Since I was still in the complying mode in my early 20's, I went to my meeting. There were actually 2 of them, each 3 long hours. I was asked very personal questions. In the end, they said that they felt that I was sorry, but that I didn't feel sorry towards Jehovah and they felt that DFing me for 6 months would remedy that. They were very clear that they hoped I would want to meet with them after 6 months to discuss my reinstatement.
During that time I switched cong since i had moved about 15 miles away. 6 months came and I wrote a letter to the elders in my new cong. Note that I was going to every meeting, etc. during the 6 months. The new elders said they never reinstate someone after 6 months in their cong and that they never would have DFed someone for just a 6 month period they would have only reproved them. Well there I was stuck and really upset.
There's more to that story, but this part concerns this thread.