or '40s music..
I wonder how they looked upon 40s music in the 40s. 50s music in the 50s. 60s music in the 60s. Is Beatles ok now? I bet it was not ok back then...
Maybe Iron Maiden will be perfectly ok in 30 years or so?
let me start = "kiss" stood for knights in satans service, "ac/dc" was anti-christ devils children.
"hotel california" was demonic who knew!
"yummy yummy yummy i've got love in my tummy.
or '40s music..
I wonder how they looked upon 40s music in the 40s. 50s music in the 50s. 60s music in the 60s. Is Beatles ok now? I bet it was not ok back then...
Maybe Iron Maiden will be perfectly ok in 30 years or so?
let me start = "kiss" stood for knights in satans service, "ac/dc" was anti-christ devils children.
"hotel california" was demonic who knew!
"yummy yummy yummy i've got love in my tummy.
Not to mention Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven"!
And all sort of rap music. In the 90s, there was a WT study article about music one should not listen to. Heavy and death metal where mentioned, of course. Along with rap music.
I remember an elderly brother in his 60s gave the comment about rap music, and pronounced "rap" as if it was a Norwegian word. And in Norwegian "rap" means "burp".
LOL. We teens who knew how to pronounce "rap" (the music) giggled as quiet as we could.
I don't think I tossed anything of mine. I don't think any other youth in my cong. did either. I do remember one brother saying "so, maybe I shouldn't listen to Iron Maiden anymore..."
the generation seeing the sign .
' previously, this journal has explained that in the first century, "this generation" mentioned at matthew 24:34 meant "the contemporaneous generation of unbelieving jews.
not the whole magazine, but this is the new light article.. .
In other words the Society is saying that Jesus was referring to the entire Christian church as the "generation" that would not pass away.
When I was growing up and had my weekly bible study with my mom, I learned that "this generation" had two fulfilments. That when Jesus was talking to his apostles about them being the part of "this generation that would not pass away until all these things occur", he referred to the time passing until the destruction of Jerusalem in the year 70 AD.
I also learned that this prophesy had a second fulfilment (they always have, haven't they?). And this second fulfilment started in 1914 and ending with the big A.
In paragraph 10, it's being referred to "the contemporaneous generation of unbelieving Jews" vs. "the modern-day fulfillment".
And paragraph 15 has this footnote:
The time period during which "this generation" lives seems to correspond to the period covered by the first vision in the book of Revelation. (Rev. 1:10-3:22) This feature of the Lord's day extends from 1914 until the last of the faithful anointed ones dies and is resurrected.—See Revelation—Its Grand Climax At Hand! page 24, paragraph 4.
So they are still talking about "this generation" passing from 1914, but it's crazy enough as it is
the last 3 circuit assemblys that i attended the following was announced - " a snake has been sighted in the gardens around our assembley hall.
please keep your children out of the garden areas".
the first time this was announced there were a few gasps from concerned parents.
I'll bet a million bucks that next assembly there will be a snake in the garden.
Now, that would have been a really lame lie here in Norway, where we don't have snakes (well, we may have two species, one poisonous, but not dangerous at all).
But the "we're short of money to cover the expenses" message, we got every time also here. I always thought it was because they made this announcement on the first or second day, and many of the brothers and sisters always waited until the last day to put something on the box. I know we, when I was a kid, always put money in the box the last day (and would have done so even without the cry from the platform).
things that go on in a kingdom hall rarely make sense..many have security systems..most anybody can get into one,by punching in 1914 or any other wbt$ prediction date..lol!
!..................kingdom halls have bathrooms,but no bathroom breaks during a 2hr wbt$ infomercial...................and....kingdom hall`s filled with professional window washers,don`t have any window`s!!..lol!
!.................are kingdom hall`s designed to drive jehovah`s witness`s crazy?
Many have security systems..Most anybody can get into one,by punching in 1914 or any other WBT$
That used to be the combination to enter my old hall! Haha!
Ridiculous now that you made me think about it
just curious.
open mind.
No, I did not irritate me. It just made sense. As my mother used to answer when we met someone at the door claming JW to be "an American religion" in a sarkastic way:
"Yes, it's history started out in America, but that was a good choice by God. Think about it: It has always been freedom of religion in USA. That way the JW org could keep on the good work even if other counries were at war and experienced other troubles. What if Russel had lived in Germany?..."
Or something like that...
hello folks.
interesting move from the org regarding the january offer of the keep on the watch brochure being cancelled.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/11/147814/1.ashx.
((if its true that is)).
AlphaOmega uploaded a PDF of the brochure here: http://www.gigasize.com/get.php?d=2yt0mcx11jf
i often wonder about the unwritten rule in kingdom halls that a witness should be in dress clothes and brothers cannot have beards (the beard rule i think is pretty much us-only though).
sure, they won't stop you from coming to a meeting in your work clothes and they might even treat you fine.
but, if you want to go anywhere in the congregation (i.e.
Have you ever noticed that the pics in the magazines seem to never show a woman wearing pants (and especially never wearing jeans) You will see women working in gardens, cleaning houses, etc but wearing a dress..
Yes, only "worldly" women wear jeans...
Happend to glance trough an Awake that we got from my parents, and here's actually a family where the woman and doughter wear pants! (September Awake 2007, page 23-25, at least in this Norwegian edition.) It's an article from Finland about berry picking. If the girls had wore dresses in these pictures, I know many, at least in the public, would feel it was really stupid.
But it's not something you see very often
ok its time to recount all your favorite crazy jw urban legends, ill start i remember this one was told to me after i had left the org, there was a newly married couple, they were good little dubs, evil mother in law lived with them, she did not want to convert or study, well time went on they had a baby, and mother in law was into some spiritual stuff, unknown to jw mommy and daddy.
anyway jw mommy wakes up one night to find little baby dub sitting inside the fish tank with most of the water taken out and there was some kind of evil spirit present, mommy dub yells out jemimas name and breaks free with baby dub.
evil mother in law is asked to leave their happy home.
Another urban legend that's been told in the congregations:
The witnesses never proclaimed that Armageddon would come in 1975...
WAC's link says it all. There is an error in this riddle, because the riddle is a little bit different, and should go like this:
Do you see it now?