I remember the big announcement in the 90s (I think). When it was announced that we would no longer sell the literature, but offer it for free and ask for donations.
Back then it was also announced a week beforehand that there would be a BIG announcement the next Sunday...
Anyway. The PO in my cong. knew. (I don't remember if the other elders knew). He would not tell anyone, but put on this smart grin on his face when we asked him about it.
A young man (I don't think he was baptized at the time) asked him if the announcement might be that the JW was not the truth after all?
The PO did not smile to that one
Later I've been thinking of how right he was
Posts by kifoy
BIG WORLDWIDE ANNOUNCEMENT!! (echo echo echo!!!!!)
by LovesDubs inisnt that what they always say????
isnt that the hype they are giving this meeting change crap sunday too??
and they say its soooo big that every congregation around the world will hear it simultaneously!!!!
V, Let me introduce myself.
by Lex Talionis ini have skills that could assist you in your work.
if you are interested in a "foreign correspondent" please pm me.
( i am on a mac therefore cannot send you a pm)
( I am on a MAC therefore cannot send you a PM)
You can PM (and edit posts) if you use Firefox on your Mac.
Edit: Welcome -
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 4-13-08 WT Study (Imitate)
by blondie injesus said to imitate him not god.
in the us the only increase comes from immigrants.. q (6) what can we do if we cannot move to where the need for kingdom proclaimers is greater?
imitate jesus' attitude toward people.
Thank you, Blondie. I look forward to this every week
I have one comment to paragraph 14:He was relieved to find that a document that was invaluable to him was there. The sister told him, "It was only proper that I return the property, especially as I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses."
This is really annoying. Are all the other honest people in the world (they do exist, you know...) obliged to tell "you see I'm catholic" or "I'm a stamp collector, so it was only proper that I return your property"?
Now, do they? No, they don't.
But if you're a witness, you always learn that it is because you're a witness that you do the good stuff. But it really isn't. It is because you, in yourself, is a good person that you do the good stuff.
But your personality is dumbed down, and all the good things you do is "because you're a JW".
That's annoying. -
did taze plan for a massive religion that appeals to only the downtrodden?
by Lotus65 indid taze when originally created this religion did he plan for the massive cult organization that it has become or was it mere chance and did he plan to prey on the weak and downtrodden people in society or was this originally supposed to encompass all people into "life saving" religion
Thank you, Forscher.
I had some sort of idea that Rutherford was a bad apple in contrast to Russell, but I was not familiar with all the details.
So I guess my quote fits more to the org. formed by Rutherford, than the one formed by Russell. -
did taze plan for a massive religion that appeals to only the downtrodden?
by Lotus65 indid taze when originally created this religion did he plan for the massive cult organization that it has become or was it mere chance and did he plan to prey on the weak and downtrodden people in society or was this originally supposed to encompass all people into "life saving" religion
I'm reading Steven Hassan's "Releasing the Bonds", and on page 96 i read the following:
In any case, when a leader with a questionable background organizes a group so that power is totally centralized, you can assume a destructive cult is being formed. World-renowned Christian apologist Norman Geisler puts it this way:"Whenever you have an individual who claims a direct pipeline with God and has no accountability, if you don't have a cult today, you will have one tomorrow."
So whatever may have been started out of good intentions, when there's only one channel...
JWs and starting a family....
by lavendar indoes the wts still discourage their members from starting a family.....like they did back in the 1970's?
our jw loved ones have no children yet, and was wondering if this could be why.. .
lavendar .
Does the WTS still discourage their members from starting a family...
I would say yes and no. It's not discouraged with the same big words as before, but those who choose to stay unmarried or childless, are often mentioned in a really positive manner. The Watchtower April 15th (Scan provided by fokyc here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/sv65vi) has an article about "Marriage an Parenthood in This Time of the End". Here's a subtitle that says "Single or Childless for a Noble Purpose".
Paragraph 13:In some parts of the world, yet another change in family life has occurred - numerous couples have decided to remain childless. Some do so for economic reasons; others do it because they want to be free to pursue a lucrative career. Among Christians, there are also couples who refrain from having children. However, they often do so to be freer to serve Jehovah. This does not mean that such couples do not enjoy a normal married life. They do. Still, they are willing to place Kingdom interests above some of the privileges that go with marriage. (1 Cor. 7:3-5) Some of those couples serve Jehovah and their brother sin the circuit and district work or at Bethel. Others serve as pioneers or as missionaries. Jehovah will not forget their work and the love they show for his name. - Heb . 6:10.
Now, really...
In the same article I especially found this paragraph (9) amusing:Raising a child involves years of selfsacrifice. It is a big investment in time and energy. A Christian husband needs to understand that for several years after a baby is born, his wife is likely to be distracted during meetings and she may have fewer opportunities for personal Bible study and meditation. This could have a debilitating effect on her spiritual health. Responsible parenthood requires that the husband does all he reasonably can to help to look after the child. He could try to compensate for what his wife may miss at the meetings by later discussing some of the program points with her at home. He may also share in caring for the baby to give his wife an opportunity to have a meaningful share in Kingdom preaching.
- Read Philippians 2:3, 4.I don't know about you, but until I read this, I had higher thoughts of the "brothers"...
