Never "celebrated", but often gathered some friends from the cong. for dinner and good food, watching a TV show and going outside to watch when the midnight approached. We would "ohh and ahh" to all the spectacular fireworks, and even talk to the neighbours. But never wishing anyone a happy new year.
When I was a little child (5-6 years old, maybe?), I remember that my best friend and I got a sparkler each from her mother (also a JW). That was sooo exiting. That happened once, and I still am a little puzzled and shocked that we got to stand outside with a sparkler (what would the neighbours think?)
Now I'm hoping for nice weather so I can, for the first time in my life, fire up some fireworks.
The rumours has it that private fireworks will be forbidden here in Norway from next year, so I'd better hurry
Posts by kifoy
Do j.w.'s celebrate New Years?
by hubert inalthough it may have been, i have never seen this question here.. i've never heard anything about celebrating new years from any of them, but i'm curious if they do or not, and if they send new years cards too?.
if they don't celebrate it, what scriptures would they use to support this?.
A Holiday Gift to JWD, from Scully & Friends
by Scully ini have been working on this little project for quite some time, and it's finally ready to share with all of you... just in time for the holidays!.
this project entailed converting scans of hard copies of public talk outlines into pdf format and then compiling all of them into zip folders.
there are over 150 documents in total, complete with update notices from brooklyn.
Thank you, Scully and friends!
I've had a glimpse of some of these before, when my father was preparing his public talks, but never got any closer look at all of them.
And I've never seen the funeral, wedding and memorial outlines.
I of course needed to take a look at the wedding outline. OMG. I'm so happy I did not marry in a KH! For example:
A HUSBAND WHO GAINS DEEP RESPECT (fZ pp. 40-53) (17 min)
A WIFE WHO IS DEARLY LOVED (fZ pp. 54-69) (6 min.)
Yes, that would put the priorities where they should be
Again, thank you.
kifoy -
Baptismal vows in Norwegian?
by kifoy indoes anyone know how the baptismal vows are worded in norwegian?
i think they can be found in wt june 1, 1985. but i don't have wts that old.
i also need the page number in the norwegian edition of the 1985 wt.
Thank you, Ann.
I didn't know this.
Does anyone have in printing the "new light" being explained, that other church baptism no longer was "valid"?
kifoy -
Baptismal vows in Norwegian?
by kifoy indoes anyone know how the baptismal vows are worded in norwegian?
i think they can be found in wt june 1, 1985. but i don't have wts that old.
i also need the page number in the norwegian edition of the 1985 wt.
So before 1942 (or something) there's no record of baptismal vows? But they got baptised, right?
I remember being told that in the 70's (and/or before) you did not even need the elders approval, or meeting with the elders before baptism.
That you simply turned up in front, answered the two questions, and got baptised. This meant that many got baptised without really knowing what they did.
But then again, even if I met with the elders, I can't say I really knew what i got myself in to by being baptised...
Can we say that the level of mind control in the WTS has increased over the years?
just about to finish the book "Combatting Cult Mind Control" -
Baptismal vows in Norwegian?
by kifoy indoes anyone know how the baptismal vows are worded in norwegian?
i think they can be found in wt june 1, 1985. but i don't have wts that old.
i also need the page number in the norwegian edition of the 1985 wt.
*** w87 4/15 p. 12 Gaining Peace With God Through Dedication and Baptism ***
Recently the two questions addressed to baptismal candidates were simplified so that candidates could answer with full comprehension of what is involved in coming into intimate relationship with God and his earthly organization.
Ahh... I see. Thank you ona.
Although I can't see how the new "simplifications" made me even close to "answer with full comprehension".
kifoy -
Baptismal vows in Norwegian?
by kifoy indoes anyone know how the baptismal vows are worded in norwegian?
i think they can be found in wt june 1, 1985. but i don't have wts that old.
i also need the page number in the norwegian edition of the 1985 wt.
I'm reviving this topic to bring the answer to my question, in case someone else is searching for it in the future.
My husband contacted the National Library and dug up the 1985 WT.
