Ah. That picture!
I remember we were always puzzling over the spare foot (or feet?).
I can't see it now on these small images, and maybe it has been fixed, I don't know.
But somwhere along the first line, we found feet that we could not easily link to a body.
Anyone else remember?
Posts by kifoy
Can someone help me out?
by Nancy Drake ini'm looking for the art that was in the back of the "sing praises to jehovah" songbook.
i tried some image searches, but no luck.
anybody know where i can find this without actually purchasing the book?
16 children!!! I'm fascinated!
by winnie ini have been following the story on the duggar family ever since i saw it when they were having their 15th child.
we get it on pay tv here.
anyone else as interested as i am?.
Link or something?
Got the wrong pay TV here on the other side of the earth, I guess :-)
kifoy -
Did you really want to have "Privileges"
by JH ini don't know about others here, but i couldn't care less about privileges.. i had a couple of privileges, but i really didn't want to get too deep in the org and get too many privileges.
i didn't want to get tied down with that, and have to leave 30 minutes later every meeting, or have to spend an extra hour or two preparing for something.. .
all that counted for me as a dub was "paradise" and "eternal life" .
Since I was a sister, there was not much to do, really. Except cleaning the KH. Boring.
But because our cong. were so small (20-30), and was short of brothers, and my father was the "chief" elder (I don't know the english term) and the one with the most technical knowledge, I got to sit by the sound desk sometimes. I loved that, because I love technical stuff, and that task kept me occupied during the boring meetings. There was also another sister (pioneer) that had this task regularly for several years -- until there were enough elders in the cong, also to take this job.
But sisters could never carry the microphone! That was a boy's job, so as soon as the little boys became publishers, they were given the job to carry the mic.
kifoy -
Should all JW's know by know about the changes to the Watchtower mag?
by oppgirl63 inwhen i picked my roommate up last night from her bookstudy, i asked her if they had announced the information about there being a separate watchtower for the public.
she said she had never heard of such a thing and asked where i heard that.
i told her i read it on the boards.
I can't help but gloat a tiny little bit over the fact that I, an ex-JW, know about these changes before most of the JW's around the world :-D
(I don't know if they've heard anything around here.)
Thank you folks! :-)
kifoy -
I have to aux pioneer?
by thebiggestlie inok so apparently the gb has instutuited some kind of quota for aux pioneers for the month of april for the memorial or something.
so the pos wife came up to me yesterday and told me "every congregation needs at least 16 aux pioneers for the month of april.
you should can i count on you?
"Only" 20%? Well, someone has to be among the 80%, then, right?
kifoy -
Resurrection vs. Re-Creation...
by Tuesday inum, what's the deal with this?
i'm speaking with a witness and he keeps talking about the resurrection and the way it's explained sounds like it's really a re-creation of all of our memories in god's mind then put back on earth in a re-created body.
so in essence a clone of me with my memories and personality will live forever in paradise, how exactly is that a resurrection.
Taking into consideration the excellent comments of Narkissos... :-)
What are you, or your body?
If God (whatever) _can_ restore your body from the dust you have become because of decomposing, but _not_ the dust you have become because of cremation... I can't see the logic in that.
Then what about people that has burned to their death?
When I was a little girl, some 20 years ago, I remember my mother telling me that she wanted to be cremated. Because she was terrified of just beeing "apparently dead", and to be buried alive. When cremated she would be dead for sure.
So where this "new light" came, I don't know.
judith -
I have to aux pioneer?
by thebiggestlie inok so apparently the gb has instutuited some kind of quota for aux pioneers for the month of april for the memorial or something.
so the pos wife came up to me yesterday and told me "every congregation needs at least 16 aux pioneers for the month of april.
you should can i count on you?
I remember a campaign like this about 10 years ago. I wrote my name on the list a couple of month before, but I did not aux. after all when the month came.
This was one of the things that in the end made me fade away and DA. This constant nagging about pioneering. Personally I hated the door-to-door thing. And this constant reminder that I was not good enough, that I did not do enough, slowly pushed me away.
I had a lot of friends that were pioneers, and they were great people and amuzing company, most of the time.
But before I was babtized I was their perfect company on long service days, because they «could count hours» on me since i was not babtized. (That helped a lot on my self-esteem... not, even though they now might say that it was a joke.)
After I got babtized they started to ask me when I would start as a pioneer. Not one time, but many times, as this was highly expected. And I felt that I as a non-pioneer was of less value. My mother was a pioneer for many many years, and my father a well respected elder, so of course I would follow that path too...
No way, that was something I could never do.
I was aux pioneer _one_ time, and I did honestly manage to finish my hours that month.
But, imho, when the "hunting" for hours is the most important thing what's the point?
So, tpl, don't aux. if you don't want to. No one can make you. They can make you feel worthless, but remember that you are a very valuable person no matter what!
I did not see that for a long time.
kifoy -
Resurrection vs. Re-Creation...
by Tuesday inum, what's the deal with this?
i'm speaking with a witness and he keeps talking about the resurrection and the way it's explained sounds like it's really a re-creation of all of our memories in god's mind then put back on earth in a re-created body.
so in essence a clone of me with my memories and personality will live forever in paradise, how exactly is that a resurrection.
I'm not sure that I can see the difference here.
How is "resurrection" supposed to work with no "re-creation"?
The body itself has certainly decomposed, right?
So how do you resurrect a decomposed body without a "re-creation"?
Is the idea that "re-creation" is a re-creation of the body, mind and soul, the person as a whole.
But the "resurrecion" is a "re-creation" of the body, but using the "surviving" soul that has lived on, and put it back in this re-created body?
Or something?
kifoy -
(Ex)-JW Terminology, is there a faq?
by kifoy inmy first post in this very interesting (indeed) forum is a request.
i was born and raised a jw (and wrote the goodbye letter to the elders some 4-5 years ago), but i live in scandinavia.
that means i'm not at all familiar with all the english/us terminology and abbreviations that you use over there.
Gopher: Wow. Thanks for the link :-)
Crumpet: Norway.
kifoy -
(Ex)-JW Terminology, is there a faq?
by kifoy inmy first post in this very interesting (indeed) forum is a request.
i was born and raised a jw (and wrote the goodbye letter to the elders some 4-5 years ago), but i live in scandinavia.
that means i'm not at all familiar with all the english/us terminology and abbreviations that you use over there.
Hi. My first post in this very interesting (indeed) forum is a request. I was born and raised a JW (and wrote the goodbye letter to the elders some 4-5 years ago), but I live in Scandinavia. That means I'm not at all familiar with all the English/US terminology and abbreviations that you use over there. So, is there a faq or something somewhere in this forum? I tried to search for topics regarding this issue, but the abbrev. and expressions are used so often in posts and topics all over :-) Here are some of the expressions that I've come over so far: DA, DF, CO, Aux. pioneer, dub, GB, PM, MS, FS, JC. And I'm sure the list goes on and on. Some of the expressions I understand the meaning of by reading the context, but some of them I'm still not sure of. And I'm sure that I'm not the only one to be puzzled. Even though it has only past a few years since I left the JW, I've forgot (suppressed?) a lot of the expressions I used everyday without a blink. When I come over them now, maybe when fizzing over a WT or Awake that my parents have sent us, I often say to myself: "Did I really use to say that?" :-) kifoy