"He may also share in caring for the baby..."???
On the same page there's a picture of a family father who holds his little daughter so that mom can comment at the meating. With the text: "A husband can do much to help his wife to have a meaningful share in spiritual activities." -
Why can't US witnesses wish "good luck"?
by kifoy ini've often read here on jwd that a jw can't wish someone "good luck".
i've searched this forum and i've searched the wt library, but i have not been able to find anything.
can someone please explain why?
Thanks Blondie. Paragraph 15 in that book says:
Today true Christians heed the warning found at Isaiah 65:11, 12. They do not believe in “Good Luck,” as if it were some kind of supernatural force able to bestow favors. Refusing to squander their material possessions in trying to appease “the god of Good Luck,” they avoid all forms of gambling. They are convinced that those devoting themselves to this god will eventually lose everything, for to such ones Jehovah says: “I will destine you men to the sword.”
(my emphasis)
The interesting thing is that the Norwegian translation of this book does not say "they do not believe in "good luck", as if...", but says "they do not believe in any "god of luck", as if..." ("lykkeguden"–"god of luck"–is written with small letters). And I never heard anyone say that this means that we cannot say "good luck". -
Why can't US witnesses wish "good luck"?
by kifoy ini've often read here on jwd that a jw can't wish someone "good luck".
i've searched this forum and i've searched the wt library, but i have not been able to find anything.
can someone please explain why?
shopaholic: Hm... So someone, somewhere (US or UK), got the idea that "good luck" was the same as place the confidence in the God of Luck. But this has not been an official teaching, has it? Can find anything. Not as official and directly as the "bless you" when someone sneezes. Here in Norway JWs are allowed to say "good luck". But our "prosit" (What we say in Norway when someone sneezes) does not even mean the same as "bless you" (but more "may it benefit you" or "may it be good for you"), so why is that banned here?
Amber: Good point, but it doesn't help much, does it?
JH: It wouldn't surprise me if you or someone else already did...
oompa: Well, by saying that you're implying that whether Jehovah will help you or not, is based on pure luck...
WTWizard: You're kidding!?! Really? Now, that's just silly. I guess "Lucky Charms" was Satan's idea?
Thank you all, for your answers -
Why can't US witnesses wish "good luck"?
by kifoy ini've often read here on jwd that a jw can't wish someone "good luck".
i've searched this forum and i've searched the wt library, but i have not been able to find anything.
can someone please explain why?
You're right, Steve
It makes no sense. And so much for unity... -
Why can't US witnesses wish "good luck"?
by kifoy ini've often read here on jwd that a jw can't wish someone "good luck".
i've searched this forum and i've searched the wt library, but i have not been able to find anything.
can someone please explain why?
So I guess if you say "good luck"...you are promoting the superstitious belief that you want someone to have some....how horrible...we would hope someone would have good things instead of bad happen upon them.................oompa
Thanks oompa.
This was one of the articles I found, but I was not able to stretch it so far as to ban the words "good luck", but then again, I'm no witness anymore.oompa quoting W74: If one wants to see persons keep themselves warm, then it will take a little work on the part of the Christian to see to it that the persons are kept warm by giving them something, not just saying, "Good luck to you," and doing nothing to supply the bodily needs. In like manner, faith must be accompanied by works. Faith must be backed up with action.
So if you wish someone good luck, you also need to help them so that they really are "fortunate"...?NewYork44M: The god of luck is a first cousin to satan the devil.
Luck encourages laziness.If you say so... I'm really lucky today, then
When I (and I now do) wish someone "good luck", all I am doing is saying that I will be thinking about them and their pursuits, and I hope things work out well for them. I realize that me wishing them well has very little actual power (besides a small amount of a psychological boost from knowing that someone believes in you.) Still, when I am about to face a challenge and someone (even a total stranger) wishes me good luck, it makes me feel good. br>
Irrational warmth or not, I think it is worth something.Yes, I totally agree.
A lot of things we say or do today, may have a "pagan" origin, but we first of all don't think about them that way, or they have a different meaning today.
Why is it not allowed to say "good luck" or "bless you", but using a wedding ring or a heart necklace is ok?
Can a JW say "may Jehovah bless you" or "may Jehovah take care of you" instead of "good luck"?
What if our friend is killed on their way to field service?Gopher:
The JW's frown on saying "bless you" here in the USA too. It may be because of the supposed origin of the term 'bless you'. I heard that people say 'bless you' out of an old superstition, that when you opened your mouth during a sneeze supposedly demons could get in. So saying 'bless you' was a way of counteracting the force of demons.
So with that background (whether or not it is true), the JW's would think it superstitious to say 'bless you'. And the JW's claim not to be superstitious. (That's another thread.)The Awake says (99 10/22) says: “It comes from the idea that you are sneezing out your soul.” To say “God bless” is, in effect, asking God to restore it. But yes, that's another thread
Sirona: I'm in UK and we were not allowed to say "good luck" or Bless you
Ok. I didn't know that. So at least in the English speaking part of the world, saying "good luck" is not ok?
Bonnie_Clyde: Interesting - it's not OK to say "good fortune" but the word "fortunate" is fine.
Hm... How fortunate...