Thanks for the review,Blondie
RE it-2p.803 rib. Than Gen 3,19 doesn't apply to woman.
comments you will not hear at the 04-01-07 wt study (february 15, 2007, pages 18-22)(respect husband).
review comments will be in red.
wt material from today's wt will be in black.
Thanks for the review,Blondie
RE it-2p.803 rib. Than Gen 3,19 doesn't apply to woman.
are you looking forward to the 2007 dc?it will be the best ever.will you be there for fellowship and association?have you started making preparations?have you requested time off work?have you booked your hotel room?what will your goal be at the dc this year?
all very good questions.. why is the 2007 convention special?
because you are will be given a special fact,there is a worldwide campaign to advertise this convention with a special handbill.per km02/07 is the fallowing presentation"this is your invitation to an upcoming important yearly will be warmly welcomed.
I appreciate all your comments,Thanks.
My point was not so much on the theme of the convention, but the Hippocrates GB Leaders.
A few year back when they done away with the food serves.The food vendors wanted to serve food.The GB Leaders said"If this were permitted,many wordly people would be mixing in company with us durning the day."KM May 99.
Also a letter was read,that you req'd a badge to get into the convention.This I believe because they did not want any apostate in the building.Yes, they did have their own security guys with two-way radios.
That being said,there will be a campaign to invit the public.On the one hand they don't want the sheep mixing with the world on the other hand they invit the world.HIPPOCRATES.So we can do our thing and thumb our noses at the secuirity guys.Why all the counsel in the WT'S not to mixes with the world,you know useful habits are spoiled by GB.Soon they will have their own WT with a unique vocabulary.Why in Sam hell are they inviting the public who won't have a clue what the GB is talking about.
are you looking forward to the 2007 dc?it will be the best ever.will you be there for fellowship and association?have you started making preparations?have you requested time off work?have you booked your hotel room?what will your goal be at the dc this year?
all very good questions.. why is the 2007 convention special?
because you are will be given a special fact,there is a worldwide campaign to advertise this convention with a special handbill.per km02/07 is the fallowing presentation"this is your invitation to an upcoming important yearly will be warmly welcomed.
Are you looking forward to the 2007 DC?It will be the best ever.Will you be there for fellowship and association?Have you started making preparations?Have you requested time off work?Have you booked your Hotel room?What will your goal be at the DC this year? ALL VERY GOOD QUESTIONS.
Why is the 2007 convention special? Because you ARE invited.You will be given a special INVITATION.In fact,there is a worldwide campaign to advertise this convention with a special handbill.Per KM02/07 is the fallowing presentation"This is YOUR INVITATION to an upcoming important yearly event.YOU WILL BE WARMLY WELCOMED. The details are on the invitation."
What does this mean? Well everyone, I mean everyone is INVITED.This includes:
APOSTATES:Who hate Jehovah,Who are rebellious. WHo are revolting,Who reject Jehovah's Organization.Who are filled with Lawlessness=Disloyal to Jehovah=Misery,Corruption=Death.
Disfellowedshiped Ones: Which are persons JW are not to have any Spiritual Association.
Roman Catholics: See WT'S of how bad these people are.
Wordly People: We are not to associate with work mates or school mates.
There are many references to APOSTATES in WTS Mags.I'll just use one July 1,94,p11-13
"Beware of Poisonous Food on the Table of Demons.Food dispensed by the evil Slave Class and APOSTATES. Yes APOSTATES publish literature that resorts to distortions,half-truths and out right falsehood.What do you expect form the table of demons.
THEY EVEN PICKET WITNESS CONVENTION,TRYING TO TRAP THE UNWARY."Guess what, forget the picketing outside they are inviting the APOSTATE right into the building.
There is one consolation of inviting DISFELLOWSHIPED One, they can see their 4 year old daugher or son.They can give them a hug and there isn't one thing the GB can do about it becaused they invited the DISFELLOWSHIPED ONES.Yes the light got brillant and now disfellowshiped ones can associate and fellowshiped with one another.Isn't the Faithful Slave and the GB ever so kind. What about the APOSTATES well they don't have picket in the hot sun and be harassed by the Elders/MS.Also they can bring food in commerically advistised containers.Speaking of bring food. KM of I believe of '95 or '96.WTS didn't want anyone going out for lunch because the Vendors wanted to sell food.This would mean associating with worldly people AH AH AH AH AH.
PS Maybe this invitation is a legal move or they are showing humane acts of kindness.
w/o going into all the history.dc/tmc are all about money.tmc(priests) didn't care how poor the people were or how far they had to travel.they knew the people had to offer sacrifices for the atonement of their sins.also they req'd to buy animals from the tmc.they (tmc) saw an oppportunity to make a ton of money.. wts(gb/faithful slave) select locations for their dc at the lowest price they can get.they don't care how far the r&f have to travel or the cost.req'd (sacrifice) to attend dc.also the r&f have to stay at selected wts hotels.they wts see an opportunity to make a ton of money.ex.a few years back instead of having 1dc in vcr,bc as usual(which would of cost the wts a few dollars more no deal that year) they had 5 dc in kamloops,bc over 200 hundred miles away.approx.