(Edit: for the record, and if others want to search for it, the article was found in Vakttårnet 1. juni s. 29-31)
The vows in Norwegian are:
1. Har du på grunnlag av Jesu Kristi offer angret dine synder og innviet deg til Jehova for å gjøre hans vilje?
2. Forstår du at din innvielse og dåp gjør det klart at du er et av Jehovas vitner, som er tilsluttet Guds organisasjon som ledes av hans ånd?
This article is really weird. It only quotes the two questions, without even a comment on the fact that something has changed in the wording, and why.
How typical. It's more important to point out that your swimming suit should be appropriate (even when wet, because though it might look fine now, it can be far from decent when wet!)
kifoy -
Respecting Opinions (Remember English is a second Language)
by cluless iniam insenced?.
i have followed debates on this site.
and i have concluded that the power of the written word is argumentative.
This site is to big or my topics and posting SUCK!!!
Nah. If you check my topic history, you'll se that only one of my topics reached to page two. And I'm sure this happens to everyone, more or less. And yes the topics do tend to disappear in all the other (partly fluffy) posts.
Sometimes I post a "bttt" (back to the top) to bring my topic back in focus, and that might help a little.
Even if the topic is really interesting, I don't always post a comment. It depends on how my English brain is feeling today, and if I really have something useful to say.
Just keep posting. In the top of this particular topic, you can se that it has already been viewed about 180 times. So people read, but not all choose to comment.
I don't know why it is that some newcomers grow in to "star posters" in no time, while others dwell in the shadows like us. We just need to be patient and keep posting and give useful, helpful, funny and interesting comments, and in time things might change.
kifoy -
Respecting Opinions (Remember English is a second Language)
by cluless iniam insenced?.
i have followed debates on this site.
and i have concluded that the power of the written word is argumentative.
HOW YOU FIND IT ?Click your name up to the left where it says "Welcome Clueless". Here's your profile, and here you can find all your previous posts. If you click "Topic History" you'll find the topic you started with your biography.
You can for example find my previous posts by holding your mouse over my name to the left of this post, and click "Post history" in the menu that appears.
I think you should not at all be ashamed of your biography post! Feel absolutely free to say anything here, as this also is a perfect place for venting (express things that's on your mind and that you really need to get out).
Looking forward to see more of your posts
kifoy -
Respecting Opinions (Remember English is a second Language)
by cluless iniam insenced?.
i have followed debates on this site.
and i have concluded that the power of the written word is argumentative.
Hei Clueless!
God jul!
Welcome to JWD! I'm a Scandinavian too (Norge), and I can relate to your "problem". Communicating in a language that's not your own can be demanding. I use my dictionary a lot, and I'm sure that it takes me more that twice the time to write a post than the average English speaking poster. But being on this forum have really improved my English the last year. And I don't feel bad about wrong spelling, not as long as there also are many errors among the native speakers
One thing that might be more difficult is the difference in culture. And as this is a written forum, spotting irony and humour (that's obvious for some members) is very difficult for others, unless the poster adds a smiley or something
I also learned that people are different and that while some tolerate almost anything, others feel deeply hurt by the smallest thoughtless comment. We also should keep in mind what many of us has gone through, and not jump to conclusions, and to give people the benefit of the doubt. JWD should not be a bad experience!
It really would be nice to have a forum for all us non-English speaking (e.g. Scandinavian), but I have not found a forum as active, supporting and informative as this one. Yes, people say and do stupid things, but we are just people.
Clueless, feel free to PM me at any time, and you're of course welcome to write in Swedish if you like
kifoy -
So who went out in field service on Christmas?
by mavie inmy congregation would have a special service day on all holidays, including christmas.
in order to avoid knocking to early on homeowners doors we would meet at 10am instead of 9:30am.
we would always have the hardcore group ready ard raring to go on dec 25th.
We would always avoid the Christmas days. And also other times that would be regarded as really disrespectful to knock on doors, such as during the evening news (when I was a child we only had one TV channel), and during the biggest sports events.
I was knocking on doors during the football cup final (soccer) one year. And we only met people who were really grumpy because we disturbed them during the final.
So we never did that again.