I just got done voting. KY held state elections on November 6.
I'm still debating my presidential choice...
you've left the jw's now its your opportunity to make a difference with your voice in the world we are living in.. are you going to vote in the next election???!!!!!!!.
I just got done voting. KY held state elections on November 6.
I'm still debating my presidential choice...
i would like someone to discuss some issues i have.
i understand all are welcome here, so i am sure some elders or former elders could help me.
i was a pioneer for 7 years, before that i was a regular auxiliarry pioneer for 3 years, i have been a witness for 17 years.
I seem to remember you saying something about not going to see your daughter but your daughter coming to see you. I also thought you said, about the man, "no Jehovah's Witnesses" or some such thing. I can't find the post and don't have any more time to look.
Anyway, this is what popped into my head this morning. If the man your daughter is living with is a known opposer of Jehovah's Witnesses or is a former JW (read apostate in their language), then perhaps the fact that you are maintaining any contact at all is the reason you are being treated in such a horrible fashion. It is even possible that what they know about him is something you DON'T know about him -- for example, if he was disfellowshipped in another congregation and then moved to where you are.
Guilt by association -- the Witnesses are famous for extending it WAY beyond its intended meaning.
Of course you must continue to help your daughter. God gave her to YOU and HE expects you to love her unconditionally.
And maybe I'm completely off base and out of the ball park, in which case ignore me.
Just my 2 cents and MHO,
would you rather take a shower, or a bath?
i prefere showers with water hot as i can stand and i don't mean in scrub up, rinse, out....linger uneder the water is so relaxing...what about you..?.
Bubble bath -- bath pillow -- long soak -- candles -- soft music
Whoops, back to reality!!
But yeah, baths all the way :-)
i would like someone to discuss some issues i have.
i understand all are welcome here, so i am sure some elders or former elders could help me.
i was a pioneer for 7 years, before that i was a regular auxiliarry pioneer for 3 years, i have been a witness for 17 years.
You have received lots of good advice. If you want to pursue the matter with the congregation, you must take the matter "up the ladder".
But ask yourself, is this the way Jesus Christ treated people?
The Watchtower organization is a publishing company masquerading as a religion.
i would like someone to discuss some issues i have.
i understand all are welcome here, so i am sure some elders or former elders could help me.
i was a pioneer for 7 years, before that i was a regular auxiliarry pioneer for 3 years, i have been a witness for 17 years.
The part of the story that I don't understand is the elders refusing to accept your time slips but still allowing you to have a key to the Kingdom Hall to clean it.
In the mid 1990s, the elders met with my daughter (who was 12 years old and not yet baptized). The end of the matter was that she was determined to be "not a publisher", which meant that she couldn't go in service with me or report time. Her father was removed as a ministerial servant due to not presiding correctly over her family. Her "sin" was smoking a cigarette at the home of an elder in the company of the elder's daughter (who also smoked a cigarette but was not similarly disciplined).
So I have seen very cruel and arbitrary things happen, but what you are relating is very contradictory.
If your time is being refused, you are no longer considered by that body to be a Witness. Period.
The rest I don't understand. It is possible that you are, as has been suggested, a "troll". But I can't verify that, so I won't assume so until someone proves it (for example, is inactive's IP tracking to Colorado?).
I stopped going in service when I was told that my daughter could not accompany me. The journey after that took more than a decade.
The congregation never dealt with me at all. I was visited regularly, and received literature regularly until just recently. Meanwhile, I joined the American Legion Auxilliary and started attending the Catholic Church.
I was a 5th generation Witness and still live in the town I grew up in.
Give your daughter unconditional love. Stop cleaning the Kingdom Hall. Read the Bible without the help of Watchtower publications. Check out sites like Biblegateway.com to find alternate readings of Bible texts. Pray intently and sincerely.
I will pray for you as well.
today is my one year anniversary at jwd :-).
i was lurking here for a couple of weeks before that, but i joined a year ago today.. one of the first people who welcomed me was "fullofdoubtnow".
oh well.... the same day that i registered here, i attended my first roman catholic mass.
Hey Gopher:
Didn't you catch my wink?
I travelled through agnostic land. I have many friends who live there. But I have realized that it's not for me.
Your mileage may vary.
today is my one year anniversary at jwd :-).
i was lurking here for a couple of weeks before that, but i joined a year ago today.. one of the first people who welcomed me was "fullofdoubtnow".
oh well.... the same day that i registered here, i attended my first roman catholic mass.
Today is my one year anniversary at JWD :-)
I was lurking here for a couple of weeks before that, but I joined a year ago today.
One of the first people who welcomed me was "fullofdoubtnow". Oh well...
The same day that I registered here, I attended my first Roman Catholic Mass. I am now in RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation), and will be baptized at the Easter Vigil this coming Spring.
I've made good friends on this board. I have yet to get together in person, but I've spoken to several people on the telephone and they are real people *hah*. I hope to meet some XJWs in person next summer. Jeff Schwehm is planning a Catholic XJW Conference next July.
I am on myspace - http://www.myspace.com/rleone3 . If you want to add me, you need to know that my last name is Leone.
I have started to tell the story of my journey from 5th generation JW to ethical agnostic to Roman Catholic. I am writing the story in installments. The first few are found here: http://nanaruthann.blogspot.com .
Thanks to everyone here who helped me to recover from a lifetime of JW indoctrination and find freedom in Jesus Christ. Even those of you who don't believe in God or in the Bible have helped in your own way -- you made me realize that I really did not want to be you ;-)
Love to all,
Ruth aka NanaR
hey friends,.
my sixth grandchild was born last week.
my daughter had severe preeclampsia so the delivery was an emergency.
Thank you all!!!
Hudson had a good night last night. He didn't have a single apnea episode :-)
Ya'll can be so nice :-)
hey friends,.
my sixth grandchild was born last week.
my daughter had severe preeclampsia so the delivery was an emergency.
Hey friends,
My sixth grandchild was born last week. My daughter had severe preeclampsia so the delivery was an emergency. Little Hudson weighs less than 3 pounds, and he is very premature (28 weeks 5 days). His mommy is already home from the hospital, but he will be there for several weeks.
He has a long road ahead, but he's here:
Prayers and good thoughts are appreciated.