20k r&f had to make that sacrifical trip from vcr to kamloops.cost to r&f est.$2 million.profit est.
to wts $200k.. dc rules... stay at select wts hotels(money for wts),type of food containers, dress,badges.oh so many rules you better see km's for a ton of them.i guess that is to keep r&f on their toes or else it will weigh them down.. ps: stay tuned i have some interesting thoughts on this years dc.. bob.
can't post
(1 peter 3:7) you husbands, continue dwelling in like manner with them according to knowledge, assigning them honor as to a weaker vessel, the feminine one, since you are also heirs with them of the undeserved favor of life, in order for your prayers not to be hindered.. .
*** w06 5/15 p. 32 the value of "a weaker vessel" ***.
13 husbands, show self-sacrificing love ***.
Thanks for the review ,Blondie.
Is it me or is the Watchtower losing control.The past few years the WTWRS are about LOYALTY LOYALTY LOYALTY and now about how husbands/wives/children should live.
w/o going into all the history.dc/tmc are all about money.tmc(priests) didn't care how poor the people were or how far they had to travel.they knew the people had to offer sacrifices for the atonement of their sins.also they req'd to buy animals from the tmc.they (tmc) saw an oppportunity to make a ton of money.. wts(gb/faithful slave) select locations for their dc at the lowest price they can get.they don't care how far the r&f have to travel or the cost.req'd (sacrifice) to attend dc.also the r&f have to stay at selected wts hotels.they wts see an opportunity to make a ton of money.ex.a few years back instead of having 1dc in vcr,bc as usual(which would of cost the wts a few dollars more no deal that year) they had 5 dc in kamloops,bc over 200 hundred miles away.approx.
20k r&f had to make that sacrifical trip from vcr to kamloops.cost to r&f est.$2 million.profit est.
to wts $200k.. dc rules... stay at select wts hotels(money for wts),type of food containers, dress,badges.oh so many rules you better see km's for a ton of them.i guess that is to keep r&f on their toes or else it will weigh them down.. ps: stay tuned i have some interesting thoughts on this years dc.. bob.
W/O going into all the history.DC/TMC are all about money.TMC(Priests) didn't care how poor the people were or how far they had to travel.They knew the people had to offer sacrifices for the atonement of their sins.Also they req'd to buy animals from the TMC.They (TMC) saw an oppportunity to make a ton of money.
WTS(GB/Faithful Slave) select locations for their DC at the lowest price they can get.They don't care how far the R&F have to travel or the cost.Req'd (sacrifice) to attend DC.Also the R&F have to stay at selected WTS Hotels.They WTS see an opportunity to make a ton of money.EX.a few years back instead of having 1DC in VCR,BC as usual(which would of cost the WTS a few dollars more no deal that year) They had 5 DC IN Kamloops,BC over 200 hundred miles away.Approx. 20k R&F had to make that sacrifical trip from VCR to Kamloops.Cost to R&F Est.$2 million.Profit Est. to WTS $200k.
DC rules... Stay at select WTS Hotels(money for WTS),type of food containers, dress,badges.Oh so many rules you better see KM's for a ton of them.I guess that is to keep R&F on their toes or else it will weigh them down.
PS: stay tuned I have some interesting thoughts on this years DC.
comments you will not hear at the 02-18-07 wt study (february 1, 2007, pages 22-25)(your appreciation).
review comments will be in red.
wt material from today's wt will be in black.
They sure made a lot of reference to newspaper articles.Well remember all those WT's about news media as being lies, half truths and you can't believe them.Yeah GB I don't believe those newspaper reports in todays study, just following your advice.
comments you will not hear at the 02-18-07 wt study (february 1, 2007, pages 22-25)(your appreciation).
review comments will be in red.
wt material from today's wt will be in black.
Very good review---Thanks,Blondie
As you rightly pointed out,they are all over the map with their brilliant flashes of light. of their Bible based books "the Revelation book" 70 correction in the KM and untold number in their 2006 printing.Which they didn't have the guts to say it's a revision or re-print.
The way I see it.They (the GB) is like a baby with diarrhea,no matter how many times you change it's diaper,it's always full of shit.
comments you will not hear at the 03-11-07 wt study (february 1, 2007, pages 17-21)(appreciative).
review comments will be in red.
wt material from today's wt will be in black.
They are full of themselves as per your concluding comments.
They say not everyone will get a witness.Yet they no one can understand the Bible without their input..the GB/FBS ..When I read the Bible Matt.24:14 says in part.Preached in ALL the INHABITED EARTH.WHAT part of the Bible don't you understand GB/FDS.
then the end will matthew 10:23.. how you can start a bible study.
how is this done?matthew 24:45-47; luke 12:42.. *** w05 8/15 p. 22 par.
[picture on page 29] what can you do to direct the student's attention to the bible?.
Thanks for the review Blondie...So the GB/FDS is asking us to invit the public to their public meeting to lecture the public on how to study the WT which the don't have and are not suppose to have.This looks like one of those mult level marketing /pyramid schemes.