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JoinedPosts by BCZAR2ME
Cary Verse - known JW Pedophile Arrested Again
by Gerard inconvicted sex offender nabbed after boy found with him in carby bruce gerstman - medianews staffarticle last updated:11/21/2006 07:10:03 am pst.
cary verse, a convicted sex offender, has been arrested on suspicion of violating the conditions of his release.
since leaving jail, verse has become a jehovah's witness who attends bible studies classes.
Lightbulb Joke
by Asheron inq: how many born-again christians does it take to change a light bulb?.
they have already seen the light.. q: how many agnostics does it take to change a light bulb?.
a: we can't know.
What do you call Elders in Germany?
German Shepherds!
Lightbulb Joke
by Asheron inq: how many born-again christians does it take to change a light bulb?.
they have already seen the light.. q: how many agnostics does it take to change a light bulb?.
a: we can't know.
How many cockroaches does it take to change a light bulb?
Nobody knows. When the light goes on they all scatter!
Pat Robertson says god's name is "jehover"
by Jourles ini had to stop in and post this link.
it came via a jw chain email.
all of the jw's on the chain are super excited about robertson admitting that god's name is jehover.
..."yet the demons believe and shudder."
baby elders
by SB ini'm curious ~ has anyone noticed how young elders are these days?
in my old congregation, 6 of our 8 elders were under the age of 30, one of them 23, unmarried.
the father being the p.o...ironically.
I roll my eyes when I hear of twenty-something elders. Never been in a congregation that had one though.
"Call the older men..." ha ha ha
Even thirty is young when you consider life experience.
If Angel's Looked Like ...(For The Women)
by Legolas inthis would you worship them?.
to speak for myself...i would have to say yes!
btw...littletoe, i will step on your big toe if you make a thread with an angel woman!.
Judicial Committee Preparation
by Marvin Shilmer injudicial committee preparation.
recently a friend inquired about how to best prepare for a judicial committee hearing from the prospective of the subject individual.
at a minimum i recommend the following:.
Has anyone ever heard of an appeal where the original decision was reversed?
They are few and far between.
Many appeal according to secular court standards. Stating they were not given a fair hearing; whatever that means to their case.These are usually heard but have little bearing on a reversal.
Judicial Committee Preparation
by Marvin Shilmer injudicial committee preparation.
recently a friend inquired about how to best prepare for a judicial committee hearing from the prospective of the subject individual.
at a minimum i recommend the following:.
What is the purpose of doing the steps Marvin outlined?
To get them to not take action against you; to prepare for a possible lawsuit?
The elders can simply state that they cannot meet under those circumstances and still take action due to your "brazen" attitude.
Brazen is a term they have been throwing around a lot lately.
So what is the purpose? If you are going to all this trouble to prepare then likely you've reached the point where you no longer wish to be associated with the JW's. Other than the shotgun approach, better ways to go out in a blaze of glory have been suggested.
Should Uninvited D to D Work of Jehovah's Witnesses be against the Law?
by frankiespeakin ini agree that everyone should have the right to practice thier own religion, as long as it doesn't interfere with another person right to privacy and right to not be harassed in their own home by those who feel they have the better religion.. the door to door work of jws is harassment, when you consider that they call for the most part in the morning, univited to talk about why there religion is the right one and often have very bad things to say about other belief systems, which has the potential of disturbing the peace.
Should Uninvited D to D Work of Jehovah's Witnesses be against the Law?
by frankiespeakin ini agree that everyone should have the right to practice thier own religion, as long as it doesn't interfere with another person right to privacy and right to not be harassed in their own home by those who feel they have the better religion.. the door to door work of jws is harassment, when you consider that they call for the most part in the morning, univited to talk about why there religion is the right one and often have very bad things to say about other belief systems, which has the potential of disturbing the peace.
Just put up a " Trespassers will be Violated" sign.