speaking of broadcast.On one broadcast K.Flodin said you be the judge does god have a hand in our construction projects?They needed an equipment console for the control room.A large piece of equipment made to order and NOT stocked anywhere for their jw broadcasting studio.A few weeks before the completion date of the studio the brothers went to a company to get this equipment.Miraculously the company had built one for a company in S.A. that was ready to be shipped and was on a dock in N.Y. however the company went bankrupt and the brother could have this equipment for 60% of full price because that company had paid 40%. What the biggest construction company(jw) in the world and no RFP,specs,price,time of delivery.Shame.
The other broadcast by K.F.talks about this generation.He makes three assumptions what a generation was. Is god's hand in their understanding of the bible.You be the judge.