Reading Crisis of Conscience, the part of the inquisition of the chairmans committee is very disturbing to me. Has anyone here been before the JC and treated in such a secretive and destructive manner? With my temperment I would probably tell them go to hell and walk out.
The Inquisition. Have you been a victim?
by hambeak 22 Replies latest jw experiences
I was treated that way by two Investigative Committees, various groups of elders, and a Circuit Overseer who came to counsel me over the course of a year, prior to my DA letter. When they informed me they were convening a Judicial Committee I decided I was unwilling to endure their brand of love (Love™, Society™ Approved) any longer.
I asked whether I could record the proceedings as a record of what transpired. I was told, "No."
I asked for Scriptures showing by what authority a secret judicial body was being convened, the particulars of which could not be made public. I was told, "You know what the authority is."
I advised that I knew of no Scriptural authority for doing so, and asked whether the ones convening it knew of Scriptural authority for conducting secret trials regarding fellow Christians. I was told, "It seems to me like you are just trying to find an excuse to avoid this meeting."
Not one second of thought to whether the meeting had any basis in Scripture to begin with. No concern over the matter, at all. I advised the lovable older man (literally), whom I've known my whole life, that he'd have my answer the following Sunday.
The rest is historia, as they say. I didn't crack the spine of Crisis of Conscience until several weeks (months?) after I DA'd.
Good for you AS, I am just amazed at how secretive this org is and you did the right thing. My hat off to you bud.
AK - Jeff
I was invited to my personal 'Inquistion' a few weeks backs - following a few months of efforts to contact me failed. I got a cold informal letter accusing me of apostasy - no argument here, from the WT perspective I clearly was apostate . I clearly considered them of no authority in my life - so I sent them a letter of Disassociation.
There is no indication in scripture of elders meeting in a clandestine judicial council. The Jewish historical parallel that they portend to use as support is, to anyone who would bother to read the Hebrew Bible, clearly a completely different animal than what these pseudo-Christians convene.
I always hated this approach to 'judicial' action. Most of the time the verdict proceeds the trial anyway.
AK - Jeff: What are the differences?
I was offerred the "opportunity" to meet with 3 brothers at the kingdom hall to discuss my concerns when I expressed doubts, but declined their offer and wrote a da letter instead.
Auld Soul wrote
Not one second of thought to whether the meeting had any basis in Scripture to begin with
They didn't offer me a scriptural reason as to why they wanted to meet with me either. Not surprising of course, since there isn't one.
It never ceases to amaze me how these fellows think they can do this and cause so much hurt and harm. I think at one time maybe the org had some truths and now they have deviated from truth and are losing the rank and file and would like us to shut up. Truth is a constant and never changes. at least that is my opinion
I would never attend one of their inquisitions. They could have one without me, thank you.
There is no scriptural reason for their secret proceedings. I believe the reason they do this in secret is because they do not want the congregation or anybody else to know that somebody has a problem with the religion.
AK - Jeff
AK - Jeff: What are the differences?
What? Between Da'ing and Df'd at their hand? Is that the question? Well - I had determined a long time back, that should I get cornered, I would take the matter to it's conclusion in this way. The result - within the organization - is precisely the same. The advantage - since they were to expell me one way or the other - to Da'ing was that it gave me an opportunity to contact a few of my associates of 40 years with a letter explaining with my words and thinking the reason I left, rather than to leave it to gossip and lies that had already slathered hatred and ignorance on my name. Wilst I live in no ignorant bubble of reality - I know they all view me as off my spiritual rocker for so doing - this method allowed me to at least have the last word in a no-win situation. Some call it submission to their rules - but is it? They will still do as they wish anyway - but at least I had a chance to 'plant a seed' with some. My opinion is that should they ever take the brain-destimulator off - they will have to wonder why someone who has claimed to turn to the same Saviour they claim - was ousted as evil. Jeff
Interesting post. But I was wondering what the differences were between a JC and what Jews did way back.