me an irresponsible owner for refusing to have my cat spayed.
Do you think theres such a thing as a "normal person"
by londonlady ini was trying to think of all the many many people i've ever met and conculded that none of them could be termed "normal".
some of them might have seemed normal to start with but on further inspection most definatly not!.
in answer to the obvious question no i do not think i'm normal neither, i don't think i would want to be either.
To be "normal" means to be part of the majority within whatever cateogry you are looking at, whether that be generally or more specifically.
Names at Assemblies/Conventions/Meetings
by IMHO inat a recent ca.
the 'brother' giving the last talk.
didn't just thank the departments e.g.
At a recent CA. The 'brother' giving the last talk. Didn't just thank the departments e.g. The Volunteers, The Attendants, The Cleaners he actually thanked the 'top-dogs' by name. e.g. The Assembly Hall Caretaker, and his Assistant. Anyone else had this or is it a strange one-off.
I've always been against 'names' being used. Even at a meeting why does the name of the 'brother' giving the Public Talk need to announced. Isn't the material from the FDS; the speaker just being a tool. We've always been told to look beyond the speaker to the material.
There's always been a big issue that we don't know who writes the literature so as not to bring 'personal glory' to anyone. Why should it be any different with one delivering a talk?
Gossip is Good
by IMHO inthey said so at the circuit assembly.
(but not harmful gossip).
despite the fact that the first two meanings of 'gossip' on the free dictionary are:.
I would say both statements are gossip (assuming they are true, else slander). The first statement falls under the qualification of 'a personal or sensational matter'. It only matters to the person they stole from.
Social Networking - Dangers
by IMHO incan someone enlighten me to the dangers of having 'friends' you don't know?.
finally awake - Thanks for the explanation. I would agree I do think the fault lies with the user. As you said yourself the only safe post are lost that you wouldn't mind appearing in the local newspaper.
Taking it from another again I think a big part of the problem is that a lot of 'users' have an egotistical tendency and like to think that everyone will be interested in what they have to say. Hence the tendency to give 'more interesting' information.
Maybe there should be education at school for children in using 'social networks'. They could be given tasks such as finding out as much as you can about the person sitting next to you using the internet alone.
Social Networking - Dangers
by IMHO incan someone enlighten me to the dangers of having 'friends' you don't know?.
Azazel - recently. I've been mulling it over.
Alone with someone of opposite sex.
by IMHO init's always been said that it's ok with a close family member.. what about amnon and tamar?.
Three no good. How about four.
Maybe that's why in field service you often get 2 couples working together.
Then again with 4 people 'swinging' could begin.