Hi coffee!
Take a look at my topic The emoticon guide for the non-IE user
And especially the update post: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/24/146155/2800476/post.ashx#2800476
Posts by kifoy
A silly smiley question
by coffee_black ina lot of posters use smileys other than the standard fare... kinda fun.... i haven't figured out how to use upgraded smileys without an advetisement for the smileys appearing at the bottom of the post... .
can anyone tell me how to do that?.
coffee .
Regarding "The End Is So Close" Thread
by senora ini just had another take on that thread, so i decided to start a new one.. i've been going to the meetings off and on lately, so for the ones of you who haven't been in a while, you would not believe how much the the borg is constantly repeating that phrase over and over again.
its like they are trying to spook everyone out.
so everyone is constantly saying that phrase over and over, and i mean everyone.
I just felt like quoting the Watchtower, August 15 1968, p 500:
35 One thing is absolutely certain, Bible chronology reinforced with fulfilled Bible prophecy shows that six thousand years of man’s existence will soon be up, yes, within this generation! (Matt. 24:34) This is, therefore, no time to be indifferent and complacent. This is not the time to be toying with the words of Jesus that “concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.” (Matt. 24:36) To the contrary, it is a time when one should be keenly aware that the end of this system of things is rapidly coming to its violent end. Make no mistake, it is sufficient that the Father himself knows both the “day and hour”!
(My emphasis) I say no more...
The (missing) brackets in the NWT
by kifoy init was a great day, that convention day they announced that the new world translation now was to be released in the norwegian language.
first the greek scriptures in 1991, and in 1996 the whole bible.
finally we too were able to read the best translation ever made!
Can you check Mathew 23:5 on your 2007 CD as well?
"Kaikki tekonsa he tekevät ihmisten katseltaviksi, sillä he leventävät [raamatunlauseita sisältävät] kotelot, joita
he käyttävät suojelusesineinä, ja suurentavat vaatteittensa reunukset."Thank you, Markku.
Interesting. So they keep the "harmless" brackets, but lose the more controversial ones?
Mathew 23:5 is the only verse with brackets that I've been able to find in my NWT so far. If you find another, please let me know -
The (missing) brackets in the NWT
by kifoy init was a great day, that convention day they announced that the new world translation now was to be released in the norwegian language.
first the greek scriptures in 1991, and in 1996 the whole bible.
finally we too were able to read the best translation ever made!
Here is Finnish contribution for John 7:46:
1975 printed version: Virkailijat vastasivat: ”Koskaan ei kukaan [toinen] ihminen ole puhunut sillä tavoin.”
2007 CD: Virkailijat vastasivat: ”Koskaan ei kukaan toinen ihminen ole puhunut sillä tavoin.”
MarkkuKiitos Markku
That's interesting. So the first edition kept the brackets. And it may not have been a direct translation from English either?
But in the newest edition, the brackets are removed. Can you check Mathew 23:5 on your 2007 CD as well?
So, somewhere in between, someone decided that the brackets were not important to keep? -
Forced Seating
by Tired of the Hypocrisy inanyone else have to deal with being herded to the front of the hall before a meeting?.
i recall one cong in particular...west sacramento was notorious for this crap.
i was a large individual and today i am even larger....lol 6'2" and around 250 lbs back then.
wha happened?
I do remember a talk from the CO about sitting in the same seat at every meeting. For the next few weeks we had musical chairs until people tried of it and sat where they wantedI remember our CO (in the 90s?) had the same talk at our place
As an example he told the story of one cong. where everyone always were seated in the same place. One day they decided to change this, and chose a different place to sit. When the Watchtower study conductor got on stage, he had difficulties finding the brothers because they were not sitting where they always had. What a drama!
So, where you sit during the meeting is so important that the COs are having dedicated talks about it?
