Next time he gives a talk, see if he still got a big ring on hisright hand.He may have taken it off since it was pointed out on this forum that many who give talks at d.c./c.a. show off their hardware.
i looked up using an online database the home address for governing body member david h. splane.
the database i used returns the addresses associated with a person going back 25 years.. here are the results:.
david h splane.
Next time he gives a talk, see if he still got a big ring on hisright hand.He may have taken it off since it was pointed out on this forum that many who give talks at d.c./c.a. show off their hardware.
a producer with nbc in new york called within the past hour to tell me that the segment i interviewed for (once in nashville, tn in august and once in washington, dc in october) is set to air tonight on nbc nightly news with brian williams, that is, if no huge calamity takes place to bump the feature.
this piece will be two minutes and 45 seconds long, the longest slot nightly news has for topics of interest, and will feature a discussion about the court documents that are found on the cd i recently produced, "secrets of pedophilia in an american religion, jehovah's witnesses in crisis.
in addition, nbc's internet site, msn, will follow with a detailed story.
I thought the WBTS was in 235 countries, in their statement they mention ONLY the USA.What f%&& hyocrisy.On this forum there were cases in Canada and Gr.Britain.How many Catholic priest charged in the first 1900 years of the Catholic church.Compare R.C. members to WBTS.Why not apologize to the victims first, than make your sorry excuses for your greedy organization.
PS: I can just hear all the excuses the lame elders will be feeding the slaves--word for word from the gestapo.
anyone else care to comment on the watchtower's media site response to the pedophile issue?
i know this has partially been covered, sorry.
Further to my previous statement.How many Catholic priests charged in the first 1900 years of the R.C,.hay,hay,GB/FDS.Why only USA,and Canada,Gr.Britain.R.C,had 4X as many members in 100CE than what WBTS has today.Why not first start by apoloizing to the victims.then make your sorry excuses for your corrupt money greedy organization.
i hope someone other than me, saw nbc nightly news with brian williams, they finally admitted that 7 or 10 elders have sexually abused children, but i'm so f&(&^ pissed with them probably can't quote word for word, they admiited they never contact authorities, alvin heard, james henderson, just two names they mentioned, admitted to wrongdoing, along with the others, but police never contacted !!!.
barb anderson was interviewed as well, needless to say, she supported how the "holier than thou witnesses act when child abuse is charged,, they act like nothing happened.
society even admitted that they rarely contacted aurhotrities with child abuse charges !!
News release from WBTS/GB/FDS on NBC only 13 cases in the last 100 years of WBTS. Why only mention USA,what about Canada,Great Britain and other counties.How many Catholic priests charged in the first 1900 years of the Catholic church,hay,hay.They the Catholic church probably had four times as many members in 100 CE than what the WBTS has today.So don't try and weasel your way out of your money greedy organization.Why not start by apologizing first to all thevictims,than made your sorry excuses for your perverse organization.
police blotter: dot-com swindler goes to prison .
Good point.Those gbees how many more would land in jail if r&f were not afraid of the slave drivers.They like to use the Bible and say not to sue a brother because it brings reproach on the wbts/gb/fds.Yeah cover your asses you lazy morons.Meanwell the poor r&f have to absorb their losses and if they speak out,they are kicked out.Shame,shame,shame on you gbeees.You can't use the excuse that you df the elder because you use the poor excuse of not suing a bro.
if i love my children, i don't make them suffer.
why should god be any different?.
"you may participate in the divine nature" (2 peter 1:4).
Why some can't understand because of people like you who use scriptures to explain the Bible.
when i was a pioneer i used to get the comment a lot, as i am sure most here have.. my stock answer was the analogy.... wt 2002 10/1 page 7 as an example.
imagine a father allowing his child to go thru a painful operation in-order to get better...hence why god permits suffering.
anyway i used to trot this out without any counter arguments.. even when i left, it still seemed a reasonable explanations, then something clicked.
Nazi-Hilter had a plan for 1000 year rule.look what he done.Who knows maybe with todays technology his plan may have worked.I'am sure glad we got rid of that dictator,but how do we get rid of dictator-Jehovah.
soliciting your comments as well!
please take a moment to post a comment, even if brief.
share your experience and keep the topic active.. .
Thanks for the review.I can just hear those poor dim-wit jw slaves says boy the end must be really,really close.Look what the gb/fbs are telling us,go from door to door..go from door to door.They got the ear to the grd and know what is going on,they have god's holy ghost.Do not these stupid jw slaves read past wt/a.It's the same old shit.I guess poor little brain can't comprehend.We better do what the fds/gd tells us.stupid little jw's.
What I do with my life is my business.I could give a rats ass as to what god thinks.When I'am done at least someone can say boy he lived a good full life
as you know i still attend all meetings with my still-in family.
last sunday a bethel speaker came to our hall (crenshaw congregation) and gave two talks.
one on "avoiding satan's snares" and the other on "showing patience towards jehovah and his organization.
Unbelieveable,how can a bethelite get on stage and out and out lie.bold face liar.When I read past WT/A mags with what they print today it makes me sick.They really believe the end is close,1914,1925,1975,1995,2000,please give me a break.Make bethel a career, so why did you kick all the older ones out,because they were useless when the end is so close.Liar,liar,liar..........liar.
ps New system won't need doctors.Look moron there is a shortage of doctors today.When is this new system coming.(more than 7 years to be a cerified doc.)
when most people think of "cult" they think of the people's temple, the branch davidians, or heaven's gate.
many also want to put jehovah's witnesses, mormons, and scientologists into this group.
i don't agree with that because there is one main difference between true cults and high-control groups like jws:.
JW's are a cult,Why,because I said so and you better believe it.You better not even think that it is not a cult.Why,because I said so.If you do say anything I'll boot your ass.Now,repent and beg forgiveness.Say you are really,really ,really sorry for even thinking such evil thoughts.