I think our cong. moved around a bit the following weeks, but then went back to "normal" again. -
The (missing) brackets in the NWT
by kifoy init was a great day, that convention day they announced that the new world translation now was to be released in the norwegian language.
first the greek scriptures in 1991, and in 1996 the whole bible.
finally we too were able to read the best translation ever made!
Jeremiah 29:10 says the following in my Norwegian NWT:
10 For dette er hva Jehova har sagt: ’I samsvar med fulbyrdelsen av sytti år i Babylon skal jeg vende min oppmerksomhet mot dere, og jeg vil stadfeste overfor dere mitt gode ord ved å føre dere tilbake til dette sted.’
"I Babylon" means "in Babylon", or "at Babylon". The same as the Croatian translation.
The (missing) brackets in the NWT
by kifoy init was a great day, that convention day they announced that the new world translation now was to be released in the norwegian language.
first the greek scriptures in 1991, and in 1996 the whole bible.
finally we too were able to read the best translation ever made!
For example, Mathew 23:5:
Wow! A miracle just happened! I found brackets in my Norwegian NWT!
"[scripture-containing] cases" is translated into "[skriftsteds]kapslene"
But it's interesting to notice that this bracket does not change the meaning of the verse, and there's no doctrine to question here... -
How long have humans been on earth?
by loosie inwhat is the general theory of how long homosapiens have existed on earth?.
is it 6000 years?
50,000 years or something else?.
Atlas of the Human Journey:
http://www3.nationalgeographic.com/genographic/atlas.html -
The (missing) brackets in the NWT
by kifoy init was a great day, that convention day they announced that the new world translation now was to be released in the norwegian language.
first the greek scriptures in 1991, and in 1996 the whole bible.
finally we too were able to read the best translation ever made!
On top of that the addition of bracketed "[(an)other]"s where the idea is implied(hence where other Bibles may use it without brackets/italics) serves as a justification for its addition in more controversial places, e.g. Colossians 1:15ff.Never forget that the NWT is not primarily meant to be "simply read" as any other Bible but to serve as a material store for self-referential argument. From this perspective it makes a lot of sense.
Yes, in the Colossians the same has happened to the brackets in the Norwegian translation. I have got the Kingdom Interlinear here, and it is really easy to see that the word "another" gives a different meaning to this verses.
Of course this use of brackets is bound to be inconsistent. If everyEnglish/Norwegian word that has no formal equivalent in either Hebrew or Greek had to be marked out this way, several brackets would be needed in every sentence.
However it's quite interesting to see that such markers have indeed been lost in the process of translation from English to other languages...
Yes, of course. That's translation and languages in a nutshell. But a conscientious translator would not use words that changed the meaning of the text, would he?
And that's also why it is even more difficult to understand how they could see it as a smart move to use English as the "basic" language for other translations, and "unctitically" also translate the bracketed words (I don't even know if they checked other manuscript in the process...) -
The (missing) brackets in the NWT
by kifoy init was a great day, that convention day they announced that the new world translation now was to be released in the norwegian language.
first the greek scriptures in 1991, and in 1996 the whole bible.
finally we too were able to read the best translation ever made!
What exactly does the "another" add? Doesn't it mean almost the same thing? Never has a man spoken like this -- of course any other man would be "another man" from Jesus. The difference is one of emphasis that seems to, at least, rule out one implication about Jesus himself: If no man has ever spoken like this, maybe Jesus isn't a man. Not that this is necessarily an implication in the Greek text itself (I'm not sure if it is), but it could read that way in English. So adding "another" doesn't change anything referentially, but it might preclude a reading that could be suggestive of Christ's deity.
Yes, the Norwegian text with and without the word "annet" (another), brings up exactly the same issue. The Norwegian text without the word "annet", does not have to mean that Jesus was not a man, but it can be understood that way. So in order to keep the "complete sense" of the original texts, they put in [another], so it will not be misunderstood...
So the witnesses have got a pre-interpreted Bible, if it is possible to say it that way.
Well, I guess they're used to it.